My Golgari Control deck that was 8-1 last week and mentioned in my Duels Diaries - Week 3 post.
Perilous Myr4
Gatecreeper Vine3
Elvish Visionary2
Evolutionary Leap3
Gather the Pack1
Liliana, Heretical Healer1
Nantuko Husk1
Nissa, Vastwood Seer1
Jagged-Scar Archers3
Reclamation Sage3
Dwynen, Gilt-Leaf Daen1
Priest of the Blood Rite1
Gilt-Leaf Winnower3
Cruel Revival1
Woodland Bellower1
Gaea's Revenge7
Woodland Cemetery4
Golgari Guildgate4
Evolving Wilds13 Black, 20 Green, 3 Colorless
28 creatures, 8 spells, 24 lands
15 two drops, 10 three drops, 4 four drops, 5 five drops, 1 six drop, 1 seven drop
The deck tries to work like this -
(a) Find a creature card that works best against your opponent (gather the pack, evo leap)
(b) Use gravedigger and cruel revival gravedigger to play that creature over and over and over.
(c) Win with with whatever creatures you happen to have around.
Interested in this deck so fixed the quotes to see it better.
TL;DR - Awesome deck is awesome
I might have to try out this deck too. I'm curious how well creatures like the Archer and Dwynen perform when they are so conditionally dependent on a lot of Elves to be fully utilized. I like the graveyard interaction base in this deck, and I might try to rely on that mechanic with the sac ability off
Evolutionary Leap. Personally, I would opt for
Fleshbag Marauder for early game board control. With
Perilous Myr it can often give you a 2-for-1 trade and it makes a decent
Cruel Revival target after an
Evolutionary Leap dig; it also works well with Liliana's second ability. The other card I'm not completely sold on is
Elvish Visionary because I've definitely pulled one up in the mid-late game off Evolutionary Leap when I needed something much more substantial.
I look at Bitter Revelation for a draw engine and to get the graveyard going. Basically my philosophy with Leap is that I want every creature I pull to give me some sort of board advantage through utility. I also consider
Necromantic Summons to be a viable option. It's just too awesome in a deck with
Gaea's Revenge, and it having +2/+2 with a protection from everything not green is a huge advantage in this format. Lastly,
Reave Soul is an amazing early game removal option.
Languish simply decimates aggro decks, and with the revival tech in this deck doesn't completely leave you stranded. It can also put big creatures within
Reave Soul range if
Cruel Revival isn't available. That would round out the removal package to be
Perilous Myr Reave Soul Fleshbag Marauder Cruel Revival and
Languish with graveyard interaction and card draw. Here's what I put together:
4 x
Perilous Myr4 x
Gatecreeper Vine1 x
Liliana, Heretical Healer3 x
Fleshbag Marauder1 x
Nissa, Vastwood Seer3 x
Reclamation Sage3 x
Gravedigger1 x
Kothophed, Soul Hoarder1 x
Gaea's RevengeSpells
3 x
Reave Soul4 x
Read the Bones2 x
Languish3 x
Cruel Revival1 x
Necromantic SummonsEnchantments
2 x
Evolutionary LeapLands
12 x
Swamp6 x
Forest4 x
Golgari Guildgate2 x
Woodland CemeteryCreatures: 21
Spells: 13
Enchantments: 2
Mana Curve (starting at 2CC): 13-12-5-4-2
Basically, I want a control deck that can counter aggro, thopter, and elves. I main UR Thopter and it's pretty much the standard I use to create any other decks against because it presents as aggro and transitions to control in the mid-late game. Other aggro decks can't keep pace and control decks tend to die before they can set up. This deck has the removal for the early game, big board clear, and finishes with strong creatures that can't be hit easily with burn damage. Also, the fact that a lot of the creatures' abilities trigger when they hit the board means that burn/bounce isn't as punishing. Even if they're countered/killed, the revival mechanics will likely kick in.
Reclamation Sage will ruin artifact decks that rely on
Thopter Spy Network and can act as creature removal against key cards like
Chief of the Foundry. One I see with this iteration is when it comes to flyers, but hopefully, with 15 removal effects in the deck, it will be manageable. I also am looking at
Shadows of the Past to counter the loss of life cards and stabilize in the mid game against aggro (interacts incredibly well with
Evolutionary Leap, making
Perilous Myr and
Fleshbag Marauder amazing; sac, scry 1, deal 2 damage or force your opponent to sac a creature, and fetch a replacement). Also, with it on the board and a well timed
Languish I've definitely benefitted from the Scry mechanic for huge numbers. Hopefully I get a chance to see how it does in this matchup at some point today.
EDIT/UPDATE: Went 12-1 in ranked games. I made some changes that helped with the longer games:
Gatecreeper Vine, -1
Read the Bones, +2
Shadows of the Past. It gives you a late game finisher with a lot of life swing to recover against aggro/RDW; the scry goes nuts with this deck and ensured I wasn't either mana screwed in the early game, or mana flooded in the late game. Even against high spell count/low creature decks, enough of my board is bouncing in and out of the graveyard it somewhat operates independently of control decks and still gives me a lot of card advantage. It scales so nicely in every stage of the game and works well with
Kothophed, Soul Hoarder (which I found is a nice alternative to
Elvish Visionary. I got lucky and
Nissa, Vastwood Seer hit the board quite a bit, and when she flipped, gave me huge card advantage. Her 4/4 token is awesome after a board wipe too. I even used her as a chump blocker against aggro knowing full well she would drop mid-late game off revival tactics.
Languish is simply amazing in this deck. As I suspected, the 'comes into play' triggers off creatures meant that early game trades with aggro gave me an advantage; especially against White where so many of their creatures have Renown. The winners for me were
Fleshbag Marauder and
Reclamation Sage; they just don't stay dead... and in a meta where people like to run artifact tokens with enchantments on em, the Sage would often nab 2-for-1 when it dropped. You'll definitely want to run
Reave Soul because it stops early aggro and shuts down essential creatures like
Dwynen, Gilt-Leaf Daen, and
Lys Alana Huntmaster; it also hits every single Planeswalker before they flip. Super happy with this deck and excited to keep playing it.