Goblin Kaboomist has synergy with both of those cards (but not at the same time).
If you have a
Goblin Kaboomist enchanted with
Gift of Immortality, the Goblin will come back every time you lose the coin flip. (If it somehow dies again before the beginning of the next end step, it will be gone for good, since
Gift of Immortality hasn't come back yet.)
If you have a
Goblin Kaboomist in your graveyard, you can activate
Feldon of the Third Path during your opponent's end step (or in multiplayer, the end step of player who goes just before you). Then the Kaboomist token will trigger on your upkeep.
Note: You have to do this before your turn begins. If you activate Feldon during your upkeep, you won't get the token's upkeep trigger.