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PostPosted: Wed May 04, 2016 12:32 pm 
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Get two more wins and I'll give it a spin

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PostPosted: Tue May 10, 2016 11:00 am 
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PostPosted: Tue May 10, 2016 1:36 pm 
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A bunch of land, fixing, and a sweeper or two. But.. that deck is old, pre-dlc. I put a new version of it in the other decklist section.. called four-color walkers, with a mega twist.

Drown Me In Blood -

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PostPosted: Tue May 10, 2016 3:19 pm 
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3-5 land
you HAVE to have a gatecreeper in your opening hand. Throw away any hand that doesn't have any. Don't worry, you'll get one that will.

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PostPosted: Thu May 12, 2016 11:53 am 
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Let me give it a whirl..

Your Tears Fuel Me E . · '/· . F

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PostPosted: Thu May 12, 2016 7:07 pm 
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V 1.1
* Added 2x Anguished Unmaking, 1x Oath of Gideon
* Removed 3x Bounding Krasis

Reasoning: My biggest weakness was other decks doing the exact same thing as me, but one turn faster on the play. Anguished Unmaking is the best card for regaining that tempo by removing a Walker or a Tireless Tracker that's getting out of hand. With all of our Bant creatures, we block amazingly and our life total isn't under that much duress, so we can afford to pay for it. Having an Oath of Gideon deficit also makes the mirror hell, so I should probably just be playing both. Oath makes Gideon, Chandra, and Sorin, flat out broken while boosting the others. I spent a while deciding between Bounding Krasis, Reflector Mage, and Baby Jace for the cuts - in the end, Bounding Krasis feels like the least powerful individual threat. It's good against countermagic decks and the exact card Gaea's Revenge, but those are so rare, and Reflector Mage is better against almost everything else. Especially with all the Walkers running around generating 2/2 and 4/4 tokens, Reflector Mage is often straight removal. Baby Jace does get killed without doing anything a lot of the time, but for just two mana... did a removal spell kill Jace, or did Jace kill a removal spell? In a deck that does run other creatures, I don't think we're that unhappy with the exchange. If he survives, he accrues value every turn, and his walker form is definitely stronger than a Bounding Krasis or Reflector Mage.


Have you ever played Walkers.dec and thought that it was a good deck, but what it needed - what it really needed - was more Planeswalkers? I mean, a lot of those decks barely have half of the 14 available! Let's be bold, and play every single plausibly useful walker, alongside a shell that supports us being ridiculous.

First, who doesn't make the cut:

Kytheon, Hero of Akros - It's really hard to explain the 2/1 for 1 in your 5-color mythics deck. We probably can't even flip him.
Chandra, Fire of Kaladesh - We are not playing even close to enough red spells - or red mana - to justify this. She's simply not very good.
Liliana, Heretical Healer - A very good walker, whom we sadly can't afford the color cost of. Flipping reliably might also be a challenge.
Kiora, Master of the Depths - Can she select Planeswalkers with her -2? No? Okay, good try. Just doesn't impact the board enough.

...and that's it. We'll play everybody else.

We'll probably want some creatures too. Let's see what people play in standard...

Sure, those creatures seem fine.

Five Color Super Friends ()

2x Sylvan Advocate
2x Tireless Tracker
3x Reflector Mage
1x Archangel Avacyn/Avacyn, the Purifier

1x Jace, Vryn's Prodigy/Jace, Telepath Unbound
1x Nissa, Vastwood Seer/Nissa, Sage Animist
1x Nissa, Voice of Zendikar
1x Gideon, Ally of Zendikar
1x Nahiri, the Harbinger
1x Arlinn Kord/Arlinn, Embraced by the Moon
1x Jace, Unraveler of Secrets
1x Ob Nixilis Reignited
1x Chandra, Flamecaller
1x Sorin, Grim Nemesis

2x Anguished Unmaking
2x Radiant Flames
2x Planar Outburst

Mana Fixing/Utility
2x Oath of Nissa
4x Sylvan Ranger
3x Telling Time
2x Oath of Gideon

