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Top KLD Draft League Users - Who are they?
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Author:  BelangiaJo [ Mon Oct 31, 2016 10:19 am ]
Post subject:  Top KLD Draft League Users - Who are they?

Hey guys,

It's my first post on this forum, but thought I'd ask a question / start a discussion:

Who are the top ranked league players for KLD draft limited? I follow "NumotTheNummy" on Twitch and know that he's Kenji, but I was surprised to see that "bennylava1" is ranked higher (and there's another player whose username I was unable to catch). Does anyone have insight as to who these players are?

Author:  Pantera Canes [ Tue Nov 01, 2016 10:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Top KLD Draft League Users - Who are they?

Could be some random grinder out there. I know there use to be people in other (non-USA) countries where they could make more money grinding out in MTGO than in getting a regular job in their country. At least that is the narrative.

Author:  Zlehtnoba [ Wed Nov 02, 2016 4:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Top KLD Draft League Users - Who are they?

Those ranks don't tell the whole story. There's a difference between winning 30 out of 40 passes, and 30 out of a 100.

As for your question, no, the only name I know from those is Numot. I had the chance to play against him once, and he had Nibilis of Frost and Jace. Which simply turned a probability into a certainty.

Author:  BelangiaJo [ Thu Nov 03, 2016 5:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Top KLD Draft League Users - Who are they?

Thanks for the responses, guys! Numot is a treat to watch - I couldn't imagine playing against him. I feel like the pros just get better pools than us commonfolk. ;)

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