Joined: Feb 09, 2015 Posts: 191
Identity: Curious Cannoli
Posting my arenas here to help others with arenas and also get feedback on my own arena drafting. I will try to explain nonobvious picks.
October, 2015
Oct 01
Warrior, Paladin, Warlock
Gadgetzan Auctioneer, Fel Cannon, Shadowflame It's always good to have one Shadowflame. Gadgetzan is generally bad, especially in Warlock. Fel Cannon is alright for the cost, but mostly antisynergistic with the usual Warlock strategy and replaceable.
Lance Carrier, Refreshment Vendor, Murloc Tidehunter Vendor has good synergy with Warlock. Tidehunter is a mediocre two drop since the 2/1 often trades for a hero power or ability on a stick. Lance Carrier can be alright, but not knowing what our deck is yet it's bad.
Mad Bomber, Fen Creeper, Ironfur Grizzly Mad Bomber has good potential to just steal games on turn two if he kills the opponent's two drop. He's also good against token heavy decks which is good because we don't have a ping. Fen Creeper is also reasonable, but we have 2 four drops and no two drops.
Oasis Snapjaw, Voidwalker, Dragonhawk Rider All of these creatures are mediocre. But I think Void Walker has the most potential to control games and he also has the most potential in the right decks. Warlock wants to establish board control as soon as possible so they are free to tap.
Scarlet Crusader, Dark Iron Dwarf, Wisp Yeah we already have 2 four drops, but it is too early in the draft to pass up a lady of quality just because it doesn't fit our curve.
Ironbeak Owl, Novice Engineer, Power Overwhelming Like Shadowflame, Power OVerwhelming is a card that I almost always want one of in a Warlock deck. Gets better the lower your curve gets and the more token cards you get.
Force-Tank MAX, Undertaker, Ancient Brewmaster Undertaker is garbage. The other two are mediocre and when I'm offered a choice between two mediocre cards I'll usually try to fill the holes in my deck, and currently it has no late game threats.
Volcanic Drake, Clockwork Knight, Demonfire Demonfire isn't great. However currently we have zero removal if you don't counter Power Overwhelming and Demonfire is amazing on Void Terror.
Wild Pyromancer, Void Crusher, Lil' Exorcist Not incredibly enthused about this set of rares, but Wild Pyromancer is at least a 3/2 for two, and has the chance of being an answer to wide Pally boards.
River Crocolisk, Haunted Creeper, Lowly Squire Haunted Creeper is really good for the cost, and it is excellent in Warlock. Plus we already have Dark Iron and Power Overwhelming. Lowly Squire is pretty bad in Warlock because you don't want to be tapping turn two.
Stampeding Kodo, Abomination, Arcane Nullifier X-21 Abomination has antisynergy with our deck and X-21 is mediocre. Kodo has the ability to provide crushing value, especially in the current meta (lots of Pally, lots of aggression, lots of tokens).
Stormpike Commando, Lance Carrier, Voidcaller Voidcaller is definitely the best card, but we are half way through the arena with no promise of getting a relevant demon. Lance Carrier is a pretty mediocre card, but it has great synergy with Walker, Creeper, our divine shields, and Power Overwhelming.
Gurubashi Berserker, Archmage, Silver Hand Regent Silver Hand is good mid-late game and is at least going to be an Ironfur Grizzly on turn three if we need it to be. The other two cards are fairly mediocre.
Mad Bomber, Fearsome Doomguard, River Crocolisk Doomguard would be a reasonable pick too if you were worried about late game. I'm a fan of a good early game though and I love Bomber.
Hellfire, Sen'jin Shieldmasta, Gnomeregan Infantry Hellfire is a really nice card, but is antisynergistic with our deck. Shieldmasta used to be an allstar, and is still a pretty great four drop.
Fearsome Doomguard, Wrathguard, Cult Master Fearsome Doomguard is a big body to drop later, which is nice because we only have one of those so far. Wrathguard is good at applying pressure, but against another aggro deck it might just go one for one and hurt us when we try to tap later. Cult Master is solid in our deck, but not a necessity for a Warlock.
Not super happy about this draft, but it has a good curve and I'll probably be able to get around five wins with it.
"To believe something is to believe that it is true; therefore a reasonable person believes each of his beliefs to be true; yet experience has taught him to expect that some of his beliefs, he knows not which, will turn out to be false. A reasonable person believes, in short, that each of his beliefs is true and that some of them are false."
Joined: Feb 09, 2015 Posts: 191
Identity: Curious Cannoli
Ended up going 4-3.
First loss was to a Shaman who played three Tuskars that got two Totem Golems and a Flametongue, would have had to have a very good deck to beat that RNG.
Second loss was to a Druid who I crushed on board near the end of the match but lost to reach.
Third loss was against a Priest. Left the match early because I had something important to do, but the match seemed almost decisively his when I conceded.
"To believe something is to believe that it is true; therefore a reasonable person believes each of his beliefs to be true; yet experience has taught him to expect that some of his beliefs, he knows not which, will turn out to be false. A reasonable person believes, in short, that each of his beliefs is true and that some of them are false."
