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Which is the best Zombie decklist?
Poll ended at Mon Jun 19, 2017 11:57 am
WB zombie aggro 20%  20%  [ 3 ]
Kel's ACK! ZOMBIES! 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
Yet Another Zombie Deck 27%  27%  [ 4 ]
YOLO? LOL NOPE 13%  13%  [ 2 ]
Vampire cars zombies the movie you wanna see 13%  13%  [ 2 ]
Anointed Walkers 7%  7%  [ 1 ]
CHURN UNDEAD 7%  7%  [ 1 ]
Juicy Mummies 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
TheZombieShuffle 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
AKH Zombmeh 7%  7%  [ 1 ]
The jumping dead 7%  7%  [ 1 ]
Total votes : 15
Total voters : 9
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 09, 2017 3:01 pm 
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Modulo wrote:

Thank you very much for the feedback! Glad to hear you had fun playing the deck.

Drake Haven is a card I'm very unsure about in this build. Even if the deck has enough discard/Cycling to enable it (which I doubt to be honest), you need to get at least 3 drakes out of it for the card to be worth it; and in my experience the deck is just faster than that.
Compelling Deterrence was one of my Last cuts to the deck. I just found that the deck wanted to be as streamline as possible and with all the support I'm running to get my main theme to work (Key, Infiltrator, Copter) I couldn't fit it.
Dark Salvation is too good to not play here IMO. Its flexibility to be played as cheap removal spell, mid-game creature(s) with upside or late-game board generator is too good to pass up.

Yeah, I hear you. I've clearly got a small sample size of testing here, and the drake comment is mostly me feeling greedy given how much success I had with the infiltrator.

The deterrence idea is about a more serious issue: the deck lacks in answers to large threats, especially against the grixis control builds I'm seeing frequently that run so many wipes and keep Salvation underpowered. It's not a knock against salvation by any means - I love that one dearly - just trying to think about how to push through control's endgame. Unburden? Skysovereign?

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 09, 2017 3:51 pm 
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Modulo wrote:

Thank you very much for the feedback! Glad to hear you had fun playing the deck.

Drake Haven is a card I'm very unsure about in this build. Even if the deck has enough discard/Cycling to enable it (which I doubt to be honest), you need to get at least 3 drakes out of it for the card to be worth it; and in my experience the deck is just faster than that.
Compelling Deterrence was one of my Last cuts to the deck. I just found that the deck wanted to be as streamline as possible and with all the support I'm running to get my main theme to work (Key, Infiltrator, Copter) I couldn't fit it.
Dark Salvation is too good to not play here IMO. Its flexibility to be played as cheap removal spell, mid-game creature(s) with upside or late-game board generator is too good to pass up.

Yeah, I hear you. I've clearly got a small sample size of testing here, and the drake comment is mostly me feeling greedy given how much success I had with the infiltrator.

The deterrence idea is about a more serious issue: the deck lacks in answers to large threats, especially against the grixis control builds I'm seeing frequently that run so many wipes and keep Salvation underpowered. It's not a knock against salvation by any means - I love that one dearly - just trying to think about how to push through control's endgame. Unburden? Skysovereign?

Grixis Control not being a good match-up for the deck is understandable seeing how that deck is designed to combat creature-based decks. Zombies has a fighting chance against it due to having recursion, but the match-up seems to generally be in Grixis' favor.
That being said, being able to rebuild after a sweeper makes Dark Salvation potent in that match-up IMO.

The deck does indeed not have many answers to large threats - and I don't think it can afford to run too many. The deck is very pro-active and based on synergies; we need to make sure to hit these as consistently as possible and can't afford to dilute that idea too much. The best card we have to deal with single big creatures is Fleshbag Marauder, but the problem here is that Marauder is not a pro-active card.

