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Question about 2 Faces cards
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Author:  Venko [ Sun Apr 03, 2016 9:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Question about 2 Faces cards

I was wondering if you are required to tell your opponent all of the abilities and effects a card has on the flip side? Or can they just take it out and flip to see?

I found this rule but I'm not sure how it works:
711.2. Players who are allowed to look at a double-faced card may look at both faces.
Does that mean both me and the opponent can look at it?

Like let's say I play something that my opponent is hesitating to remove, he isnt sure if it is worth it since he doesn't know what ability it possesses when it transforms. Usually I would say 'you will see when it happens' and they would sort of get upset but go with it. Like, sure they can see that the power and toughness of the night side from the writing on the day side but they can't see like is it flying, trample, hexproof, etc... Sometimes if they know that it will become hexproof they will remove it before it flips, otherwise it gets harder to remove.

Now I am wondering if I am misplaying, if I am actually required to tell them in advance what abilities are on the other side or is it simply up to the opponent to familiarise themselves with the cards in the set?


Author:  warghoul [ Sun Apr 03, 2016 10:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Question about 2 Faces cards

I may be wrong but I am pretty sure the 'Players who are allowed to look" means whenever the double-faced card is in a public zone any opponent can look at either side.

Author:  adeyke [ Mon Apr 04, 2016 5:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Question about 2 Faces cards

If a player is allowed to know what's on one-side of a card, whether that's because it's in a public zone or just temporarily revealed, they're allowed to know what's on the other side. That could mean you telling them completely and exactly what's on the other side, them looking at the other side, or them asking a judge for the card's Oracle text. You aren't allowed to try to benefit by keeping them from that information.

Author:  Venko [ Tue Apr 05, 2016 3:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Question about 2 Faces cards

Thank you for the answers, warghoul and adeyke.

I feel sort of bad now that I know that I have been misplaying all this time. I don't know why I thought that the opponent wasn't allowed to flip over the card to see what was on the other side.

But from now on, I will play correctly.

Thanks again,

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