Joined: Feb 09, 2015 Posts: 191
Identity: Curious Cannoli
New Draft
Warlock, Hunter, Warrior
Murloc Tidecaller, Injured Kvaldir, Gadgetzan Auctioneer This pack is abysmal, but Kvaldir at least applies some pressure.
Corruption, Demonfuse, Drain Life Another completely awful pack. I'll take the reliable (but overcosted) burn.
Stormwind Commando, Shadow Bolt, Bolderfist Ogre Take the solid late game threat over everything else (other cards aren't that great).
Stormwind Knight, Blackwing Corrupter, Dragonhawk Rider Blackwing Corruptor is amazing if you have dragons, but I'm not going to rely on drafting them.
Darkscale Healer, Silver Hand Regent, Lance Carrier I'd prefer Silver Hand as a class with a tempo generating hero power like Mage or Paladin.
Abusive Sergeant, Razorfen Hunter, Silver Hand Regent Abusive Sergeant is really undercosted for what it does (2/1 and +2 pseudocharge attack), the other two cards are mediocre.
Clockwork Knight, Core Hound, Wrathguard Wrathguard has a pretty bad downside, considering it only goes even with 3/2s. Still, the other two cards are overcosted bodies and Wrathguard has the chance to take over the early game.
Kvaldir Raider, Refreshment Vendor, Voidcaller We need some more demons to make it work, but we have one and aren't even a third of the way through the draft. When you have demons the Caller is incredibly powerful.
Fel Cannon, Mistress of Pain, Shadowflame Love having a Shadowflame. It's generally good to have a board clear in arena, and Shadowflame has a lot of potential to be a complete blowout.
Fist of Jaraxxus, Madder Bomber, Mogor's Champion
Refreshment Vendor, Demonfuse, Raging Worgen While we could use a three drop, Worgen is certainly less than ideal and we are only 10 picks in.
Ancient Brewmaster, Shattered Sun Cleric, Gnomish Inventor
Spectral Knight, Argent Horserider, Tauren Warrior SK vs Horserider is really close, but I prefer a lower curve on Warlock and we definitely need a reliable three drop.
Blood Imp, Lowly Squire, Voidwalker Lowly Squire is mediocre in Warlock, Voidwalker and Imp both get better with Abusive Sergeants, but I think Walker is the better card.
Silver Hand Regent, Piloted Shredder, Mortal Coil While I absolutely love having a Coil in Warlock, Shredder is just one of those cards you can't pass up.
Elven Archer, Silver Hand Knight, Floating Watcher Knight is definitely the better card, but Watcher can pop out of a Void Caller which makes it the pick in my opinion. Plus we have two five drops and no seven drops.
Hobgoblin, Shade of Naxxramas, Garrison Commander We need a two drop.
Priestest of Elune, Fearsome Doomguard, Argent Squire Doomguard is the kind of threat that can just steal games when it comes out of a Caller. If we didn't have Caller I'd probably take Squire because it is a reasonable one drop and has great synergy with Abusive Sergeants.
Injured Kvaldir, Void Crusher, Lightwarden This pack is abysmal. Lightwarden get's superbuffed by Darkscale and Vendor, where Kvaldir just gets a little buffed by Darkscale, also the 1/2 is more likely to survive and become an Abusive target.
Floating Watcher, River Crocolisk, Sense Demons Because of Caller, Watcher is a reasonable pick, but a bit too greedy in my opinion. I'd rather have a filler two drop to curve out consistently.
Explosive Sheep, Blood Imp, Scarlet Crusader
Shattered Sun Cleric, Soulfire, Argent Horserider I might have normally picked the Horserider. However, we have so many one drops that buff spells get better, and with all the 2/1s I'd rather not have another 2/1.
Salty Dog, Refreshment Vendor, Hellfire We are a swarm the board deck, so I'd rather not take Hellfire, and besides we already have a Shadowflame. Refreshment Vendor is another activator for Lightwarden, which at this point looks like it might become a great turn 5 or 6 play even though it is generally a trash card (it's always fun to do amazing **** with trash cards).
Hungry Dragon, Captured Jormungar, Chillwind Yeti
Wisp, Blackwing Technician, Explosive Sheep
Illuminator, Lil' Exorcist, Mogor's Champion Both Illuminator and Exorcist are pretty bad, and while Illuminator can eat 3/2s I think the Exorcist has a lot more potentiality as a tech card and a taunt.
Silent Knight, Power Overwhelming, Sacrificial Pact While I love having a Power Overwhelming is most Warlock decks, we already have two Abusives and two Clerics. Silent Knight combos better with the buffs we already have.
Mechanical Yeti, Faerie Dragon, Silvermoon Guardian We have plenty of four drops but not enough two drops.
Fist of Jaraxxus, Violet Teacher, Fel Cannon Pretty mediocre final pack.