I hear you about Deterrence, but the Recoil effect will generally not hit Grixis Control too hard (especially because they liketo hold cards in hand).
I have tried Unburden in mono-Black and was rather underwhelmed by it. It's dead vs. aggro and not really backbreaking vs. control. Maybe I'm undervaluing it a little, but I don't love it.
Skysovereign does not add much to the deck; the other 5-drops fit the deck's theme better (and are arguably more powerful) and I don't want to up the curve more.

I have the same opinion regarding the drakes, they make the deck to slow and by the time you got 3 or 4 drakes you are going to win even with out them. I also think that cryptkeeper and wharf are to easy to remove, they usually dont stick around for long and thats where I think supernatural stamina may come in handy triggering prized amalgam as a bonus.
I'm trying sultai at the moment with grapple, sage and that embalm hydra, its extremely fun to play.

Supernatural Stamina is interesting for sure, especially since it interacts positively with Prized Amalgam and Haunted Dead. It doesn't interact nicely with tokens or Magma Spray though; which is kind of a problem. Also, you can't maindeck too many of them or you risk your deck's consistency. Maybe you can play 1 or 2 of them, I don't think I'd play more in a Zombies shell.

My decks can be found in my deckbuilder archive. Enter here!

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 09, 2017 5:51 pm 
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I´m with 2 supernatural stamina at the moment, they are working just fine ;)


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PostPosted: Fri Jun 09, 2017 8:23 pm 
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Skysovereign does not add much to the deck; the other 5-drops fit the deck's theme better (and are arguably more powerful) and I don't want to up the curve more.

Pushing back on this a bit: I'd say adding large air power that wrecks planeswalkers, picks off wimps, survives board wipes (and Fatal Push) and can be piloted by 7 recursive creatures adds more than not much. I'd probably run it rather than big lily, personally.

I'm on board with synergy, but I think Zombies, recursion and all, often need something extra to close out a game. The infiltrator helps, but that's also just more ground tokens, so any wipes take them out with the rest of your board. Skysovereign opens up alternate avenues to victory.

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 09, 2017 8:26 pm 
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Round one of playtesting continues...

Shards Juicy Mommies up next... up against 4 colour ramp. I probably shouldn't have cycled one of my cast outs cuz I lost to Ulamog one turn from killing him but honestly the deck is just too slow. I needed more removal. 0-1 deck deleted!! I had him down to one life, just needed to close out the game

Jumping Dead is! 1-0

Oh boy ... DJ's AKH Zombmeh is next, can't wait to misplay this...

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 09, 2017 8:36 pm 
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So, lets chip in with our pilots on this deckbuilding contest, I will be loking at the mana bases and mana curves to see if they are solid enough :V
I will put the decks on the Magcduelshelper, to see tha mana curves, calculate my self the CMC of the deck and the colour demand of it to see if the deck can deliver on the long run.

WW first

Next Kel's ACK! ZOMBIES!

Yet Another Zombie Deck - Elk


Overall these decks have very low need of one colour so going with 13-14 sources of it makes good sense. I will look at the other mana bases but if they all look the same I will call it for the challange, have a good weekend!


Last edited by Cucho Lambreta on Fri Jun 09, 2017 10:50 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 09, 2017 8:41 pm 
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Skysovereign does not add much to the deck; the other 5-drops fit the deck's theme better (and are arguably more powerful) and I don't want to up the curve more.

Pushing back on this a bit: I'd say adding large air power that wrecks planeswalkers, picks off wimps, survives board wipes (and Fatal Push) and can be piloted by 7 recursive creatures adds more than not much. I'd probably run it rather than big lily, personally.

I'm on board with synergy, but I think Zombies, recursion and all, often need something extra to close out a game. The infiltrator helps, but that's also just more ground tokens, so any wipes take them out with the rest of your board. Skysovereign opens up alternate avenues to victory.

My experience with the deck is that you need to pack your PW`s for late game and use the tokens to protect and ultimate them, Haunted Dead works like a charm on that regard.


