But no seriously. I think this would work as a good deck. Anyone want to help?
Sure, I'll throw some thoughts out if you're serious.
Pursue Foggy MillsSeems like it would be better to just drop red and go Sultai. Red's just for the
Molten Vortex and you're trying to feed it by running 30 lands if I read the list right. Since you're mostly cantripping as draw options, I think that's just leading to the excess lands ended up as potential dead draws in the games you don't draw Vortex. Plus, I'm not entirely sure how good Vortex even is here. I assume it's best at burning out a few smaller creatures and maybe a few bigger ones if you have/hold onto lands later, but I don't know if you sustain the resource drain. I also can't imagine you'll dome too many opponents out of the game. Your damage output looks poor so you'll need to achieve close to the full 20+ damage or slightly less if you run into black decks running
Read the Bones/other life loss.
If dropping red, that'll open up some slots between losing Vortex and some lands at the very least. I'll name drop
Jace, Vryn's Prodigy since his abilities are nice for the deck, but I think he just turns on removal you're mostly negating. Otherwise
Elvish Visionary looks alright as another cantrip plus chump. Could look into
Alchemist's Vial to help
Artificer's Epiphany turn into a +1 advantage.
Perhaps best bet is continue down the spell heavy direction. Run the third
Possessed Skaab to recycle fogs and other spells. I like
Telling Time as a cheap, instant cantrip plus draw setup even if it doesn't count as drawing towards
Sphinx's Tutelage. Now how about
Inspiration to jam as many instants? I'm not sure how much I actually like
Artificer's Epiphany sans artifacts, so Inspiration might be more useful. Or for as much as I love
Read the Bones, maybe test a list that cuts down to 1 or no copies. The rationale being it causes life loss and isn't an instant.
A couple of murders might be beneficial to deal with big or annoying threats.
Unholy Hunger? Test a
Fleshbag Marauder and
Cruel Revival package? There's also the option of running a slight counterspell package with all the instants you'll be running. I think scry 2 on
Calculated Dismissal is great,
Bone to Ash at least has the cantrip, and
Countermand to stop anything while adding to the mill. I'd probably start a testing a package at a 2/1 split between Dismissal with a Bone to Ash/Countermand.
Disciple of the Ring could be an actual alternate win condition with so many spells. Sadly, I think the resource investment would be pretty high. The number of spells required to 20 your opponent while protecting her and tapping blockers or even attackers is pretty intense. Establishing the mill engine probably wins faster.
If this seems reasonable for you, I'd be happy to see list development continue over into the Sultai thread. Or if you want,
I can get a little crazy.
Let's talk Molten GRubI really loved
Seismic Assault so naturally
Molten Vortex has some appeal to me. We don't exactly have something like
Life from the Loam to try and break it, but I think pairing the card with
Nissa's Pilgrimage appears all right for the time being. Here's to hoping the Battle for Zendikar expansion brings back another land emphasis further pushing cards like these.
Anyways, I think focusing on RG and maybe just black or blue instead of getting greedy with both is the smart thing to do. Dropping mill as a win condition, we now have a list that can apply more direct damage. This will ease the required reach needed to kill an opponent helping cards like Molten Vortex. Burn options are solid between
Fiery Impulse,
Twin Bolt,
Exquisite Firecraft backed up with a late game
Ravaging Blaze or two. There's some conflict between fueling a Ravaging Blaze or holding lands for Molten Vortex that'll require watching.
Embermaw Hellion has potential here increasing red spell damage and creatures while being quite large. Hellion powers up
Dragon Fodder which already seems like a reasonable early spell to block/attack and helping enable spell mastery.
Mentioned earlier, I'd probably looks towards just building a Temur or Jund list, but I figure it would be fun to get to run
Possessed Skaab with the spells. However, we're greedy to try play BB and UU spells like
Languish or
Disciple of the Ring together. Another issue looks like if Molten Vortex is even really worth it here or at the moment in general. It's use might be limited mostly as a 1-of or perhaps it's just not worth the effort trying to find it and/or pitch lands to it.
Might stick to
Flameshadow Conjuring as as the current red, build around enchantment. Jund Conjured Elves?
There's a few other things I could probably cover, but between getting late and wanting to look into weird elf lists, I should stop for now.