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PostPosted: Thu May 11, 2017 1:49 pm 
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I've been wanting to build a deck where I could ignite the Gifted Aetherborn for a while now. I've had a deck where I could ignite Kalitas, even played it in the Steam Showdown tourney, and it was a lot of fun. It seems better now that we got the gods, so here goes. The main idea is to bite and to ignite, so we have a lot of deathtouch and lifelink creatures in here. The problem with deathtouch-ignite is that your other creatures die as well. So we have some gods and vehicles in the mix.

3 x Narnam Renegade
2 x Renegade Map
1 x Blossoming Defense
3 x Gifted Aetherborn
2 x Scrapheap Scrounger
3 x Nature's Way
2 x Rabid Bite
1 x Bontu the Glorified
2 x Graveblade Marauder
1 x Rhonas the Indomitable
2 x Tireless Tracker
2 x Aethersphere Harvester
2 x Cultivator's Caravan
1 x Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet
1 x Hazoret the Fervent
2 x Woodland Wanderer
1 x Diabolic Tutor
1 x Verdurous Gearhulk
1 x The Gitrog Monster
2 x Chandra's Ignition
1 x Greenwarden of Murasa
3 x Swamp
1 x Mountain
3 x Forest
2 x Hissing Quagmire
2 x Smoldering Marsh
2 x Woodland Cemetery
2 x Rootbound Crag
2 x Dragonskull Summit
3 x Aether Hub
4 x Evolving Wilds

This is not a fine-tuned list, I'm still tweaking and open to suggestions. Some notes:

* Fling is not great here, because the damage is dealt by Fling rather than the creature.
* The Scrounger is here to give us a better chance vs control. It's also an OK biter and can crew the Caravan, which is somewhat hard in this deck because most of our deathtouch dorks have low power.
* This deck might want 3x Fatal Push. I think I'll try to replace Bites with Pushes and see what happens, although that loses a lot of flavor for the deck :(
* Bontu is on a cut watch. It's a good biter/igniter, but we don't usually have a lot of spare sacrifice fodder for it.
* Verdurous Gearhulk is a slot where you can experiment. You can have Samut instead. I'm also entertaining the idea of Mirrorwing Dragon. Imagine biting with it or igniting it when you have a bunch of other stuff like gods on the table! That's a lot of damage to the opponent's face. It does suck vs enemy aggro pump spells though, and it sucks like a vacuum cleaner vs Harnessed Lightning, which is a very common spell in the meta. Sigh... It makes me a sad Johnny.
* The maps are here to fix the mana (we need double black early for the Aetherborn) and also pump the Narnam. I'm satisfied with their performance.

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PostPosted: Thu May 11, 2017 3:16 pm 
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so what if opponent runs vehicles and gods? no instant speed interaction?

hmm... this might have a terrible matchup against RB vehicles. but yeah it's a fun deck to play and i believe it performs well against other creature decks with less vehicles.

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PostPosted: Thu May 11, 2017 3:30 pm 
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Yondar, mirrorwing is great against harnessed lightning unless your worried about providing the opponent with energy. It does suck vs enemy pump spells though...

The problem with bite and deathtouch, as far as I read the card correctly, is that you don't do the deathtouch damage, just damage equal to power, which is kinda crap.

On the other hand,ignition with lifelink and deathtouch is awesome.

Edit: I know ignition works with lifelink, so I'm reading the bites wrong.

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PostPosted: Thu May 11, 2017 4:13 pm 
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Well, I've been on the other side of the table and both times I had Mirrorwing played against me, I had the Lightning. The dragon died on the spot and I got around 10 free energy. Pretty horrible for the opponent.

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PostPosted: Thu May 11, 2017 5:20 pm 
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I suppose your creatures had 4+ toughness, otherwise they'd die too?

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PostPosted: Thu May 11, 2017 5:51 pm 
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nope. the copies would resolve first, you pick 0 for all copies to get 10000 energy and eventually you choose 5 to kill opponent dragon. the key is you choose the amount of energy you want to use when the spell resolves, and you can choose different values when different copies resolve.

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PostPosted: Thu May 11, 2017 6:05 pm 
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Oh, now I get it. Then it totally sucks to play mirrorwing ;-)

Thanks for the explanation.

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