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Screwing casual players, year two
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Author:  Treamayne [ Mon Oct 10, 2016 2:05 am ]
Post subject:  Screwing casual players, year two

So, if you haven't read about treasure chests yet. Be Afraid (if you are a casual player, of course)

The relevant bit:
Later this year, the curated card list will be updated to include selected non-premium Magic cards from Conspiracy: Take the Crown and Commander (2016 Edition). This is the only way we plan to unlock these cards on Magic Online

So, not only will a "prize" be the only method of getting the cards, you will have less than 33%^ chance of getting one of the cards, since you have an equal chance of getting Modern crap or just Play point and some commons.

I really want to scream and hit somebody in Renton right now.

PS: Here's the letter I just sent out:


Author:  Zlehtnoba [ Mon Oct 10, 2016 4:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Screwing casual players, year two

I would not rant just yet. Did you consider the sheer volume of these Chests that will go out? I'm sure the cards you're after will find their way into the secondary market quite soon. And but for the few that are playable in competitive formats, they should be easy to get.

I mean, Mana Vault is less than two tix online.

(But I'm too lazy to do the math right now, so I may be wrong)

Author:  Pantera Canes [ Tue Oct 11, 2016 12:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Screwing casual players, year two

I am not too clear on the prize chests. Are they just getting put into the bigger events if you win? Like if I do an 8 man flash back draft I will never see one I assume?

Author:  pcjr [ Tue Oct 11, 2016 1:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Screwing casual players, year two

Treasure Chests are only for constructed events. Packs are no longer awarded as constructed prizes (I think). This is probably a good thing since pack prices will/have crash/d due to the drop in cost to enter limited events. Limited players can draft for 12 tickets. Or, buy 3 packs and draft with them after pitching in 2 more tickets. So, unless you just have a couple packs sitting around and just need one more to draft, you'd be silly to spend more than $3.33 for a pack.

There's much less value in packs as prizes for constructed players (unless the also like to draft).

Author:  Zlehtnoba [ Wed Oct 12, 2016 6:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Screwing casual players, year two

Oh, thank you, I completely overlooked the 3-packs-plus-two-tickets thing. And packs are still 4 tix at the store? Weird.

Boosters are still awarded as prices in competitive leagues, but not in friendly ones. Quoting Lee:

constucted leagues payout

That's what I was vaguely remembering when I wrote that there should be a lot of these treasures lying around. Common like dirt, this treasure. And they will be tradeable in a few months.

Author:  Winter.Wolf [ Tue Oct 18, 2016 6:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Screwing casual players, year two

Pack prices will rise again due to adjustment as packs become scarcer from not being offered as prizes. No real mystery there I think.

Treamayne I totally <3 how you wrote what you wrote but as we have all experienced, Mr Wollpert is a complete wall of non-responsiveness unless he addresses something publicly to all. I don't know if that means he does or does not sympathize with your/our plight. I suspect despite having a lot of say in matters he often finds his hands completely tied. You might have better effect addressing the Overlords at Hasbro, whomever those might be.

This forum sub has almost no activity that I didn't realize there was a new post here until I noted that I was no longer logged in.

Author:  pcjr [ Wed Oct 19, 2016 12:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Screwing casual players, year two

The ceiling for pack prices has lowered substantially because of the new entry costs for limited events. That ceiling isn't going up.

Author:  Zlehtnoba [ Thu Oct 20, 2016 5:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Screwing casual players, year two

I've seen pack prices over four tix in the past. Not much, but over. Apparently some players are willing to spend a bit more in tix, rather than input new dollars into the store.

But the ceiling should be about 3.4 tix.

Author:  pcjr [ Thu Oct 20, 2016 10:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Screwing casual players, year two

Pack prices for the previous block have dropped so much you can play in an Eldritch Moon draft for barely more than 7t. Assuming you can wait around long enough for one to fire.

After Kaladesh becomes the old block, I expect those packs will drop below 3t. But, I don't expect them to drop as far as Eldritch Moon because there simply won't be that many around.

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