Not really expecting much from this deck, probably around five wins like the last one. Has some fun synergies though between the buffs, Lightwarden, and Caller, should be a blast to play.
"To believe something is to believe that it is true; therefore a reasonable person believes each of his beliefs to be true; yet experience has taught him to expect that some of his beliefs, he knows not which, will turn out to be false. A reasonable person believes, in short, that each of his beliefs is true and that some of them are false."
Joined: Feb 09, 2015 Posts: 191
Identity: Curious Cannoli
Only managed to get three wins. All loses too Mage. All the x/1s make the Mage matchup pretty poor. I only drew Caller once, and along with no demons, and I didn't draw Shredder, that definitely hurt. Madder Bomber and Darkscale Healer were the MVPs this draft.
"To believe something is to believe that it is true; therefore a reasonable person believes each of his beliefs to be true; yet experience has taught him to expect that some of his beliefs, he knows not which, will turn out to be false. A reasonable person believes, in short, that each of his beliefs is true and that some of them are false."
Joined: Feb 09, 2015 Posts: 191
Identity: Curious Cannoli
New Draft
Shaman, Hunter, Druid
Darnassus Aspirant, Lightwarden, Mana Addict Great first pick.
Wildwalker, Archmage, Mark of the Wild None of these cards are that great. Walker has the most potential (if we get beasts), but even though Mark isn't that great it provides some nice utility.
Cult Master, Acidic Swamp Ooze, Dragonkin Sorcerer I think it's a bit early to say if we want a Cult Master in this deck. Acidic Swamp Ooze can win games where the opponent plays something like a Truesilver, and it can really mess up a Rogue's tempo. Acidic Swamp Ooze can also be a two drop if we need it to be, which allows us to be more liberal with later picks.
Coldlight Seer, Madder Bomber, Mech-Bear-Cat Mech-Bear-Cat is a reasonable late game threat, but certainly not the best. Having a Madder Bomber will be really nice if we don't get any Swipes or Starfalls.
Illuminator, Bomb Lobber, Nerubian Egg We could take Egg and hope to get two more buffs, but Bomb Lobber is just too much value to pass up.
Boulderfist Ogre, Wildwalker, Ironfur Grizzly One of the most reliable late game threats!
Magma Rager, Scarlet Crusader, Ironbeak Owl Ironbeak Owl provides some marginal utility, but has a really bad body. Scarlet crusader is a reliable three drop because they need at least two separate sources of damage to remove it.
Novice Engineer, Druid of the Fang, Wolfrider Druid of the Fang without any support is going to be garbage, and I don't want to take that risk. Wolfrider isn't terrible, but I think I'd rather just take the cycler and hope it gets me to my quality cards.
Murloc Raider, Priestess of Elune, Spellbreaker Spellbreaker has the nice utility of Ironbeak without the body that dies to everything. Silence is devastating against certain cards, and it gets even better when you have cards of your own you want to silence like our Aspirant.
Sunfury Protector, Starfall, Illuminator Starfall has amazing utility, it's good against both tall and wide boards.
Drakonoid Crusher, Druid of the Saber, Chillwind Yeti Druid of the Saber is strong enough to beat a Yeti I think. The 2/1 mode provides great utility, and the 3/2 stealth mode makes it one of the most reliable two drops in the format.
Druid of the Claw, Living Roots, Murloc Tidecaller Living Roots is actually one of my favorite cards in the game. Still this is a very hard choice as Druid of the Claw is a fantastic five drop. I think it comes down to how early it is in the draft and how we already have three impactful turn five plays. It's hard to regret a pick like Roots because it's hard to overdraft removal...
Healing Touch, Loot Hoarder, Pit Fighter ...while you can overdraft five drops!
Abusive Sergeant, Dragonling Mechanic, Argent Horserider Had we picked Egg earlier the pick would have been Sergeant. Not regretting anything, just clarifying how your deck can easily change the best pick.
Naturalize, Ironbark Protector, Moonfire Ironbark Protector and Swipe are the two "They're playing Druid!" cards. It's nice to get one!
Silver Hand Regent, Gilblin Stalker, Spellbreaker While Spellbreaker has good utility, I'm rarely ever going to be happy about having two in my hand. Gilblin Stalker is another quality two drop (I'm really happy about our twos), it also works pretty well with Mark of the Wild since it is probably going to live till the next turn.
Living Roots, Raid Leader, Dark Iron Dwarf Dark Iron is a great card, and we currently have zero four drops!
Druid of the Fang, Dark Iron Dwarf, North Sea Kraken An extremely hard pick, but I think our deck is capable of surviving until turn nine. All our five drops are quite good comeback cards. It will also be easier to find four drops to replace the Dark Iron than a card that can really compete with the power Kraken provides.
Ironforge Rifleman, Kvaldir Raider, Silverback Patriarch I pondered over Rifleman for a bit because I think we need a three drop more than a seven drop, but it's just not good enough and I'm not desperate enough.
Abomination, Bite, Arcane Golem Something to do on turn four!
