Deck pops off and one shots opp when TITI flips off Insult with a Tower in play and 3 energy. TITI attacks for 14 and Tower deals 6. That’s a common way to win, and is a blast. There are different ways to build this based on what you see more in your meta. Primary pieces are TITI, Telling Time (to find pieces), Tower, Trophy Mages to find Towrs, Insult // Injury, Spring // Mind, and Torrential Gearhulk. Could run Shocks over Fogs, or tweak numbers to bring in Commence the Festivities (which I ran in earlier builds), etc, but this version is where I’m at currently
No Red Allowed superfriends. Trades some of the removal red offers 4c ‘Walkers lists for more card draw and scrying with blue. This version deals with land pockets very well, and helps you get correct tools on time.
Big Lili is the one card I’m not sure about. Honestly might be better as 2nd Baral’s or 2nd Gideon’s Oath. Not much to reanimate (Wanderers come out as 2/2’s, creature Jace and creature Nissa have alternate versions that may be in play already, and Dawn gets all those already, with ability to recast Wanderers as 6/6’s), and self milling isn’t great when you’re dumping walkers in the yard. But sometimes 2/2 chump blockers are useful, and the ult is another sweeper for the deck, so I haven’t replaced yet. I wasn’t sure about Tezzeret in the beginning but he ults fast and the animated artifacts win a fair amount of games. Don’t crack maps unless you need the mana or revolt activation, as those and vehicles help his 2nd ability take things out.
Toolbox reanimator. Discard or self mill fatties and bring them back ahead of curve.
Toolbox fatties. Hastey Revenge to lili animate after board wipe. Those, Ulamog, and Crushers are your hard to touch fatties. Sire, Gearhulk, and Greenwarden are your utility fatties. Sire reanimated T5 on the play is brutal unless oops holding hard removal. Don’t use Greenwarden’s death trigger unless absolutely necessary - you’ll get more value reanimating him again. Omnath is your go wide direct damage dealer, but not the best reanimator target unless you’re holding land to drop right away.
You want to use Reunions to find land early. It’s high priority to get 5 lands in play on curve. 6 is as high as you need (Ever After or hard casting Sire/Gearhulk), and at that point you can start holding lands for Omnath or Reunions. Use Jace to recast your sweepers and reanimating spells. Remember that T3 Pieces will flip him if you cast first then loot.
Midrange zombies with token subtheme. Versatile build that can straight race, go stompy, go wide, or even win without ever attacking. Fun and flavorful.
Sanctuary's could be Evolving Wilds to make Fatal Pushes better, but I found hitting my double color requirements to be more important. Deck has endless fodder tokens and suicide attacking to turn on revolt is fine enough that I went with the better mana.
Don’t forget you can cycle Stir at instant speed or Generate a token with Cryptbreaker to tap a potential attacker with Binding Mummy. Adds extra versatility to the mummies.
Anointed Procession may be cute, but they let this deck do some impressive things. They give some awesome wins and make the deck a ton of fun. Deck generates so many token zombies that you just need to have Procession in. Feels so good when opp thinks they’re safe with a gummed up board and a reasonably heathy life total, and you Stir the Sands at 6 mana with Procession and some Wayward Servants in play and suddenly drain them out on ETB triggers.
Ledit Burn
Fun spells deck. Ran into a player running this archetype on the ladder two games in a row and thought it looked interesting. Built this afterwards to enjoy. Surely not identical (I'm running Embermaw when I doubt the other person did, because I like what Jaya does for red damage spells in War of the Spark limited).
Maps turn on Disintegration damage, revolt for Pushes, extra 1 mana spells to surge Falls, and let me run fewer lands. Not really taking up spell slots due to lowered land count. Also nice to fetch a land to hand for Reunions after mana is fixed.
Abbots in for card draw, and buff attack off the spell theme. Could see trading them for Walking Ballistas for ping damage and turning on Disintegrations, but feeling the card draw more.
Chandra Flamecaller might be too excessive in mana cost, and could see this traded out for another Cut // Ribbons, but I have her in for utility in sweeper effect, looting (turning on madness spells, cycling excess lands), and elemental attackers.
Embermaw Hellions are great here. Making Shocks lightening bolts is good. Doubling damage output on Alchemists is amazing. Maybe it wants to be Bedlam Revelers instead, but I've been happy with Embermaws and their 4/5 bodies plus extra lethality on Alchemists and burn spells so far.
