Mill has always been my deck of choice. But MtG has little love for it.
I still consider
Circu, Dimir Lobotomist as the best mill card for the sheer distress it gives the opponent when they dont have a kill card in hand.
Anyway Amonkhet has given us cycling which might work and make mill a bit relevant again.
As i see it, the deck must be played like a control deck. Draw and go. Counter if you can.
Kill if you have the spell. But always cycle. Dig for that
Sphinx's Tutelage or
Archfiend of Ifnir 2x Fatal Push Your auto include black removal spell against early game aggression. Can kill embalmed creatures as well . Should be three of a kind but doesnt cycle. Large amounts of draw should make it easy to find them.
3x Scarab Feast Only use
Scarab Feast when necessary. Otherwise its a cycle card.
1x Jace, Vryn's Prodigy Overall spell recycler if it grows into a planeswalker otherwise a digger
2x Pull from Tomorrow Your end game draw spell. Discard comes handy as well.
3x Compelling Deterrence To remove an attacker, protect your creatures and
Sphinx's Tutelage3x Censor Counter large creatures or spell. Otherwise cycle.
2x Oath of Jace Its a dig spell.
3x Sphinx's Tutelage The reason why we are even .
4x Unburden If Fevered vision is not in play, kill their hand.
2x Curator of Mysteries Good body and Scry whenever I discard or Cycle makes it a must have
4x Hieroglyphic Illumination Helps dig and can cycle when needed
2x Languish Cast and hope for the best. Most creatures die from
Languish and since the Meta is going the fast route for the time being, this spell can kill most of them.
2x Yahenni's Expertise Radiant Flames's brother from a better mother. An expertise into
Unburden is a thing to behold.
2x Glyph Keeper The deck needs more threats. This is the baddest blue has. Embalm makes it extra nice
2x Archfiend of Ifnir Lots of cycling. Why not make use of them? Most often than not when
Archfiend of Ifnir comes in play, kill cards have been discarded by
Unburden. Also it reminds me a bit of
Circu, Dimir Lobotomist in that s**t your pants way he makes you feel.
1x Commit // Memory Commit buys time. If you have a
Sphinx's Tutelage, thats an auto remove. The other half is for that moment when you know youre gonna die next turn. Draw seven with a tutelage in play is a good start in whiting down their deck. And who knows you might find that card that you need to stop the current threat.
23 Lands
8x Island
7x Swamp
2x Sunken Hollow
2x Drowned Catacomb
4x Evolving WildsCan this deck survive in the ladder? Let me know what you think!
Cards that didnt make the cut:
Essence Scatter Doesnt cycle
Other Planeswalker Cant protect them
Other counter spells Costs too much and no cycle