Ogre Magi, Healing Touch, Captured Jormungar It's a fairly mediocre card, but so is Jormungar and we could really use a four drop.
Razorfen Hunter, Silent Knight, Gadgetzan Jouster Really nice to get offered a reasonable three drop when we need it most.
Tournament Attendee, Kvaldir Raider, Acolyte of Pain I definitely don't want another Raider, and while Acolyte of Pain isn't always going to be what you want on turn three it can at least be played on turn three and has great synergy with Mark of the Wild.
Grimscale Oracle, Acidic Swamp Ooze, Druid of the Fang Besides not getting any Swipes, our class cards have been ON POINT this draft.
Mana Addict, Wild Pyromancer, Knight of the Wild Not unhappy about a two drop, we need enough early game to carry us to our bombs and they can make up for not having any four drops. I'd say Pyromancer is actually one of the best two drops we could have gotten because Druid has a problem with flooded boards (though we did get Starfall and Madder Bomber).
Drakonid Crusher, Novice Engineer, Ironbark Protector We have no need to be worried out our late game, we just have to make it there.
Dragonhawk Rider, Wild Growth, Acolyte of Pain We keep getting cards when we need them the most! Getting a second ramp spell is really good for our deck.
Mad Scientist, Captured Jormungar, Gnomeregan Infantry I really don't want another late game threat, especially a mediocre one like Jormungar. The other two cards are just too bad to justify though.
Frostwolf Warlord, Annoy-o-Tron, Silent Knight Even if we don't hit our ramp cards we will have enough early plays I think between all our two and three drops.
Mountain Giant, Ancient of Lore, Hungry Crab Even though it is an absolutely fantastic card I am not that enthusiastic about getting it now. I would have preferred a Swipe or a Yeti. I'm still not sad about it though, it will give us utility against decks that are equally as grindy as ours and decks that can kill us with reach.
I anticipate around six or seven wins with this deck if everything goes well.
"To believe something is to believe that it is true; therefore a reasonable person believes each of his beliefs to be true; yet experience has taught him to expect that some of his beliefs, he knows not which, will turn out to be false. A reasonable person believes, in short, that each of his beliefs is true and that some of them are false."
Joined: Feb 09, 2015 Posts: 191
Identity: Curious Cannoli
EVERYTHING went wrong in my first matchup. My opponent greedily played a Deathlord against me which I removed but got a Darnassus Aspirant which set me back a turn on Jormungar, Ironbark, and Kraken! I got two taunts out with Protector and a Marked guy and he happened to have MASS DISPEL. Then I play another Protector and he had a SPELLBREAKER and kills me with lethal!
I'm not even mad, kinda excited actually because games like that are crazy.
"To believe something is to believe that it is true; therefore a reasonable person believes each of his beliefs to be true; yet experience has taught him to expect that some of his beliefs, he knows not which, will turn out to be false. A reasonable person believes, in short, that each of his beliefs is true and that some of them are false."
Joined: Feb 09, 2015 Posts: 191
Identity: Curious Cannoli
Only four wins. These have been pretty weak runs so far. Time for a new draft though!
New Draft
Mage, Rogue, Hunter
Blade Flurry, Wild Pyromancer, Knife Juggler Blade Flurry is a card that I want in nearly every Rogue deck, and I was tempted to pick it here. Juggler is kinda nuts though and we don't have any weapon buffs to synergize with Flurry yet. It also is replaceable by stuff like Fan of Knives and Dark Iron Skulker.
Murloc Tidehunter, Shiv, Flying Machine
Haunted Creeper, Shieldbearer, Assassin's Blade Creeper is a better card than Haunted Creeper and has excellent synergy with Knife Juggler.
Tauren Warrior, Assassin's Blade, Vanish Now I'll take the Blade.
Acidic Swamp Ooze, Spider Tank, Stranglethorn Tiger All these cards are good, but a three mana 3/4 is hard to come by.
Stonesplinter Trogg, Sprint, Buccaneer Sprint. Wins. Games. But sometimes it is also useless since it requires the investment of a turn to play. Buccaneer is one of the best one drops in the game, and those are very hard to come by.
Undercity Valiant, Chillwind Yeti, Cogmaster And Valiant is one of the best two drops.
Lance Carrier, Mogu'shan Warden, Ice Rager All these cards are bad, but Rager can be good against the right board at least. I'd take Lance Carrier if we had more synergy than just Creeper.
Mad Bomber, Salty Dog, Raging Worgen
Grand Crusader, Kidnapper, Sideshow Spelleater Crusader can fill Sprint's roll.
Tournament Attendee, Gang Up, Stonetusk Boar Really unhappy about this pack, but Boar is at least a clutch ping and combo activator.
Demolisher, One-eyed Cheat, Goblin Sapper Disappointed with this pack too. I think Demolisher has the most potential.
One-eyed Cheat, Burgle, Wild Pyromancer Pyromancer can be good, but it awkward to play in our deck. Burgle is at least CA for late game and a really fun card to play.
