Eager to see if Mox Amber is worthwhile. Legendary tribal with Urza's Ruinous Blast could be cute. Goblin Chainwhirler looks strictly unplayable if dinos are still popular. Squee probably breaks something. Karn looks ok but boring - why does his -1 require the +1 to do anything at all? Teferi gives UW an advantage engine/win con that doesn't make me want to throw my laptop out the window.
Didn't even notice the hexproof from white/black on the knights on the first pass. Wonder if "hexproof from" is new territory WotC is exploring to tone down the feel-bads of full hexproof, or if its only here to satisfy the white/black opposition without dipping into the largely retired protection.
Curious that a boggles deck won the MTGO championship. For the winner it was his second championship title in MTGO so that is some achievement. In Magic Duels we never had lo cost Hexproof, I guess for the simple reason - load it with auras and ride it to the win. Anyone who has faced a Boros enchantment deck and does not draw his removal (
fatal push) will know that a Hexproof dude can be an issue without sacrifice or mass wipes. Magic Duels had it with
Padeem, Consul of Innovation and artifacts although he himself could not be protected.
That's not just a Duels thing, you have to go back to Journey into Nyx to find a creature under 4 CMC with static Hexproof. WotC's been careful with it for a while now. I guess you could count Jungleborn Pioneer from Rivals, but a 1/1 Hexproof on T3 is less than exciting.
Bad combo time!
Squee will go infinite with
Makeshift Munitions and
Paradox Engine if you have four mana worth of rocks and dorks. Lots of mana options:
Mox Amber (works nicely as your fourth rock, played immediately after Engine to go off immediately)
Naga Vitalist -
Oasis Ritualist (get to exert him each loop too!)
Pyramid of the Pantheon (operational battlestation mode)
Manalith -
Pillar of Origin -
Cultivator's Caravan -
Llanowar Elves (or the almost strictly worse Druid of the Cowl)
Rishkar, Peema Renegade -
Atzocan Seer -
Drover of the MightyNot much to look at, but maybe some combination of those wouldn't be completely horrific.