SMOrc is dead. Now we control board. Got to rank 4 with this
2 Jeweled Macaw
2 Alley Cat
2 Kindly Grandmother
2 Scavenging Hyena
2 Crackling Razormaw
2 Golakka Crawler
2 Rat Pack
2 Animal Companion
2 Eaglehorn Bow
2 Kill Command
2 Deadly Shot
2 Unleash the Hounds
2 Houndmaster
2 Nesting Roc
2 Savannah Highmane
Original list I found had Tundra Rhinos instead of Rocs, but 4/7 taunts for 5 are amazing. Must-have against pirates and mirror if you took too much face damage early, and even against non-face decks, it's a really efficient body that protects the rest of your board so you can keep going face.
Important things that aren't immediately obvious:
1: If you suspect your opponent has a sweeper, trade off your non-deathrattle guys to protect your deathrattle guys so they can't trade into the deathrattles and sweep for a full clear.
2: If they have something you can kill with eaglehorn bow, eaglehorn bow is usually the best play. It's effectively 2 spells for 1 card and 1 spell worth of mana. Sort of like bloodbraid elf, except it costs 3. Don't be afraid to sit on the charge if they don't play another minion. Also, eaglehorn bow+hero power+pass is a good way to spend mana if you think they're going to sweep you.
3: Controlling the board is often the right choice with this deck. It lets you get favorable trades, and keeps your opponent from playing buffs on their own guys. If you snowball a board, you'll be able to end the game in a couple of turns anyways.
Matchup-specific stuff:
Warrior: If they don't play quest turn 1, assume they're pirates. Against pirates, do whatever you can to win the early board, because if they can't control board early, they won't be able to weapon you down through taunts late. Use coin as soon as possible. If you have crab and another play for turn 2, it's often worth it to sandbag crab for a 2 drop or 3 drop instead of eating patches. Cards to play around are upgrade effects and captain buffing their board. I haven't seen many taunt warriors, so I don't think I'm qualified to give advice there.
Paladin: There's 2 paladin lists I've seen: Elemental handbuff paladin, and midrange-control build that plays Tarim, Tirion, and Stonehill to find more Tarims and Tirions. They also run pyro/equality/consecration to clear the board. Also, expect any fatty you play to get Aldor Peacekeepered. They're both generally bad matchups, because they go a little bit bigger than you, but aren't slow enough that you can just rush them down. Play around equality clears by protecting your deathrattles, clear their little guys so they can't Tarim you, and if you buff a guy, trade with it instead of going face so you don't get wrecked by peacekeeper.
Hunter: Like pirates, this is a battle for early board control. If you can get ahead and stay ahead on board, you can get favorable trades, and you can blank their cards that depend on a board presence (razormaw, houndmaster, kill command, hyena). If you fall behind, they'll do the same to you. Use coin early, keep their board clear whenever you can, and watch out for unleash the hounds.
Shaman: I've seen 2 flavors of this, murlocs and elementals. Murlocs is another board control matchup, where they can really punish you with totems and buffs if you let them keep an early board. Cards to play around are murloc warleader, rockpool hunter, and flametongue totem. Elementals are relatively slow, and you can often rush them down while they durdle. Play around lightning storm, kalimos, maelstrom portal, and jade claws in this matchup if you can. Play around hex in both matchups by trading in your buffed guys ASAP like you do vs paladin.
Rogue: There's 2 rogue lists, the quest rogue, and the less frequently played miracle rogue. Against quest rogue, there's not really much you can do to slow them down, or much they can do to slow you down, so it's just about playing early stuff and goldfishing their face. You want to clear their 1/1s if they've finished their quest or are about to finish it. And remember, they can prep out their Crystal Core after they get it. Play around fan of knives, especially if they end a turn leaving multiple guys on 1 health, and trade in your 1/1s for their 1/1s so they don't get daggered. They often run a patches package too, so if you see a turn 1 quest, it's often worth sandbagging crab until your turn 2 to see if you can get 'em. Miracle is another goldfish matchup, but expect backstabs in this one.
Druid: They ramp and play big taunts. They also play swipe and primordial drake, so don't get rekt by those. They can't kill highmane. Kill Command and Deadly Shot are good against big taunts. Don't expect to be able to burn them out with hero power after you've lost board, they have earthen scales and feral rage. Just hope you can end before the big taunts get to be too much.
Priest: This isn't a good matchup. They have "fun" early plays like turn 2 Radiant Elemental into a free Power Word Shield. If they play a guy, you have to clear it that turn or they'll use Power Word: Shield or Kabal Talon Priest on it, attack into your guy, then heal it back up. They also have Dragonfire Potion and Holy Nova later, so play around those. The good news is that they can't answer Highmane now that entomb's gone.
Mage: There's 2 variants of this, secret freeze mage and quest mage. Either way, punch them in the face until they run out of ice blocks, and expect blizzards. I think they might run flamestrikes or doomsayers too. Your unleash the hounds sucks here, so be willing to blow it for only a few dogs.
Warlock: There's 2 versions, zoo and handlock. Zoo is another matchup where early board control is everything, especially killing Malchezaar's imps. It is possible to put yourself in an unwinnable position by turn 2, because if you fall behind on board, you won't be able to come back. Cards to play around are Dire Wolf Alpha, Soulfire, and Voidwalker, which can all have immediate and dramatic impacts on the board. Against handlock, it's a facedown. Play around their clears (hellfire, shadowflame, twisting nether) by protecting your deathrattles and keeping as many minions as possible above the relevant health threshold. Bear in mind that they can heal their face with earthen ring farseer, mistress of mixtures, and playing Jaraxxus if they're low enough. Remember that they also have taunts, in the forms of Defender of Argus, Sunfury Protector, and Faceless Shambler.
Cards possibly on the chopping block are deadly shot and unleash the hounds. The deck has a lot of 3s, and both of them are situational cards that end up underperforming in a lot of games, although when they're good, they're good. Cards I'd consider adding are Grievous Bite, Infested Wolf, Bittertide Hydra, re-adding a Tundra Rhino or 2, or maybe even crafting a Swamp King Dred.
EDIT: Fixed a broken bold tag.