Hobgoblin, Grand Crusader, Twilight Drake We have a lot of draw, really glad we didn't take that Sprint now.
Questing Adventurer, Burgle, Cutpurse I really don't want a second Burgle and Questing Adventure fits well with our low curve and draw.
Arcane Golem, Headcrack, Twilight Drake
Buccaneer, Dragonhawk Rider, Kobold Geomancer
Emperor Cobra, Burgle, Cutpurse Not a huge fan of Cobra, but it is better than the other two cards and we don't have an Assassinate or Sap yet.
Gnomish Experimenter, Blade Flurry, Perdition's Blade We don't really need Perdition's Blade since we have two Buccaneers, and now that we have weapon buffs I want a Flurry even more.
Lowly Squire, Volcanic Drake, Undercity Valiant
River Crocolisk, Drakonid Crusher, Tournament Attendee Crusher should be good in our deck because we have a low curve and can always push for damage with weapons.
Wisp, Elven Archer, Southsea Deckhand Pack of combo activators.
Annoy-o-Tron, Stranglethorn Tiger, Darkscale Healer Healer is really bad in this deck. I like Tiger because our deck is aggressive and it's good at pushing for damage.
Argent Watchman, Fencing Coach, SI:7 Agent
Acolyte of Pain, Stoneskin Gargoyle, Frostwolf Grunt Unfortunately I think the only real pick is the "draw spell".
Gang Up, Harvest Golem, Bloodsail Raider I'd normally pick Harvest Golem but our three mana slot is overloaded and the draft is almost over.
Silent Knight, North Sea Kraken, Venture Co. Mercenary Co. is really good in our deck, but Kraken is too good to pass up I think.
Sunwalker, Imp Master, Ogre Ninja Imp Master has good synergy with Knife Juggler, but bad synergy with our bombers. This is looking more like a trounce the early game, refill, and then take over the late game with card advantage style deck. I think the Sunwalker will help us with that.
I'm also putting this deck at six or seven wins.
"To believe something is to believe that it is true; therefore a reasonable person believes each of his beliefs to be true; yet experience has taught him to expect that some of his beliefs, he knows not which, will turn out to be false. A reasonable person believes, in short, that each of his beliefs is true and that some of them are false."
"To believe something is to believe that it is true; therefore a reasonable person believes each of his beliefs to be true; yet experience has taught him to expect that some of his beliefs, he knows not which, will turn out to be false. A reasonable person believes, in short, that each of his beliefs is true and that some of them are false."
Joined: Feb 09, 2015 Posts: 191
Identity: Curious Cannoli
Got six wins with the Priest deck and then six wins with the following deck:
Paladin, Mage, Rogue
Beneath the Grounds, Enhanco-Mechano, Blood Knight While Enhanco can solidify wins, Blood Knight is better on an empty board and can steal games where you are at parity or even behind. You can also draft some shields to combo with him yourself.
Mogu'shan Warden, Venture Co. Mercenary, Refreshment Vendor I think Venture Co. has more potential than Refreshment Vendor, though like Warlock there is additional value in a Refreshment Vendor since you use life as a resource.
Mechanical Yeti, Anub'ar Ambusher, Abusive Sergeant Abusive Sergeant is mediocre when we don't know what our deck will look like. Mechanical Yeti is going to be a really solid four drop in every possible deck.
Assassin's Blade, Voodoo Doctor, Wisp
Kobold Geomancer, Scarlet Crusader, Backstab
Shado-Pan Rider, Zombie Chow, Conceal I think a 2/3 on turn 1 is harder to respond to than a 6/7 on turn 4.5+. Solid ones get additional value in rogue for being good combo activators too.
Micro Machine, Haunted Creeper, Mogu'shan Warden
Beneath the Grounds, Murloc Warleader, Patient Assassin Merloc Warleader isn't the worst, can can even be a decent combo piece if you pick up Bluegills, but Patient Assassin is going to get more value except in the cases where it gets hit by early area of effect.
Conceal, Dragonling Mechanic, Clockwork Knight I really don't like Dragonling Mechanic, and we already have a survivable four drop mech to combo with it. A 5/5 for 5 is mediocre, but not terrible.
Recruiter, Crowd Favorite, Sideshow Spelleater Crowd favorite has the best body for the cost, and the other two don't have effects that are good enough to justify their bodies.
Master of Disguise, Lil' Exorcist, Perdition's Blade This pack was kind of funny after Crowd Favorite because every card was battlecry.
Jungle Panther, Piloted Shredder, Mechanical Yeti I think either mech is arguable, but Shredder has higher potential I think.
Silvermoon Guardian, Assassinate, Novice Engineer
Venture Co. Mercenary, Wisp, Frostwolf Grunt Don't really want a second one, but I definitely don't want to play these other two cards.
Ironforge Rifleman, Hungry Dragon, Unstable Ghoul
Harvest Golem, Nerub'ar Weblord, Ironbeak Owl
Maiden of the Lake, Gnomish Inventor, Shado-Pan Rider
Vanish, Frostwolf Warlord, Earthen Ring Farseer We have too many five mana cards to really consider Warlord.