Lands (25)
2x Plains
2x Island
2x Swamp
2x Mountain
5x Forest
4x Evolving Wilds

1x Rootbound Crag
2x Hinterland Harbor
2x Sunpetal Grove

1x Sunken Hollow
1x Prairie Stream

1x Shambling Vent

Mana Sources:
First, an explanation for the dual lands - most of this is to balance out our colors, but we do still have a little freedom. Let's assume we have all the numbers of colored sources correct and determine what the ideal lands are. First, we're most likely to have a basic Forest if we have any basic land. As such, any green check land is probably more likely to enter untapped than a random battle land. Let's start by maximizing the number of green checklands. We need five green sources from our dual lands, so we can have at most five green checklands. This means we get three non-green dual lands. If we're almost certainly fetching a basic forest first, then our non-green checklands would only function with 50% of our remaining basics, while battlelands would function with 100% of them. As such, let's make the remaining lands battlelands. What colors would we least care about missing early? Lategame colors - which, for us, is definitely Black (only appears in 5/6 CMC cards) and secondarily Red. We also need four white sources and four blue sources, and there are only two of each checkland, so two of our battlelands need to be White and two need to be Blue. At minimum, we have one battleland. We'd then want a and a battle for our other two since this maximizes the number of likely-tapped black sources (and therefor, untapped of every other color in our checklands) - but there are no battlelands. There is a manland though... and it's quite good with Sylvan Advocate in a control-ish deck! We'll take it, even if it always enters tapped. That means that the rest of our non-green source needs are , which decides our checklands. The basics are simply enough to fetch for every card's cost with extras in green. The redundant basics also help immunize us to mill eating our only fetchable source of a color. The seemingly excess Swamp (we don't use black that reliably) can now go towards paying for our Shambling Vent.

That said, there's a lot of fun tinkering you can do with this mana base, depending on exactly what you're trying to improve. I think this setup gives the best chance of all our lands coming into play untapped (with the bonus power of a shambling vent) but I'm open to alternative suggestions.

Now let's check the number of sources, which up till now was assumed. Fun math time. We're fairly colored mana hungry (yes, that is a double in every color you see) so let's count Evolving Wilds and Sylvan Ranger as a combined 7 sources of each color (4 for green). I'll count the two Oaths of Nissa as 0.5 each, 1.5 each for Planeswalkers (except green). I'll count the Telling Times as 0.66 sources each (except blue). And I'll ignore all other sources of mana or cards, since they're all unreliable. This gives us:

Land sources:
14 (5 untapped)

First observation; we probably won't cast Oath of Nissa on turn 1 very often. Sad, but what can you do.

Nonland sources:

For a total of:

14 (16 if we need and Telling Time counts)
16 (20 if we need and Oath/Ranger count)

+2 for each Planeswalker.

And our requirements are:

: 18 for Gideon, 16 otherwise.
: 16 for Jace, 13 otherwise.
: 16 for Ob Nix, 12 otherwise
: 15 for Chandra, 12 otherwise
: 19 for Nissa, 14 otherwise

Perfect. It's a good thing we've got Oath of Nissa... imagine what we could do with a full four copies!


One thing you'll notice is that this deck has a relatively low curve for a walkers deck. No bonus 6 drops, the bare minimum of 5s, and a lot of extra 2s and 3s - alongside only 25 lands. The reason for this is just how much card draw and card cycling this deck has. Let's take a look:

Ways to Draw/Cycle Cards:

1x Jace, Vryn's Prodigy/Jace, Telepath Unbound
1x Nissa, Vastwood Seer/Nissa, Sage Animist
2x Tireless Tracker
1x Nissa, Voice of Zendikar
1x Nahiri, the Harbinger
1x Jace, Unraveler of Secrets
1x Ob Nixilis Reignited
1x Chandra, Flamecaller
1x Sorin, Grim Nemesis
2x Oath of Nissa
4x Sylvan Ranger
3x Telling Time

Oh look - it's over half our non-land cards! In effect, we get to sculpt the hand we desire - and we desire a lot of Planeswalkers.