Not sure if the quantity breakdowns on spells is exactly right, but feels like spell inclusions are pretty close to right. Might be doing some fine tuning as I get more games in with it, but it's a blast to play.
Cascading Bond
Midrange. Value and card advantage like a boss. When the engine gets rolling is very hard to stop the momentum.
I threw together an elemental bond deck trying to get stupid with Cascade effects, and it ended up being surprisingly solid. It's a total blast to play. One problem 3 power Bond decks tend to have is being able to punch through for the win if opponent is wide, but Decimator solves that here. Deckbuilder trying to say synergy is around 2 stars, but in reality it's over 9000
It's not bad at all as a 4c deck. Hubs suffice for requirements, Refiners and Rampagers refill the energy they consumed on cast. Only 4 spells need and 2 needing
Control, mill, burn: the outcome is inevitable.
I was a big fan of Wintervoid's Inevitability in its season, but hadn't played it since Kalidesh released. Have recently been revisiting old decks, and I decided to try my hand at updating it with final card pool. While this deck wasn't my original idea, I'm including it in my desk lists because I had a small hand in helping Wintervoid finalize some card choices in his original list, and I've updated it for final card pool version.
Fall of the Titans could maybe be Chandra Tourch, 2nd Commit // Memory, or Kozy's Return for another sweeper effect, but I've been reasonably happy with Fall as a mini sweeper plus option to go to face.
Removed Geistblasts. They were a little too cute, and I wanted to get more focused than the utility 2 damage for 3 mana offered.
Removed Brutal Expulsion. Was useful at times, but Cast Out is waaay better use of 4 mana.
Removed Exquisite Firecraft. Wanted to reduce the requirements at the 3 spot. Defiance is more versatile, plus Firecraft was mostly for Geistcasting (which got reduced) so Firecraft got the boot.
Removed Zendikar Gideon. His ally tokens just die right away, his emblem is effectively useless (can pump man lands, Chandra elementals, and his creature form, sure - but you're hard pressed to spend 4 loyalty on that). Realized he mostly functioned as a diversion, so wanted to do something better with the mana.
Added Trials Gideon. Waaay better than Zendikar Gideon in this build. Nurfing damage is very useful here and forces opp to add more to board, so sweepers can hit more targets. Rarely use emblem, but have to buy a turn, when I never used Zendikar emblem. 4/4 body an acceptable consolation prize from losing Zendikars slightly larger body. Yes, dies to Grasp, but the change has been worth that risk. Does more work here overall.
Added Kefnet. Indestructible draw engine is good here. Also being able to pick up extra lands late game to loot them with Nahiri and wheel effects is useful. His 5/5 flying body has won games, and is a decent proxy for the 5/5 body I lost when cutting Zendikar Gideon.
Added Cast Out. Versatile instant speed removal that can be cycled to mill harder is the best thing this deck got from the later sets. Yes please.
Added 1 Commit//Memory. Card saved my butt a few times. Commit is effectively hard removal with 1 Tutelage in play, and with 2 or more in play Memory mills like a boss while refilling hand. Plays well with Visions out. Might be worth running both copies, but having trouble seeing what to cut with its casting demands. 1 has been good enough in practice.
Added 1 land. This deck needs to hit its land drops, and there are plenty of ways to loot excess lands later game.
Reworked colors in mana base slightly. Reducing the demands from Firecraft allows me to trade mountains for island/plains, and makes it a little easier to cast everything else.
A few things considered but left unchanged:
Removing Bombardments for something else. Thought about it, but in the end it was too important to have a 1 mana removal spell. Helps to have removal you can cast for 1 mana when playing 3cc spells T4 or 4cc spells T5, etc. with the looting this deck does, I still like this better than the other 1 mana burn options.
Using Towers. Adding Cast Outs to the already notable number of planeswalker and enchantment spells just didn't feel right to run Towers. T3 I'd rather be casting other things.
Using any creatures that aren't indestructible. One of the better features of the deck is blanking opps removal and making them hold more cards for Visions damage. Every non indestructible creature I tried just helped opp cast otherwise dead cards. This a major reason Zendikar Gideon got cut.
General thoughts on the deck in post update Duels world:
This has been an absolute blast to revisit. I run into so many goofy brews on the ladder, enchantment hate hasn't been much of a problem. Think it's hard to dedicate slots to that in a meta with so much strange variety. Mill might not work in a tourney with the full cardpool (especially w/ sideboards), but on ladder it's worthy of running.