Deathlord, Coldlight Seer, Goblin Sapper Don't like it, but it has a lot more potential than Sapper.
Shade of Naxxramas, Kodorider, Sideshow Spelleater Kodorider is too slow to add to this deck.
Youthful Brewmaster, Amani Berserker, Tinker's Sharpsword Oil Thinker's Sharpsword Oil is too slow for this deck.
Dire Wolf Alpha, Gnomish Inventor, Nightblade All these cards are mediocre, so lets take the two drop.
Undercity Valiant, Goblin Auto-Barber, Reckless Rocketeer We don't have enough early game to reliably counter Valiant, and Auto-Barber is a mech.
Cogmaster, Mogu'shan Warden, Burly Rockjaw Trogg I absolutely hate Cogmaster in arena, but we have so many mechs that it is probably better than Rcojaw Trogg, and it is especially better in this case since we need early game.
Young Dragonhawk, Puddlestomper, Bluegill Warrior More early game. Bluegill is arguable.
Stormpike Commando, Bluegill Warrior, Pit Fighter Tough choice between Bluegill and Fighter, not sure if I made the right one or not.
Arcane Golem, Coldlight Seer, Sunfury Protector
"To believe something is to believe that it is true; therefore a reasonable person believes each of his beliefs to be true; yet experience has taught him to expect that some of his beliefs, he knows not which, will turn out to be false. A reasonable person believes, in short, that each of his beliefs is true and that some of them are false."
Joined: Feb 09, 2015 Posts: 191
Identity: Curious Cannoli
New Draft, 10 Wins
Mana Addict, Headcrack, Knife Juggler
Clockwork Knight, Thrallmar Farseer, Ancient Brewmaster Brewmaster is kind of an awkward card, not going to take it without any synergy.
Betrayal, Silent Knight, Captured Jormungar Silent Knight is fine, but I want a Betrayal in case I can't pick up any more removal.
Light's Champion, Jeeves, Iron Sensei Light's Champion is kind of mediocre, I wanted to go in on the Sensei because it has a lot of potential if you are offered the right mechs. It isn't too hard to get good mechs as Rogue because their class mechs are amazing.
Deadly Poison, Sen'jin Shieldmasta, Dragonhawk Rider Shieldmasta is a good card, but I wanted Deadly Poison for the utility.
Gadgetzan Jouster, Silver Hand Regent, Amani Berserker A solid two drop. Don't really want to play Silver Hand in Rogue.
Young Dragonhawk, Annoy-o-Tron, Volcanic Drake And another one!
Murloc Raider, Antique Healbot, Captured Jormungar Healbot is a mech, but even if we play it with a Sensei it is still only a 5/5 for 5.
Sunfury Protector, Alarm-o-Bot, Armored Warhorse
Backstab, Shadowstep, Dragonhawk Rider
Gnomeregan Infantry, Undercity Valiant, Goblin Auto Barber A really good mech.
Harvest Golem, Shattered Sun Cleric, Sap Another Golem!
Ancient Brewmaster, Evil Heckler, Reckless Rocketeer Does good blocking for our Senseis and is the best card here anyway.
Clockwork Knight, Faerie Dragon, Undercity Valiant Pretty good card with all the mechs we have.
Blackwing Corruptor, Hungry Dragon, Bloodsail Raider Bloodsail Raider is a really solid two drop for rogues.
War Golem, Dark Iron Dwarf, Lost Tallstrider We are light on four drops and Dark Iron is a good one.
Stonetusk Boar, Shattered Sun Cleric, Stormwind Knight We have an aggressive curve, sticky minions, and minions we want to protect. That makes Shattered Sun pretty great.
Lost Tallstrider, Faerie Dragon, Buccaneer Buccaneer can win games against classes that can't deal with it directly, and is still good in the other matchups.
Burgle, Cutpurse, Twilight Drake Don't really want to play Drake in this deck. Taking Burgle in case I run out of steam or need to dig for answers.
Shiv, Clockwork Gnome, Wisp Really good card since it can be played on turn four with a Sensei as an immediate 4/3.
Flesheating Ghoul, Buccaneer, Conceal Conceal has some uses in our deck, but no reason to take it when a Buccaneer is offered.
Ironbeak Owl, Buccaneer, Gurubashi Berserker
Stormwind Knight, Betrayal, Silverback Patriarch Don't want another betrayal, and don't have many fours.
Stranglethorn Tiger, Spiteful Smith, Razorfen Hunter Tiger is a good card, but I think I slightly prefer Spiteful Smith in Rogue since you can garuntee a weapon.
Shattered Sun Cleric, Leper Gnome, Darkscale Healer
Stoneskin Gargoyle, Acidic Swamp Ooze, Mukla's Champion Mukla's Champion seems alright in this deck, but I'd rather have a large creature as a seven drop in case of board clears and whatever. If this deck has board control it's won the game already anyway.