You'll also notice the lack of single target removal spells - that's because our walkers are our single target removal. For decks that go wide, our plan is to stall them out as long as possible with Sylvan Ranger chump blocks, Reflector Mage and Bounding Krasis silliness and Walkers making tokens until we draw into one of our five board wipes (four spells and Chandra). With how much selection and card draw we have, this isn't unreasonable.

Our creature base is literally the best individual creatures in duals. Tireless Tracker is #1, Avacyn is #2, and Sylvan Advocate is #3, especially in a deck with even a single creature land. Reflector Mage might or might not be #4, but it's certainly close - and it's fantastic for our strategy of defending and disrupting long enough to get a few walkers online, then running away with the game.

If you're trying to figure out the best Nahiri ultimate target... it's usually Baby Jace or Baby Nissa. Pick whichever you don't have an adult copy of yet. If you flip them, they don't return to your hand at the end of the turn.

As long as you've got your mana covered and you have anything else worth doing, don't cast Oath of Nissa or Telling Time. Their value is selection, and it's a waste to cast them before you have specific things you're looking for.

Telling Time can do some (very poor) Brainstorm impersonations. Notable interactions are: 1) Telling Time and put the highest CMC card on top for Sorin. 2) Telling Time and put a land on top to get an extra land drop with Nissa. 3) Telling time with Chandra in play and a bad hand - put the best card on top of the deck and the worst card in your hand, then 0 Chandra. 4) Telling Time with a way to shuffle the deck (Evolving Wilds, Sylvan Ranger, Nissa, Nahiri) and shuffle if you don't want the second card, but keep if you do.

A note on removal usage: against aggro, just fire wraths off the turn before you'd have to take damage - if you're already taking damage, fire them off instantly. We don't have to "get everything" with them, as long as we slow down an aggro deck enough that they have to rebuild, we'll draw to answers faster than they draw to meaningful threats. We just need to keep our life total high. For example: Baby Nissa and Baby Jace are there to chump block (or trade if you get lucky). Arlinn should always start with a wolf, so that you safe yourself 3 life when they have to kill her to stop the bolt and you get some value before she dies. Etc, you get the idea.

Against midrangier or walker decks, you might think the wraths are much worse - and you'd be right - but they're still valuable. The best way to use a Planar Outburst is to alpha strike with everything on the board, hope they don't block, then wrath the board and pump out post-wrath creatures from walkers. The best way to use Radiant Flames is to alpha strike with everything that has 3 or less toughness, hope they *do* block, then Radiant Flames grabbing the 4 and 5 toughness creatures that blocked as well. And Radiant Flames can pair nicely alongside Chandra to take down bigger creatures. If you have Avacyn, they need to block in a way that nothing trades, or they get blown out. Gang blocks get blown out by Anguished Unmaking. What's the point of all this? The way opponents need to block is completely different for each trick you could have - and anything except a psychic read is usually a disaster. This means you can make some very aggressive attacks and trust your opponent to play around the wrong things. If they try to play around everything - chump block big threats, let the smaller threats go unblocked - then they end up losing to every one of your tricks the next turn. tl;dr - Radiant Flames is still good against 5-toughness creatures if you set up combat right.


This deck can have many odd hands, so what's worth mulliganing is a good question. You're looking for the following:

Zero Lands: Mulligan all

One Land: A Forest, an Oath of Nissa, another piece of mana fixing, and some threats (After first mulligan, keep this if the land is any Green source)

Two Lands: A castable Oath of Nissa or Telling Time or Sylvan Ranger, and a threat that you're within one land of casting

Three Lands: Any hand with at least two copies of [Threat/Oath of Nissa/Telling Time] that can be cast off the lands and mana fixing you already have available

Four Lands: Same as three lands

Five Lands: A threat that can be played by turn four with the lands in hand and Oath of Nissa, Telling Time, or a Planeswalker

Six Lands: Mulligan all

Seven Lands: Mulligan all

Card Choices

Still figuring this out a little; we have access to so many tricks in five colors that it's hard to narrow down the best. Here are my thoughts:


1x Nissa, Vastwood Seer/Nissa, Sage Animist
1x Nissa, Voice of Zendikar
1x Gideon, Ally of Zendikar
1x Nahiri, the Harbinger
1x Arlinn Kord/Arlinn, Embraced by the Moon
1x Jace, Unraveler of Secrets
1x Ob Nixilis Reignited
1x Chandra, Flamecaller
1x Sorin, Grim Nemesis

You didn't try this deck to not play planeswalkers. Every one of these cards has an immediate impact on the board if needed, can protect itself, and can threaten to win the game on its own.

