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Duels Expansion Review (Battle for Zendikar Edition) - White and Blue
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Author:  Article Bot [ Mon Nov 23, 2015 5:03 am ]
Post subject:  Duels Expansion Review (Battle for Zendikar Edition) - White and Blue

felbatista has just posted the article "Duels Expansion Review (Battle for Zendikar Edition) - White and Blue" in Duels Of The Week.

Comment on it here!

Author:  Black Barney [ Mon Nov 23, 2015 10:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Duels Expansion Review (Battle for Zendikar Edition) - White and Blue

Great article!!

I can't believe Foundry Street Denizen got rated hired than Disperse! For shame!

I actually play Bellows Lizard in one of my mono-red decks :) I think it should be rated 1.0

Author:  CovertGo Blue [ Mon Nov 23, 2015 1:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Duels Expansion Review (Battle for Zendikar Edition) - White and Blue

I wish I could find something I disagreed with to promote more discussion, but I think I agree with all your ratings. Good job, enjoyed the article. It read a lot faster than I am sure it took to type up, it never felt long to me.

Author:  felbatista [ Mon Nov 23, 2015 5:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Duels Expansion Review (Battle for Zendikar Edition) - White and Blue

Hey, CGB agrees with me! I feel like a pro now :cloud9:

I actually play Bellows Lizard in one of my mono-red decks :) I think it should be rated 1.0

I see people playing Animist's Awakening pretty often online. That doesn't make the card less terrible :P

Anyway, thanks everyone! This article is very important to me and I hope everyone enjoys it.

Author:  Black Barney [ Mon Nov 23, 2015 5:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Duels Expansion Review (Battle for Zendikar Edition) - White and Blue

I'm not saying some people are playing Bellows Lizard. I'm saying that I'M playing it. That should mean something :)

Author:  TheTruStag [ Mon Nov 23, 2015 6:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Duels Expansion Review (Battle for Zendikar Edition) - White and Blue

I feel like felidar cub is much better than just a niche card. I mean a 2/2 body for 2 is decent on its own but the ability to destroy an enchantment at instant speed when enchantments are still a thing in this format is very strong. I run it in decks I have white like I do with rec sage in green. great read nonetheless!!

Author:  Garren_Windspear [ Mon Nov 23, 2015 7:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Duels Expansion Review (Battle for Zendikar Edition) - White and Blue

Damn it Fel! I was going to do something like this for all the cards in the expansion myself (because I am terrifyingly bored sometimes) and now you've gone and stolen my thunder. For the record I disagree with a number of your choices but none more then making Elemental Bond a 1.0 card.

Author:  felbatista [ Mon Nov 23, 2015 8:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Duels Expansion Review (Battle for Zendikar Edition) - White and Blue

TheTruStag wrote:
I feel like felidar cub is much better than just a niche card. I mean a 2/2 body for 2 is decent on its own but the ability to destroy an enchantment at instant speed when enchantments are still a thing in this format is very strong. I run it in decks I have white like I do with rec sage in green. great read nonetheless!!

I don't feel like 2/2s for 2 are decent on its own anymore. I'm much happier with Angelic Edict, even if it's a sorcery.

Damn it Fel! I was going to do something like this for all the cards in the expansion myself (because I am terrifyingly bored sometimes) and now you've gone and stolen my thunder. For the record I disagree with a number of your choices but none more then making Elemental Bond a 1.0 card.

Maybe we can compare notes afer we're all done :)

Also, don't get me wrong, I don't hate Elemental Bond or anything like that, but are you really going to tell me with a straight face that it's not a "niche card, or currently unkown archetype"?

Author:  Garren_Windspear [ Mon Nov 23, 2015 8:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Duels Expansion Review (Battle for Zendikar Edition) - White and Blue

I'd personally push it up to 2.0. Admittedly you do kinda have to build a deck with it's inclusion in mind but it can prove devastating if built around - especially since most decks you would run it in kinda hunger for card draw.

Author:  Black Barney [ Tue Nov 24, 2015 8:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Duels Expansion Review (Battle for Zendikar Edition) - White and Blue

It's a 1.0.

Shame on you Garren. Shame.

Author:  Garren_Windspear [ Tue Nov 24, 2015 10:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Duels Expansion Review (Battle for Zendikar Edition) - White and Blue

It isn't my fault all you lower-tier players simply don't understand the subtleties of a master deck builder such as myself. Perhaps one day you will be able to perceive even a tenth of my brilliance. Though I doubt it. Skill such as mine is a rarity after all. :Insert Smug-Ass Smiley Here:'s totally a 2.0 though. Card draw outside of blue always deserves a look at, even if it is somewhat conditional.

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