Backstab, Archmage, Amani Berserker One or two backstabs is always fantastic, it is an unfair amount of tempo.
Iron Sensei, Pint-Sized Summoner, Blade Flurry Wow!!!
"To believe something is to believe that it is true; therefore a reasonable person believes each of his beliefs to be true; yet experience has taught him to expect that some of his beliefs, he knows not which, will turn out to be false. A reasonable person believes, in short, that each of his beliefs is true and that some of them are false."
Joined: Feb 09, 2015 Posts: 191
Identity: Curious Cannoli
Oh, and I forgot to post this one from yesterday because I had to leave before I could finish typing explanations for the picks. Got nine wins with it, meaning it was my first great arena run since recording these things.
Yesterday's Draft
Shaman, Warrior, Rogue
Ancient Mage, Armored Warhorse, Argent watchman Armored Warhorse will make plays ~30% of the time, Ancient Mage is unlikely to do much of anything unless I have creatures on board, seven mana, and a fan of knives in my hand.
Anub'ar Ambusher, Mogu'shan Warden, Shattered Sun Cleric
Shadowstep, Sap, Drakonid Crusher We don't know where this deck will be going, and Sap benefits and aggressive deck just-as-much-if-not-more than Drakonid Crusher anyway. Having one Sap is good, especially if we don't get an Assassinate.
Gilblin Stalker, Cold Blood, Eviscerate
Bloodsail Raider, Acidic Swamp Ooze, Thrallmar Farseer I think the upside of Swamp Ooze is greater than the upside of Raider, especially since we don't have any weapons yet. Swamp Ooze will really help our mirror match.
Frigid Snobold, Boneguard Lieutenant, Pit Fighter I'd rather have a two drop, but it is early in the draft and Lieutenant is a lot more replaceable in my opinion.
Evil Heckler, Murloc Raider, Loot Hoarder Evil Heckler is pretty good, but I want to start getting the aggressive curve going as it gives us more freedom with later picks.
Cult Master, Drakonid Crusher, Lance Carrier Drakonid Crusher is better on its own, but I think Cult Master has more potential.
Burgle, Argent Watchman, Mind Control Tech Mind Control Tech because we don't have any Blade Flurry or Fan of Knives or Skulker yet.
Loot Hoarder, Tournamnet Attendee, Refreshment Vendor Decent four drop in Rogue, allows us to be greedy with our weapon attacks.
Iron Sensei, Master of Disguise, Injured Blademaster Mediocre three drop over mediocre four drop.
Salty Dog, Leper Gnome, Stormwind Knight I think Stormwind has the most potential to do something here, and I don't want another five drop. Leper Gnome has antisynergy with our Vendors.
Undercity Valiant, Faerie Dragon, Vanish
Thrallmar Farseer, Volcanic Drake, Evil Heckler Drake is maybe arguable, but I prefer the consistency of Heckler and they both have four health.
Shady Dealer, Wild Pyromancer, Nerubiant Egg I'd rather have a three drop at this point, and Pyro doesn't really synergize with this deck.
Harvest Golem, Faerie Dragon, Defias Ringleader
Blackwing Corruptor, Tournament Attendee, Stonetusk Boar Really **** Moonfire, but I'd rather take it for the utility over two terrible cards.
Boneguard Lieutenant, Sap, Nightblade Two Saps is too many when you have an Assassinate.
Dragonling Mechanic, Maiden of the Lake, Thrallmar Farseer These are all bad, but Dragonling offers the best stats.
Silver Hand Knight, Assassin's Blade, Mechwarper Assassin's Blade synergizes well with both Refreshment Vendor and Drakonoid Crusher depending on how the game is going.
Kidnapper, Sea Giant, Mini-Mage Pretty reasonable finisher, he'll usually be played for around five or six mana.
"To believe something is to believe that it is true; therefore a reasonable person believes each of his beliefs to be true; yet experience has taught him to expect that some of his beliefs, he knows not which, will turn out to be false. A reasonable person believes, in short, that each of his beliefs is true and that some of them are false."
Joined: Feb 09, 2015 Posts: 191
Identity: Curious Cannoli
New Draft, 5 Wins
Warrior, Hunter, Shaman
Sea Giant, Recruiter, Murloc Warleader Sea Giant is fantastic in arena. It can usually be played for five or six mana, and it gets better when you're playing Shaman or Paladin.
Lightning Bolt, Murloc Raider, Spider Tank It's close, but I think Tank is better. Shaman has a lot of burn, and I'd prefer a Rockbiter over a Lightning Bolt.
Gnomish Inventor, Tinkertown Technician, Dancing Swords We already have a Spider Tank, and with three or four mechs I'd prefer Technician over the other two cards.
Totem Golem, Fen Creeper, Chillwind Yeti
Tuskarr Totemic, Whirling Zap-o-matic, Stranglethorn Tiger There is a mech here, but it isn't worth taking over what I think is the more powerful card. Totemic can single handedly win you a game by flipping something like a Totem Golem.