1x Archangel Avacyn/Avacyn, the Purifier

The best creature in this deck; honorary Planeswalker for having so many lines of text. Always a blowout, every time, even if they know she's coming. Revealing her off Oath of Nissa has been known to prompt concessions.

2x Planar Outburst

The best removal in this deck. Unconditional kill everything except walkers. I'm sold.

2x Oath of Nissa
4x Sylvan Ranger
3x Telling Time

Amazing mana fixing and selection; the deck doesn't run without it.


1x Jace, Vryn's Prodigy/Jace, Telepath Unbound
2x Sylvan Advocate
2x Radiant Flames

Baby Jace is by far the worst walker in this deck - and even has uniqueness issues with his adult form - but I think he still makes the cut. Looting is good for us, and he's cheap. Flashing back Wraths wins games.

Sylvan Advocate is incredibly cheap. Having a 2-mana play that eats removal is worth a lot here. They also buff our singleton Shambling Vent, any lands we awaken with Planar Outburst, and Nissa's ultimate in case we need to overkill somebody.

Radiant Flames is a worse Planar Outburst, but much better in the matchup we most need it; aggro. Earlier today I 5-for-1'd a Mono White Humans player with it to steal a game. Feels good.


2x Tireless Tracker
3x Reflector Mage
3x Bounding Krasis

1x Oath of Gideon

This is where improvements can probably be made. This deck wants cheap and impactful plays - especially cards that can protect planeswalkers. I've gone with the Bant Standard Trifecta: Tracker, Reflector, and Krasis. Each of them is a 2-for-1 if you're just trying to slow down the tempo of the game, they're all only three mana, and they all function without any other assistance. I don't really care if they eat removal; they do their job the turn I play them. Notably, Tireless Tracker is probably at its worst in this deck because paying 2 mana to draw a card is not particularly impressive - we have a lot of ways of drawing cards, all costing about that much or less. That said, I think it would be insane to cut it from any green deck running creatures, so I'm not going to. But it isn't as stand-out miraculous as it is elsewhere. Bounding Krasis alongside Telling Time also gives us a bit of an instant speed game - and although we're not playing any counterspells, it might cause people to play around them anyway. Oath of Gideon is here as a one-of because the persistent effect is quite powerful if we can afford to take a turn off to cast it. And getting two 1/1s for 3 mana is only sort of taking a turn off. That said, the initial effect is so underwhelming that I don't think I need a second copy. Oath of Gideon is the first to go if somebody thinks of a better replacement.

Cards I might want instead

This is just the cards I've strongly considered - it is by no means an exhaustive list.

Woodland Bellower - It feels strange not to be playing this; he's undeniably powerful. But I'm trying to lower the curve, and he's a 6-mana threat that can't remove anything or deal with fliers.

Greenwarden of Murasa Woodland Bellower's even slower cousin. Same opinions.

Oath of Jace - This card replaces itself while looting twice, then scrys twice a turn for the rest of the game. That said, it feels even less impactful on the turn I cast it and afterwards than Oath of Gideon and I'm not that worried about a long game. We have so much card selection and looting already that the extra scrys have a lot less value.

Felidar Cub - The rarely considered combination of aggro and control actually matches our deck reasonably well. It's a 2/2 for two that can attack, block, and remove enchantments - something we have trouble with.

Dispel - Counterspell decks getting you down? We could easily afford a 1-of Dispel for some incredible blowouts against Esper control style shells that almost lose on the spot to a resolved Sorin / Ob Nixilis / Chandra. I think it would be dead too often, but it's an interesting idea.

Spell Shrivel or Confirm Suspicions - If you want to bring in a counterspell or two, these are your (good) choices on our mana base. Without anything to do besides Krasis if they don't cast anything, though, I'm unconvinced. I'd rather play tap-out control.

