Hey, I just hit rank 5 in wild, so I feel semi-qualified to talk about this now.
Introduction: Wild is a format where all the coolest, most fun cards from standards past are back to play with. It's also the format where the stupidest, most **** cards from standards past are back on the table.
The meta: There are a number of viable high-tier wild decks that you'll see on ladder. They are as follows:
Hunter: if you see a hunter, it's probably going to be some variant of secret/spellstone hunter, either the all spells one, or the Kathrena recruit one. If you're slower than they are, don't attack face and trigger their secrets. If you're a slow deck, try to keep an answer to spellstone in your mull.
Warrior: I haven't seen any warrior decks high on the wild ladder.
Paladin: This is either going to be odd Baku paladin, or murlocs. Either way, you want early interaction and sweepers. You need to keep their board clear because they have so many mass buff effects (quartermaster/level up in odd, warleader/megasaur/tarim in murlocs). Never let them untap with a big board if you can help it, and always trade.
Druid: Druids are either some sort of aviana/kun otk combo, or jades. The jades are more common lower on ladder, the otks are more common higher. They can destroy any board with poison seeds into spreading plague, so don't overextend if you don't have to. There are generally two kinds of Aviana-Kun decks: the ones that otk you with malygos, and the ones that play Togwaggle into Azalina Soulthief to steal your deck and keep you from switching back. Basically all you can do is kill them before they draw all their pieces, or use dirty rat/gnomeferatu/deathlord to rip one of them. I guess if you hit Aviana with explosive runes, that would also stop it, but I haven't gotten that to work yet.
Rogue: They're going to try to mill you with coldlights. They're probably also running n'zoth to get back deathlords and sludge belchers, and Valeera the Hollow to double up their cards. Whether they're running the kingsbane plan or just straight mill depends on the deck. You have to force them to burn all their saps and vanishes, then kill them before their endgame. Additionally, there are two ways you can beat the kingsbane: mages can play frost lich jaina and keep their face permafrozen with water elementals, and warlocks can play ooze into gnomeferatu when they have an empty deck. Other than that, just kill them before they can kill you.
Shaman: they're either playing Genn Greymane, or they're trying to shudderwock you. The two shudderwock variants are the standard legal one where they play lifedrinker, grumble, and chain gang and otk you, and one where they just play a bunch of jades and shudderwock for a board full of 10/10s with a Loatheb trigger on top so you can't nether them. Either way, you need to dirty rat/deathlord their shudderwock, or just goldfish them faster. Against Greymane even shaman, you need to keep their board clear and not die. They run sea giants and flametongue totems to punish you for letting their board fill up. Staying ahead on board so you can keep squishing their 0/2 totems with a minion for free ruins them. Sweepers are worth their weight in gold.
Warlock: it could be Genn Greymane warlock, which stomps you with early mountain and molten giants. It could be Reno warlock. Or it could be just trying to play voidcallers into voidlords and Mal'Ganis. Your big worry is that they'll stick an undercosted fatty (demon or giant) and you'll be unable to deal and fall terminally behind on board. Also, as always, don't extend into defile/godfrey/nether, and if you can save big aoe for their bloodreaver gul'dan and n'zoth, do it. You can also just punch them in the face.
Mage: this is either tempo mage or reno mage. Against tempo mage, priority numero uno is not letting them untap with minions and hit face, because if they do, you'll fall within range of their burn. Flamewakers, Apprentices, and Mana Wyrms can also cause serious problems if they untap with them. Against reno mage, the lists vary a lot, but they probably have more value than you and you need to kill them fast. Just remember that they can have ice block.
Priest: This could be some kind of reno quest priest, but more likely, it's resurrect priest. Did you miss Barnes into Y'Shaarj? Me neither. They're virtually impossible to beat in a long game, because they keep resummoning big boys. Kill them fast.
"But Cato, I came to this thread because you're so amazing and I want to know what deck YOU'RE playing!" Thank you, I'm glad you asked. I'm running reno mage, and my list is as follows:
### We gon b rich # Class: Mage # Format: Wild # # 1x (1) Zombie Chow # 1x (2) Arcanologist # 1x (2) Dirty Rat # 1x (2) Mad Scientist # 1x (2) Medivh's Valet # 1x (2) Primordial Glyph # 1x (3) Brann Bronzebeard # 1x (3) Explosive Runes # 1x (3) Ice Block # 1x (3) Mirror Entity # 1x (3) Volcanic Potion # 1x (3) Voodoo Doll # 1x (3) Zola the Gorgon # 1x (4) Arcane Keysmith # 1x (4) Fireball # 1x (4) Kazakus # 1x (4) Piloted Shredder # 1x (4) Polymorph # 1x (5) Dragon's Fury # 1x (5) Rotten Applebaum # 1x (5) Sludge Belcher # 1x (6) Emperor Thaurissan # 1x (6) Meteor # 1x (6) Reno Jackson # 1x (6) Sylvanas Windrunner # 1x (7) Firelands Portal # 1x (7) Flamestrike # 1x (8) Medivh, the Guardian # 1x (9) Frost Lich Jaina # 1x (10) N'Zoth, the Corruptor # AAEBAf0EHk3AAcMBuwLsB7kN2Q33DYEOkBDWEcMWhRfgrAKjtgLXtgKhtwLpugLYuwLBwQKYxALfxAKWxwKP0wKb0wLX4QLD6gK+7AK38QLF8wIAAA== # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone
Dirty Rat is Jesus, and your only out in some matchups. Brann Kazakus Zola lets you get quad potion. Dragon's fury is pretty good damage most of the time.
Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
Wild is a format where most decks focus on doing one unfair thing really well. What this means is that, in a lot of matchups, only one thing matters, and your job is to figure out what that one thing is, and play to it. Against shudderwock shaman and aviana kun druid, you need to focus on killing them fast, or dirty ratting them. Against other reno decks, what matters is saving boardclears for their gul'dan/n'zoth, not overextending into weepers, and winning fatigue by getting maximum value from all of your cards, and saving kazakus until you can get quad potion with Brann/Zola. Against paladins, tempo mages, and Greymane shamans, all you care about is not falling behind on board. Turn 3 tempo Brann is a legit play in these matchups.
Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
i consider that you are a sassbox and a nerd. i miss that dovescape deck that you had. stupid wizards.
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