Legend ran Carrier Thrall in his version.. it never did much for me.. it also 'sort of' trades with Elvish Visionary/tokens. That's one thing I really like about my version.. everything has 2+ toughness except Sludge Crawler, who can have it if he needs it.. and Perilous Myr. I completely and utterly disagree with cutting a Dust Stalker and Akoum Firebird.. especially Firebird. Also disagree with removing game ending burn spells like Touch of the Void for Bone Splinters which shrinks your board.. in a deck with auras no less. You should never need removal as powerful as Bone Splinters, because the game should be over before any more than 1 fatty resolves, and you can go wide on a single fatty. I guess where Bone Splinters would shine would be against aura decks.. but I find that I finish matches with burn spells probably 3-4 times more than I face aura decks. Not wild about Call of the Full Moon in a deck like this that clearly wants to be casting multiple spells per turn.
I like the Thopter Engineer inclusion. Flameshadow could be cool tech..
Ummm...I disagree with your disagreement, as expected, lol. At least part of it.
Early creatures in faster decks are busy with their own agression, or I usually can go through them...they don't worry me too much. What can screw me royally is a turn 4 Wanderer or Colossus...and what do you have against that?
Splinters come ok there...and they normally don't shrink my board (btw, with just 3 CotFM, I wouldn't call my deck an Auras deck...) because their sacrifice cost is paid almost always with Myrs or Thralls, keeping the parity
If I have a t2 mooned creature, which the deck is optimized to have, I have no problem with casting just 1 spell the following couple of turns...it's a so big menace than the opponent HAS to deal with it soon
Later, they become basically incinerates...there's the burn you missed
Do you know why my deck can't be a good deck, and it'll show when I run out of luck? cause the mana curve is doomed to flood, the amount of 1-2 cc creatures is silly, and there are few manasinks...that's why you were spot on with the Firebird missing, among other things...