Fevered Visions - Play even harder into our cheap but powerful effects plan. Probably wins us games against bigger decks. Serious liability against aggro and mill, though.

Call the Gatewatch - Another card-replacing tutor. We've got eight targets - of whom Nahiri, Chandra, and Sorin can each get us out of some jams. That said, I prefer this card in a bigger and more controlling version of this deck, where it lets you skimp on threats. We've got plenty of threats, we just need to cast them efficiently.

Declaration in Stone / Anguished Unmaking / Oath of Chandra etc - Cheap, single target removal. I don't have any. The question is, when do you want this? You want it against aggro to slow down the game - fine, I've got Reflector Mage and Bounding Krasis doing that better. You want it against single threats that can take over by themselves - Ulamog, Gaea's Revenge, Avacyn. Again, I'll argue that Reflector Mage and Bounding Krasis into walkers does it better - because they always work, with upside rather than downside. Yes, they're less permanent - but they *will* buy you a turn, whereas removal is conditional to the threat and gives them cards or loses you life. Heck, Krasis can even tap down Gaea's Revenge, which is a good reminder to those who think it has true hexproof.

Fog - The "All In" card of Planeswalker decks. When you're willing to do anything to get another turn. Quite possibly justified as a 1-of, probably not more than that. It's strict card disadvantage.

Liliana, Heretical Healer + Fleshbag Marauder - Because sometimes, ten Planeswalkers just aren't enough. Hell on the mana, though.

Kiora, Master of the Depths - I'm not sure she, well, does anything. She's basically a From Beyond that can't block and dies if you attack it. We do play a number of creatures, so her -2 isn't a complete waste, but it's not worth four mana. That said, if you want a theme deck, she is the only non-flip Planeswalker that didn't make the cut.

And that's a wrap...

Thoughts? Comments? Suggestions? Complaints that I left out Kytheon, and he really does have a home here? Let's hear 'em.

For those interested, a link to some of my better decks.

If I ever built an Esper Control deck, it would still somehow contain 2x Sylvan Advocate, 2x Tireless Tracker, 1x Nissa, Vastwood Seer, 1x Reclamation Sage, 1x Nissa, Vital Force, and 1x Woodland Bellower.

Last edited by Zerris on Sun May 15, 2016 11:51 pm, edited 9 times in total.

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PostPosted: Fri May 13, 2016 11:20 am 
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Good curve and I think your reliance on planeswalkers to fulfill the bomb / removal function is quite reasonable.

It is hard for me to assess your manabase in theory. You have extreme color requirements, two fixers, and two spells that will help you draw. It is hard to accurately count your available mana once you factor in the card draw etc. I disagree with some of the assumptions in your math, but at the end of the day it is irrelevant. You have made the best manabase you can under the constraints of this game. If you start cutting basic lands you will reduce the utility of evolving wilds and the rangers.

When I was reading your list I wanted to see Oath of Jace, this would go in the same slot as telling time. But I think a two mana spell that can help with drawing into mana is more important than the scrying Oath will eventually provide you with.

The only cards I can see you swapping out are the Krases and oath of Gideon. I do not have any replacements to suggest, I am just saying that the rest of the deck fits together very tightly.

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PostPosted: Sun May 15, 2016 3:12 am 
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After playing a bunch of games, the easiest way to lose is to be on the draw against another Walkers deck, and be one walker behind. That advantage quickly snowballs into all your walkers dying while theirs live. You also occasionally lose to a random Tireless Tracker gaining too much advantage. The best answer to both of these is Anguished Unmaking. Thanks to the incredibly defensive and disruptive creature base, we can afford the life cost. It also shores up our weakness to enchantments (and I suppose artifacts, if anybody ever shows up with those). I've dropped the Oath of Gideon (obviously) and one Bounding Krasis - it's very close, but I think it's our weakest creature. Updated original decklist with changes. Otherwise feels good.

For those interested, a link to some of my better decks.