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PostPosted: Fri Jun 09, 2017 8:57 pm 
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Omg DJs first match was epic against Radkos undead. I toss a hand with no swamps and mulligan into :
Aether Hub
Aether Hub
Fatal push
Dark Salvation

I keep it cuz with Scrounger and Copter I can dig. I'm 12 cards deep with no swamps and out of energy! Disaster! I drew into Fleshbag and Wanderer and eventually hit a Shambling Vent. He gets me to 3 life and I turned that beat around and won!! Awesome win, can't believe it. 1-0

Flakeys shuffle is versus Radkos sac steal? That zombie pump was huge

Annoyed walkers is up...big win against something weird. He hit me with an early Dusk which wiped my board but then I pulled off an annoyed Dark Salvation which killed his white God and slammed 8 zombies boosted on the board . Yay :). 1-0

Elk is next! ...

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 09, 2017 10:21 pm 
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Game 1 vs Izzet Artifacts (21)

Game 2 vs Dimir Control (24)

Game 3 vs Dimir F****** Control (25)

Game 4 vs Selesnya Tokens (27)

Game 5 vs Izzet Tokens (25)

5 Game Verdict:

And that's it for tonight. I'm playing zombies LIKE a zombie. I just feel bad cuz I haven't had much opportunity to playtest these things. :(

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 10, 2017 9:16 am 
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Round one playtesting continues!

Elks Yet Another Zombie Deck against...Boros Vehicles! Big win, he had tons of removal but Binding mummy that taps Vehicles instead of pilots is hilarious. What's he going to do? One thing I need to remember against red is that lord of the accursed might be more important than Colossus cuz I need to get my toughness up quick. 1-0

Next up is Churn Undead...ran into Kraas playing espère Control. I got onnery to work but drew into a second one. He cleared my board and I had a dawn in the yard but he already had three planeswalkers up. The Onnery idea is too slow and i can't deal with walkers. Lost. 0-1, deck deleted. At least Shard isn't in last place alone!!

Next up is modulos yolo deck for The last deck of round one! ...up against rank 39 (scariest rank imo) Izzet . He gets T2 titi which he easily flips sending my amalgams to my hand along with wharf infiltrator . He burns out my early creatures pretty good and drops another titi. Big Lilly hits my side and she sticks! So I get to ultimate her killing his horrors. Now what I love about this deck is the inevitability of it. If the game goes on, I feel better and better. I got scrapheap in the yard with two amalgams. I got Copter on station, I just couldn't be feeling any better. He drops a bedlam révéler to fill his hand, I drop a 8/8 Colossus and he quits. Great win! 1-0

Ok onto round two! Two decks eliminated, nine remain. Shard and Churn Undead tie for last place

Let's snake draft and start with Modulos Yolo deck...against Boros humans, omg what a match. He had trials and cartouches coming out with exerting dudes perfectly. Swinging for 13 a turn against my Copter and anagram. I get out Litd of the Accursed which turns amalgam into 4/4 which really helps. I get two Scrounger a who don't do anything but pilot the copters, both of which I lose but I'm digging like crazy. I get key to the city and with five land I start using that to dig. This guy is rank 39 and means business. I finally dig into Fatal push and Never which take out Thalia and that red dude who turns lands into tramplers. I've been at 1 life forever so I'm only swinging with Scrounger to keep maximum defenders. He draws Copter and I have no fliers so I'm in trouble. I draw Haunted Dead! So I'm on a two turn clock. He had 39 life so I need to get him down. I get him to 9 life and i play haunted dead praying he has no removal. He top decks Needle Spires and uses his only creature to pilot Copter and swings, praying he cycles his plains into something. Nothing, so I block and swing with a million ftw. Phew what a match. 2-0

Elks deck up against Golgari. I was in total control thanks to little Lilly and Cryptbreaker, absolutely nuts. 2-0

Annointed Walkers next by sl33p' versus Izzet Mill 2-0

Shuffle is next by against Gruul midrange 2-0

DJ up next...super quick win versus Selesnya humans. Yay! 2-0
T2 Copter followed by wayward, binding, dark salvation and fleshbag, beautiful

Jumping Dead against Golgari 2-0

My deck is next! against RWG tokens. 2-0. Cryptbreaker is unreal

WWs aggro deck up next...

