Here's a Sultai Midrange/Superfriends deck I quite like. It does have quite a few control elements and is perfectly happy to go to late-game against almost anything (five planewalkers who each generate card advantage can be tough for most decks to beat in a long game), but at heart, this deck wants to beat down. I'm 19-6 with it so far.
1 x
Jace, Vryn's Prodigy4 x
Gatecreeper Vine3 x
Fleshbag Marauder1 x
Lilliana, Heretical Healer3 x
Bounding Krasis1 x
Nissa, Vastwood Seer2 x
Woodland Wanderer2 x
Gilt-Leaf Winnower2 x
Outland Colossus1 x
Greenwarden of Murasa1 x
Woodland Bellower1 x
Sire of Stagnation2 x
Alhammarret, High ArbiterSpells
3 x
Coastal Discovery3 x
Cruel Revival1 x
Part the WaterveilPlaneswalkers
1 x
Ob Nixilis Reignited1 x
Kiora, Master of the DepthsLands
1 x
Plains3 x
Island3 x
Swamp5 x
Forest2 x
Shambling Vent2 x
Lumbering Falls2 x
Woodland Cemetery2 x
Drowned Catacomb2 x
Hinterland Harbor1 x
Dimir Guildgate4 x
Evolving WildsA few things that aren't in here that one would think should be:
1. No Gaea's Revenge. I think it's not well placed in the meta as Alhammarret. I kept careful track as I played, and there weren't any games I lost that I might have won if I had Gaea's instead, but there were two where I trapped Ulamog in the other guy's hand and won where Gaea's would have most likely lost. The deck has no ramp other than Kiora, so more than two seven drops seems wrong to me.
2. No permission. I tried 2x Scatter to the Winds, but this deck really wants to tap out every turn, and can not reliably have two blue early in the game. It might in fact be correct to cut something for one or two, but on the whole, the opportunity cost of passing the turn with unused mana is really high.
3. No Sweepers. I was 4-2 against aggro, but did not play elves or thopters. I don't think they are too big a part of the current meta. And against one-for-one aggro decks, Krasis is fantastic and Woodland Wanderer is even better. Lilliana and her Marauder pals aren't half bad either.
4. No Skyrider Elf. This came as a surprise to me, as when I built the first draft of the deck I'd imagined it being one of the key cards. Unfortunately, in practice it just wasn't very good. Rather than being fairly good in any situation in seemed a lot more like fairly weak in any situation.
5. No Oblivion Sower. I actually think this probably should go in here. I'm just not sure what to cut for it.
I'm very pleased with the mana base. It's a bit of a puzzle each game, but I was able to cast what I had early game and everything late game unless I got mossed. The shambling vents and lone plains are to give a lifelinking man-land late and to bump Wanderer from 5/5 to 6/6 - which I've found makes a surprisingly big difference.
It looks like the deck should just lose to ramp, but in fact it does fairly well there, scoring 5-2 so far. One loss came to double moss (which does cripple the deck), the other to Bant ramp, a game I thought I had good chances in even after the first time he cast Ulamog, but he had Emeria Shepherd+evolving wilds to bring the big ugly back. In one game against GR ramp, my opponent cast Desolation Twin three different times (he got it back once with Greenwarden and once with a singleton black spell land) and Ulamog once. I ended up winning with 13 cards left in my library, having dealt with nearly every threat in his library with card advantage and recursion. One of the most fun games I can remember. In some other games, I had an aggressive draw and just beat down for the win before the ramp deck was able to do its thing.
Part the Waterveil has been notably good. If you're ahead on board, an extra turn to attack can be all you need. And lategame, it can at times win all by itself. Coastal Discovery has also been excellent. Kiora plays very well with awakened lands (you can tap one as a creature as well as another land, for a total of two extra mana a turn), and they help with the beat-down plan. In other decks I can fully understand wanting Brilliant Spectrum instead for the card selection, but I think Discovery is better here.
Thoughts? Opinions?