If I ever built an Esper Control deck, it would still somehow contain 2x Sylvan Advocate, 2x Tireless Tracker, 1x Nissa, Vastwood Seer, 1x Reclamation Sage, 1x Nissa, Vital Force, and 1x Woodland Bellower.

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PostPosted: Sun May 15, 2016 4:08 am 
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If I were going for serious business, I think my cut for the second Anguished Unmaking would be Nissa, Voice of Zendikar. It gets quite a bit worse without Oath of Gideon, and while it's doing fine, I think I like the instant speed blowout potential of the Bounding Krasis better. I agree it's a close call, though.

What were your experiences with Telling Time? It might work well with some of the instant-speed work of the deck, but it might just be the weakest card of the deck period. Might be better to drop them for two Oaths (spontaneously looking at Oath of Chandra, though I could see an argument for Oath of Gideon as well; don't like Oath of Jace too much for you I think) and the third Krasis (keeping Nissa in the deck).

My decks can be found in my deckbuilder archive. Enter here!

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PostPosted: Sun May 15, 2016 7:49 am 
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I think planeswalker removal is a good call, but I anguished unmaking is a little ambitious mana-wise. You will be fixing your mana before you even know if you are going to want to go out of your way to get unmaking up. Do you want to sweep or to handle planeswalkers? This could leave you with a lot of tough judgment calls. I can see you ending up in situations where you have to choose between fixing for turn 3 unmaking and turn 4 Arlinn Kord.

I am thinking about adding my singleton suppression bonds back into my control deck. For my deck I hate the sorcery speed tap out, but I think for this deck the sorcery speed doesn't matter. It is one turn slower but the mana cost is easier. Probably it is a wash: I bet unmaking is castable 70% of the time on turn 3 without too much difficulty, whereas bonds will be 95% castable by turn 4 - the problem is that turn 4 will be too late/awkward since it will delay casting of your 4 mana planeswalkers and you need to start jamming them on the board ASAP. Consider this as a backup if unmaking is too awkward.

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PostPosted: Sun May 15, 2016 1:43 pm 
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Mana fixing is okay. Fetching order is usually, assuming you do not have the relevant colored sources:

1) First Source (Duh)
2) Sources for cards in your hand, prioritizing Telling Time's > > > > > > , unless you have Radiant Flames in hand and your opponent does anything indicating they might be aggro, in which case Telling Time's > > > > > >
3) Sources for cards not in your hand, prioritizing > > > > > > > > > > .
4) ...Until you find an Oath of Nissa, at which point you should instead ignore Walker costs for hand prioritization and for outside of hand, prioritize > > > > > > > > > > .

Generally speaking, the mana is touch-and-go (but just barely works out) until you find Oath of Nissa, at which point all of your mana is perfect forever after. Only card I reliably can't cast is awakened Planar Outburst. Considered adding a third plains for that - but it's very rare that you have nine lands, Planar Outburst in hand, and whether or not you can awaken it is the difference.

Telling Time has been fantastic. It does exactly what this deck wants: early game, stabilizes the mana, late game, finds a threat. I'm never sad to see it in my hand, although it's not even close to the power level of Oath of Nissa, which is the best card in the deck.

Yeah, after further consideration, Oath of Gideon is insane. I'm putting it back in... let's replace the rest of the Krasises. Blowouts are funny, but not especially common. Oath of Gideon is much much better than Oath of Chandra; we're not that worried by low-toughness individual creatures.

For those interested, a link to some of my better decks.

If I ever built an Esper Control deck, it would still somehow contain 2x Sylvan Advocate, 2x Tireless Tracker, 1x Nissa, Vastwood Seer, 1x Reclamation Sage, 1x Nissa, Vital Force, and 1x Woodland Bellower.

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PostPosted: Sun May 15, 2016 9:19 pm 
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You've done it Zerris. I fully functional 5c Walkers deck.

Quarterfinal Match

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PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2016 6:56 am 
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Get two more wins and I'll give it a spin

I took some time off from magic to spend time with the family and get some stuff done at home that needed doing, but I pulled it off. The deck is 10-0.