Novice Engineer, Stormwind Champion, Bloodlust Not sure if this is a Bloodlust deck, would rather just take a dork.
Frost Shock, Silverback Patriarch, Annoy-o-Tron
Haunted Creeper, Fire Elemental, Gnomish Inventor
Dragon Egg, Vitality Totem, Grim Patron All bad choices, but there are a few ways we could make use of an Egg. Patron is just too slow to be worth playing, even if it is the only creature with a body here.
Piloted Shredder, Lowly Squire, Dust Devil
Boneguard Lieutenant, Silver Hand Regent, Gurubashi Berserker Regent and Boneguard are both solid in Shaman, I'd rather have a two drop though since we already have some two drops and a Totem Golem.
Booty Bay Bodyguard, Dragonling Mechanic, Totemic Might All terrible cards, but I think Booty Bay serves a function. Mechanic might also be a fine pick because of Sea Giant.
Saboteur, Imp Master, Vitality Totem Close between Saboteur and Imp Master, but I generally prefer Saboteur because it applies more preasure and messes with your opponent's turn.
Ironforge Rifleman, Gadgetzan Jouster, Mukla's Champion Mukla's Champion might actually do something, where the other two cards are generally just poor tempo plays.
Reckless Rocketeer, Razorfen Hunter, Reincarnate Hunter over Rocketeer because we have multiple ways to buff tokens.
"To believe something is to believe that it is true; therefore a reasonable person believes each of his beliefs to be true; yet experience has taught him to expect that some of his beliefs, he knows not which, will turn out to be false. A reasonable person believes, in short, that each of his beliefs is true and that some of them are false."
Joined: Feb 09, 2015 Posts: 191
Identity: Curious Cannoli
My first less than average draft since I started recording.
New Draft, 2 Wins
Shaman, Warlock, Hunter
Crazed Alchemist, Dragon Egg, Death Lord Alchemist is alright utility, Death Lord is too risky.
Clockwork Gnome, Darkscale Healer, Clockwork Knight A Darkscale Healer is nice, especially in Warlock.
Gnomeregan Infantry, Dire Wolf Alpha, Lost Tallstrider Taking the dork for now, don't know if the deck can use a Dire Wolf yet.
Lance Carrier, Imp Gang Boss, Nightblade
Razorfen Hunter, Pit Fighter, Shadow Bolt Shadow Bolt is arguable, but Pit Fighter is more exceptional for its cost. Maybe the wrong choice since the deck has no removal yet.
Grimscale Oracle, Novice Engineer, Drain Life
Demonfire, Voodoo Doctor, Demonfuse
Elven Archer, Archmage, Flame Juggler
War Golem, Boneguard Lieutenant, Stoneskin Gargoyle
Secretkeeper, Armored Warhorse, Gnomish Experimenter I don't care much about the draw effect in Warlock.
Succubus, Dragonling Mechanic, Antique Healbot I'd rather take the tempo card over the mediocre four drop.
Cult Master, Stonetusk Boar, Mukla's Champion I don't really want to play Cult Master in this deck, but it is the best card of the bunch.
Blood Imp, Ice Rager, Reckless Rocketeer Blood Imp can help squeeze some value out of our other creatures.
Booty Bay Bodyguard, Silvermoon Guardian, Darkbomb
Drain Life, Silverback Patriarch, Soulfire
Succubus, Silvermoon Guardian, Dalaran Mage
Earthen Ring Farseer, Grimscale Oracle, Dragonkin Sorcerer
Sunfury Protector, Tiny Knight of Evil, Mind Control Tech Knight currently has good synergy with the deck, and as Warlock you want to try to avoid a situation where Mind Control Tech is good for you at all costs anyway.
Dancing Swords, Murloc Raider, Ice Rager Rager is better than Swords because Swords doesn't help win the attrition war. Murloc Raider is arguable.
Voidwalker, Amani Berserker, Stormwind Champion All these picks are defensible I think.
Ancient Watcher, Sludge Belcher, Tiny Knight of Evil Tiny Knight has too much synergy to take Belcher over it, and Belcher isn't cushioning the deck for anything since it has no comeback mechanics like board wipes.
Note: After the first few picks I was hoping to open a board wipe or two and play more of a control game. Unfortunately one never came.
"To believe something is to believe that it is true; therefore a reasonable person believes each of his beliefs to be true; yet experience has taught him to expect that some of his beliefs, he knows not which, will turn out to be false. A reasonable person believes, in short, that each of his beliefs is true and that some of them are false."
Joined: Feb 09, 2015 Posts: 191
Identity: Curious Cannoli
Decided to discontinue this for now. It takes too much time when I just want to do another draft sometimes and I haven't got any feedback.
"To believe something is to believe that it is true; therefore a reasonable person believes each of his beliefs to be true; yet experience has taught him to expect that some of his beliefs, he knows not which, will turn out to be false. A reasonable person believes, in short, that each of his beliefs is true and that some of them are false."
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