I think the important things to keep in mind in this meta are:
1-2 hp boards without deathrattles are easily punished by Patron, Control Warrior, and Combo Druid.
You need a plan to stop decks like Mech Mage, Dragon Priest, and Zoolock from establishing too big of a board position.
It's good to have an answer to
Mechwarper and
Darnassus Aspirant.
Warrior and Paladin both have top decks and both play 3-4 weapons. Throwing an
Acidic Swamp Ooze or
Harrison Jones in your deck could prove to be a good tech choice.
With Secret Paladin, Freeze Mage, and Tempo Mage all being very popular, secret tech like a
Flare or
Kezan Mystic might be a good choice, but both are pretty weak in the situation where the deck your facing doesn't include secrets.