General deck info and suggestions for some alternate card choices:
This deck is all about exploding for a ton of damage around T4/5. Aim is to play out doods capable of generating bodies during the attach phase on T2/3, then cast Valor in Akros T4 to generate immediate value and create an explosive attack.
Mana base is pretty greedy, but I'm ok trading a game here and there where I mulligan a string of Hub/Battlements/Abbey (no stable color source) hands to death for those games here and there where I flip Abbey or transform a Garrison for a glorious victory. If you prefer consistency, trade in some Stone Quarrys to help you hit your T4 double color spells on curve (only a single 1 drop makes it no problem to spend T1 playing a tapped land). I wouldn't go above 24 lands cause flooding out with this deck is the worst. Deck is very resilient and can overcome some awkward draws or stalled board states - but it doesn't have any way to power through floods in this version, so taking out a couple spells for Boros tapped lands is no bueno.
Thalia's Lieutenant, Crop-Captain, and Gideon Emblems help you pump weenies to win games you don't draw Valor in. Abbey helps you win stalled games where you can't find/stick pumpers, and I'd run a single copy even in decks I'm subbing Stone Quarrys in for better color consistency. Battlements is primarily a just for fun card - occasionally you'll use the haste option to send in a creature who just valor pumped your team for a bigger swing, and every so often you'll be able to transform Garrison for a Feels Good Man attack. Mostly it's just a colorless land source that's as likely to frustrate you by not producing a color as it is to entertain you with its abilities tho. If you're looking to establish a stronger mana base, this is an easy first cut for Quarry.
I've run versions with Smuggler's Copter for the loot effect to power through floods, and that's a viable option to sub in (just remember to pilot it before your Valor triggers resolve so you can get dem big Copter swings). Another vehicle I've run at times is Aethersphere Harvester - more energy plays well with Hubs, Lightning, and Chasers - lifegain is useful at times, and it's a big butt on defense. They're good cards and proved powerful options in other versions - but current version doesn't use any vehicles cause I got bored with using them in decks. This version is more focused on aggressive synergy and T4/5 wins. If opp durdles till turn 3 or 4, they're ded. This goldfishes like a mother****er, and doesn't leave time for opp to mess around.
There are different ways you can go to make the deck more midrange - using cards like Collective Effort, Chandra, Flamecaller, more removal, vehicles, or even Dragon Fodder. I've tried a bunch of versions and even took Boros Body Bag: Valor in Asskros (posted down in SOI era lists below) to a decent finish in a tourney NGA did - but the list above is best version IMO for ladder play in a post updates Duels world. Best here meaning just the right combination of lethality and fun.
___________________________________________________________ Meme decks. Less competitive than above, but can meme out.
Rhonas' Simic Super Slide
Beatdown. Draw a bunch of cards, pump a bunch of doods; explode and overrun.
Fun aggro deck with a twist. Idea is to play out a sacrifice outlet ASAP - looking to cast Evolutionary Leap and/or Hazoret's Favor as high priority. Once those are in play, you can start stealing opps creatures with treason effects, attacking with them, and sacrificing them EOT. If having trouble drawing a sac outlet, deck is able to play more straight forward aggro and if you can get any creature advantage, you can just steal their blockers and overwhelm them. But it's way more fun when you can steal/sac.
Charioteer's are to give trample to things that are Favor pumped. Maybe they should be replaced for something with better raw stats, but team trample is winning that spot for now.
Evoleap, Visionaries, Abbots, and Stonewalkers work to keep gas in the tank. I should probably trade out Arlin for Chandra Torch (for even more gas), but haven't done that yet.
Without instant speed removal (and with the only removal it does have being contingent on other cards), it struggles mightily against certain types of decks. But it's hella fun the rest of the time
EDIT: Cleaned up the old deck lists thread. Revised format so only post-updates lists that I enjoy playing are in the OP. Moved past season deck lists to comments in the thread below. Want to hang on to some of those ideas in case I ever get around to revising them with cards released later...
#1 Tip = be aware of the way the game is wanting to auto tap your mana when you have Gift of Paradise enchanting a land. If your spell isn't needing the double color from it and/or isn't requiring all your mana to cast, the game likes to tap the land for a single mana rather than the 2 mana the enchantment ability grants. This can screw you if you're needing the extra mana to hold up an instant.
General Piloting Tips: Depending on the draw the deck can have aggressive starts, like T2 Lone Rider into T3 Gift of Paradise. Outside of that type of opening, the deck wants to play defensively until you can get your Bloodlord combos rolling.
