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Liquimetal Coating + Morph (face down specifically)
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Author:  gd1w [ Wed Jan 31, 2018 4:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Liquimetal Coating + Morph (face down specifically)

What happens if you use liquimetal coating on a face up creature and then turn it face down (with ixidron for example)? Is it still an artifact?

What if you liquimetal coating a face down morph creature and turn it face up? Is it still an artifact?
Scornful Egotist

Author:  astarael7 [ Wed Jan 31, 2018 5:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Liquimetal Coating + Morph (face down specifically)

Yes to both. Continuous effects, like Liquimetal Coating, are always applied on top of the base characteristics of the creature. The face-down or face-up status ties into rules that define the base characteristics of the creature (printed or standard morph package). Everything else applies on top of that.

Author:  gd1w [ Wed Jan 31, 2018 5:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Liquimetal Coating + Morph (face down specifically)

I had initially thought it wouldn't since it becomes a 2/2 creature with no color or other types, but I guess that makes sense. Thanks for the reply. I'd had this question on my phone for a while now. Can finally close that window.

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