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 10, 2017 12:36 pm 
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Love reading the play through posts flakey and Barney post. Do you guys stream these games?

The Last Fight Club Champion
"If there can be no victory, then I will fight forever."
—Koth of the Hammer

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 10, 2017 12:37 pm 
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Not me, my voice would run out and I like to take lots of breaks. I'll stream later against Gem though for Koth. Glad u like the posts! Your deck is fun when it blows up

Back to round two testing...

WWs Aggro deck...wins against conflux walkers. I had three mana and was 14 cards deep. Brutal. Got languished but the belcher ability to give damage when zombies die was key. I got both Colossus est so I was making tokens like crazy. He wipes everything when he's st 1 life. All I have left is a wanderer and he has two Gideon tokens. I play two fatal push and he concedes. Yay. Stupid land. 2-0

That's it until tonight. I hit the cap. I'll finish round two tonight. Only Vampire cars left

Ok here we go,
Vampire cars wins versus mono black 2-0

Round three!

Vampire versus mono green 3-0

WWs aggro win vs Gruul midrange 3-0

My deck by Kel up against GW bad player 3-0

Jumping Dead next...Jesus, listen to this. This piece of garbage deck lost to a rank 1 Golgari elf deck. And my deck came out really well too. Ugh you know a deck is bad when this happens 2-1 BELETED!!

DJs deck up next ... this should hopefully make me feel 3-0

Zombie! 3-0

Annointed walkers...just too damn slow against Radkos Vamps. What should I take out first, the Incorrigible Youths or Olivia's Dragoon? They're both nightmares. Anyway I went for the Zyouths but I would have lost either way. 2-1 deck BELETED!!

Elks deck up against mono green counters. 3-0

Yolo by Modulo against awful Azorious mummy 3-0

Round four starts now! We lost two decks last round I believe. 7 decks remain. Trying to get it down to two winners...

Modulos Yolo is against awful Azorious build. 4-0

Elk up next...big win versus Jeskai 4-0

Shuffle is against mono white with some spooky razor foot griffins!! Ooooo! 4-0

Hit the cap so that's gonna do it until tomorrow night. Congrats to the lucky 7 that are still in this gauntlet of DOOOOOOOM!

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 11, 2017 1:30 am 
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Well that's too bad my deck went down to vamps. R/B Vamps can be a really fast deck so I'm not surprised. All you can hope for in that deck is to be on the play and draw 3-4 of the 9 removal spells and drop your better vampire in Kalitas while doing that. Wish we had some new vampires for that tribe.

The Last Fight Club Champion
"If there can be no victory, then I will fight forever."
—Koth of the Hammer

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 11, 2017 7:49 am 
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Cucho Lambreta's Vampire Cars Zombies
Record: 4-3
Notes: when you can hit your curve right this can be really strong, I think it's a little light in the 2 slot and heavy at 3 though. A few games I had nothing to play t2. Maybe a couple shambling ghouls or Siphoners would be good here? Or just Copters.
MVP: baby lily and cruiser.
Ditch: probably the Belchers, or one and one Yahenni. I love him, but he's legendary and doesn't pair well with Kalitas.

Game logs:

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 11, 2017 8:38 am 
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Yikes... those where though matches, I agree with the copters suggestion in fact I already swap them for Yahenni. ;)
Thanks for feedback


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PostPosted: Sun Jun 11, 2017 9:51 am 
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So I´m testing dimir zombies, I ditch my drakes, and I´m trying Gissa and Geralf, when I encounter an odd bug I had no cards on the graveyard but I´m falling behind on the board so I drop Gisa and Geralf T4 and as soon as they entered the battlefield the GY button activated I pintch it and I have Cryptbreaker, Haunted dead, and Scrapy ready to cast...ODD, So I cast the Cryptbreaker to check this iteraction Cryptbreaker enters the battle field and oponent leaves... -he must think I´m a cheater- but the bug is very strange, Is the fisrt time I play with Gissa and Geralf this season so I dont know if this a known bugg.