There are several ways to recur creatures (Pulse of Murasa, Greenwarden of Murasa, Ever After, both Lilianas), so don't worry about losing doods along the way. You've got a ton of lifegain in this build so your focus is staying alive until Bloodlord combos or planeswalker ultimate win you the game.
Depending on the situation, you may not want to trigger Greenwarden's card recursion on death, since you can get him back with other GY recursion spells and get more than two total triggers off him through the course of a game. If you don't need some spell to keep you alive when he dies, it's often better to not use the ability that exiles him - so put thought into that decision before you pull the trigger.
It's ok to cast Nissa on curve just to make sure you're hitting your land drops (very important with this deck as it has a lot of high end spells). You can recur her later when at 6+ lands to flip her, and you want to draw out removals to help your Bloodlord stick later anyways.
Pulse of Murasa on Lone Rider with mana to cast both is a nice play.
Obviously you don't want Bloodlord to die, but he's a high priority target when he drops so he invariably will draw out removal. That's why there are several ways to recur creatures. Ever After fetching back Bloodlord + Arborback Stomper is a nice combo. EA can put a metric **** ton of power toughness on the board fetching back a pair of Caracals, and can auto flip Lone Rider fetching him back plus an Arborback.
Don't forget Shambling Vent has lifelink. Unless multiple GoP's got you to cast Bloodlord, you should have 6 mana to get Sylvan Advocate's buff when you untap, so Vent can help you close out quick in those situations.
Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim can get her 2nd ability going in this deck, and deck has ways to generate zombie tokens for expendable removal/sac fodder. Remember that Lone Rider has 1st strike, so if he's going to die in combat, you can trigger her first or second ability targeting Rider after he gains you 4 life but before other damage resolves. Use her abilities to gain life or kill things when your other creatures are targeted with temoval - ESPECIALLY if Bloodlord is being targeted with exile removal. You can do nifty things with her in this deck - and she's one way to quickly close out a game when you cast Bloodlord (sacing creatures to gain life for a single mana). If you are planning to do this with more than one creature using a GoP enchanted land, remember #1 Tip and manually tap GoP to generate 2 mana first.
In testing, this deck didn't lose to AI ever so it's at least that good. I went 3-0 on xbone ladder with this exact version, and total games with other versions in testing process were better than 50% wins so it's not total garbage there. Probably will be rough on Steam ladder at higher ranks tho... def a deck built more to have fun with Bloodlord than to steamroll opponents. Requires a good deal of thought with what to cast your removal on, what to recur from graveyard, and what to do with your planeswalkers. But when you get those sick Bloodlord combos going it Feels Good Man.
Joined: Mar 18, 2016 Posts: 5363 Location: Anyway the wind blows
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Kaladesh Era Deck Lists:
Boros Bodybag: Valor in Asskros
Top 8 in Fightclub AER tournament. A little more mid-rangey than Boros Valor version in OP, as it included some goodstuff vehicles and plainswalkers to navigate the tournament gauntlet.
Hubs should prob be Stone Quarry, but keeping list as was played in tourney. Also, if playing this on the ladder, you should trade out Invigorated Rampage for something else. Card alone isn't worth a spot, and I only included it to make opps respect open mana on attacks because deck lists were public. With no shared deck lists to mess with opps combat maths calculations, then it's not worth including.
Joined: Mar 18, 2016 Posts: 5363 Location: Anyway the wind blows
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SOI Era Deck Lists:
Menacing Shenanigans
Super goofy deck that does super goofy things. Primary goal is to create unblockable beaters by combining menace with creatures that can only be blocked by 1 creature. This version is bad and curve is awful, but core of Prowler/Rats/Scavengers/Colossus is fun, and deck is better with lower curve and cards from subsequent sets.
Control deck that bounces creatures to disrupt opps tempo and keep their hand full so Fevered Visions can wreck them. Awaken gives the deck more creatures than the 7 creature spells. Battlelands love the awaken counters. All but TITI's global bounce effects will leave awakened lands on the board - if you awaken a land with the spell that triggers TITI's transformation, the bounce will occur before the land awakens, allowing you to attack with both. Sweepers in the deck allow you to work around your awoken lands as well, and you can Geistcast Radiant/Return to sweep for 6/4 (respectively) if you need to clear bigger threats.
Deck might want Reflector Mages. Don't have a playset unlocked currently, so haven't been able to test if they will improve anything.
*late edit*: deck had fun moments but was never as good as imagined. Kept list up because I think it could be improved with cards that were released later.
Bouncehaus (original dream version; pre-build before set releases)
Haven't unlocked all the cards for the following list, so not Play Tested, Mother Approved yet. I have an alternate version of the core idea I'm currently using with SOI/BFZ/ORI cards that works fine and is a ton of fun to play with. I expect once I get and add the OGW, it will only get better...
Idea is to control the board early, create some man-lands along the way, and then start the big bounce. Excluding Thing in the Ice's transformation, all global bounce spells will leave your awoken lands alone; Planar Outburst does the same. Awaken man-lands for some larger beaters post board wipe. Fevered Visions might be better substituted for a 3rd Geistblast and Scatter to the Wind / Roil Spout, but wouldn't know till play testing (really wanted to cause some pain post global bounce, so that's why it's there for now).
Might not work like I want it to, but really wanted to play with the idea.
Super goofy deck that does super goofy things. Goal is to flip Neglected Heirloom for the beatdown.
Put the Heirloom on a creature, flip it, and beat down. Fun deck that can win surprisingly quickly if it starts with Heirloom in hand.
If you're questioning Thraben's presence here, it serves several purposes and is worth inclusion in this deck - gives another turn 1 play aside from Heirloom, provides aggro defense, gives 1/2 delirium conditions, is prob the best 1CMC late game top deck you can get in this deck - with Heirloom in play, it attacks for 7/5 the turn after it lands.
Flashy Draw-No
Counterspells and flash creatures. Play all your things on opps turn.
Total permission deck. Never have to play anything on your turn, unless it's Declaration in Stone - but you should be able to hold those until you have enough resources to keep counter spell mana open. Keep your opp in a constant state of paranoia, and punish them with flash creatures on the end-step if they try to play around your counter spells, waiting for you to tap out.
Valor Blues
Valor in Akros deck that utilizes instant speed pump effects for surprise buffs.
This is a JFF deck, who's goal is to get your opponents to kill themselves with their own creatures.
You want to find Brutality and Bloodlust ASAP and enchant both on an opps creature. Bonus for you if they're running something like Mage-Ring Bully or Juggernaut that does 1/2 the work for you. Skeletons, Call the Bloodline, and pre-flip Kytheon give you endless blockers, and post-flip Kytheon gives you another Bloodlust effect to force Brutality'd creatures to attack. Murderous Compulsion and Nahiri are there to punish opp for attacking with creatures who don't have Brutality on them. Suppression Bonds is emergency planeswalker control. Sweeper package is designed to clear clutter while keeping the Brutality/Bloodlusted creature on the board. Akoum Firebird and Chandra help seal the deal - or put you ahead on damage if you're having trouble maintaining blockers vs their B/B'd creature.
Spikes will dislike the deck and insist Brutality/Bloodlust should go into an aggro deck where Brutality removes blockers and Bloodlust pumps your guy while replacing itself and the combo is just incidental - but this is a Johnny deck that insists on winning with the combo.
Joined: Mar 18, 2016 Posts: 5363 Location: Anyway the wind blows
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Pre-SOI Era Deck Lists:
I was obsessed with Elemental Bond decks in pre-SOI era. I liked abusing that card and spent a good deal of time messing around with it. Everything typed after this is historical (untouched from original postings)
This first one is Jund Bond created pre-SOI. I'd like to update it with OGW cards once I get them, but this is the current version.
Pretty straight forward to pilot. Just keep throwing attackers at your opponent till they're dead. Mortuary Mire + Slab Hammer lets you keep recurring creatures - so you won't need to worry about your sweepers hurting your game, and you'll welcome sweepers played by your opponent which remove their blockers. With Elemental Bond in play, you'll rebuild your board extremely quickly. Retreat to Hagra is there primarily to insure you can kill just about everything with your Gilt-Leaf Winnowers, but the life trade and death touch are very relevant too. Not needing more than 5 lands to cast anything (and only the Phoenix needing 6 to exit your graveyard) means you can start abusing the hammer early and often.
Current Bond decks updated with SOI cards that I'm having fun with. If you've noticed, I really like exploiting Slab Hammer in my Bond decks...
This requires more thought and skill to pilot than the Jund version. Variety of options and choices keeps it feeling fresh even after you've played with it a lot. Looking forward to adjusting/improving it with new cards though. Having more 5+ CMC creatures than the Jund version creates some problems with the hammer that I'd like to clean up.
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