Dimir players please keep an eye on that iteraction to see if happens to anyone else.


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PostPosted: Sun Jun 11, 2017 9:59 am 
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G&G dump the top 4 cards of your library into the gy as an EtB.

Or are you saying you tapped out to play them T4 and somehow cast Cryptbreaker for free the same turn?

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 11, 2017 10:07 am 
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LOL feeling dumb!


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PostPosted: Sun Jun 11, 2017 12:10 pm 
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Ugh you kill me Barney. You edit your last post with results but of course when I look at the thread from the constructed forums (and you're the last post), you can't tell anything has changed (and of course I don't open the thread cause I don't think anything has changed).

Anyway thanks for the testing (same goes for everyone else involved). I do enjoy reading the game reports and feedback. Oh and try not to crash and burn, eh? Papa needs a few more votes! :D



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PostPosted: Sun Jun 11, 2017 5:13 pm 
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Alright boys and girls welcome to tonight's playtesting session . Let's continue with round four trying to cast 15 white spells while we're at it

Starting off with DJs deck...versus Gruul midrange. He got elemental bond out early so I just used Cryptbreaker to keep up and won easily 4-0

My deck by Kel ! 4-0 against fat stack of doom

WWs aggro deck against Azorious clues 4-0

Oh boy Vampire cars next, this may be my favourite , I dunno...UGH, Jesus Christ what a bad game. I mulligan a One swamp into a one swamp which I mulligan into a no swamp which I mulligan into a two swamp with Aetherbirn, Cruiser and Mastery. I keep and draw into a Belcher. Now my curve is perfect I just need to draw land bon stop. I start with a five lander and get 13 cards deep with no more land in sight. This guy is a rank one playing four-colour réanimation deck (as you do). He plays nothing until t6 where he ever afters a Gaea Revenge and hydra. T7 he Chandra ignitions the hydra, killing his own GR with me holding up a Grasp which does nothing. And as the cherry on The sundae as I'm tearing up this stupid deck into a million pieces I get a message from the rank one, "that deck can't b the 1 u used to climb 2 40....GG". If that doesn't say it all, I don't know what does. That damn Cucho has betrayed me twice in two days! Lol. Jeez does he ever build fun decks tho. 3-1

So this ends round 4 with 6 decks remaining. I'll give this another 80 minutes before I treat myself to some well earned KFC.

So round five...

I need to finish this white spell quest so let's start with flakys 5-0 vs vamps

DJ next...ugh, absolutely murdered against URG drake fling. DJs deck came out beautifully too. I had two zombies on station against Titi, Baral and Drake. I'm holding up dark Salvation but I'm one turn away from being able to kill the Drake. On the same turn he's able to get the Drake to 11 , he flips Titi to send all my zombies into hand so I wouldn't have liked Drake anyway. I could have used the Dark Salvation to kill Batak or Titi the turn before but would that have been good!? All my focus was on killing the Drake. That deck is all about the Drake. Anyway 4-1 , deck BELETED!

Elk is up next...huge win against Abzan with Thalia and Brisela out, crazy! That stupid Throne and both belchers and Wayward were HUGE 5-0

Oh man, my deck by Kel played next versus mono white. SO HARD but removal was huge. Grasp showed up on time as did Dark Salvation. Copter let me dig like crazy for my answers but I already had them mostly. Very close match. 5-0

WWs aggro next...Easy win against rank 1 mono green. 5-0

Finally Modulos yolo deck...fantastic win against a mill deck. My graveyard was my friend 5-0

Last edited by Black Barney on Sun Jun 11, 2017 6:43 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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