I even wrote some notes of the games if anyone is curious (only started after posting the deck and it was at 4-0 by then, can't remember what I played in those matches):

Orzov lifegain 5-0
Sweeper used to good effect, flipped Jace (missused him twice because of priority bug... Forgot to hold a land to cast sorcery...Could have cost me the game) Still a T5 9/8 Plated was too much for him, that and the ever useful advocate. He also totally misplayed his declaration in stone on Jace, I just flipped him in response.

Mono Black Ingest/Discard 6-0
Rogue monoblack deck, I got quite mana flooded and he ingested my linvala away, luckily he brought her back into my graveyard to make me discard. Sweepers helped a lot.
A hard-cast Almaharet worked as a 4 turn clock and survived his languish for the kill. A lucky epiphany into Ever after sealed it.

Izzet Mill 7-0
He Muliganed Twice on the draw. I muliganed a 2 lander with 2 advocates and no green, got a three lander with 1 advocate and green. I play forest, he plays wilds, cracks it and does nothing...
He let it time out and and ended up with no lands, I played mountain and advocate,he got scared, probably thought I was playing gruul ramp and conceded. Kept playing to see what I was up against,
and Almaharet helped, as I managed to see that naughty tutelage. Oh well... Could have been a good test for the match-up. Don't think mill is very good against reanimation.
Can actually help me get big guys into the graveyard...

Sultai Mill 8-0
I Should have lost. After an epic game, where I almahareted his ulamog, he rage condeceded with a fog in his hand that totally stopped my finally blow due to my stupidity.
He got 2 retreat to kazandu and kept recurring nissa and Nissa's renewel with skaabs and greenwardens and ended up with 60+ life. I beat him down to 6 life,
after he played and drew most of his deck... Searching for his tutelages, then played all 3 of them and I managed to tap him out with my discilpe of the ring who kept trying to counter his stuff.
He had a trillion land in play and I ended up with one card in my deck on the final turn for the final blow (the very ever after I cast the turn before). And he quit...
Lucky for me because I totally forgot to counter the damn fog with the disciple and I lost against the AI... How anti-climatic.
Makes me think I need a way to sac my dudes. Ayli looks perfect for that, but I'd have to add white to make her castable which is a no go...
He played 3 or 4 alchemist's vials near the end that kept my own Ulamog still, or I would have milled him...

Rakdos Vamps 9-0
This was just sweet. I had radiant flames and languish in hand but only 3 lands and no red mana. I got an evovling wilds but held off casting the sweepers as the pressure
was light. A neonate and an olivia's bloodswon did some damage, but then elusive tormentor came down and I'm getting worried. I had to read the card text to be sure,
but languish can kill it... So the amalgam does his thing (chumping) and I brilliant spectrum for 4 and throw disciple and almaharat into the GY and I draw a godsend rise
from the grave. I pull out the almaharat and looky, looky he has a naughty avacyn's judgement in hand (can't have him playing that, can we?). So next turn he gets cocky and
plays tormentor number 2, so I... languish. He concedes. Totally awesome. I continued against the AI and just raced him to 0, finishing him off with my own avacyn's judgement,
which was fitting.

Izzet Turbo Mill 10-0
This was even sweeter than last game. He turn 3 fevered visions me but tutelage only shows up later on, so I know what I'm up against so I brilliant spectrum to get sorceries and plated crusher into the graveyard.
Fearing some counter, I held off playing my necromantic summons until he taps out and I get my crusher. With an avacyn's judgment in hand its 2 turns to kill him. He goes all
turbo, milling me like a crazy person. Next turn I pound him with my crusher and get my all-star disciple of the ring. It seems like people don't know how to play with this card,
because they don't seem to know you can use her counter ability multiple times on the same spell. So that was my play, next turn he tries to epiphany and I counter, counter
and tap him out and oops... he can't mill me enough... Then concedes.

Now I kind of don't want to play with the deck anymore, so as to not break my perfect record. Barney, if you'll be so kind... do it for me, because I don't have the courage to lose with this deck (or just keep on winning... all good, either way) :)

Give me land, Give me fire, Give me that which I desire! :mage:
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PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2016 9:34 am 
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A bunch of land, fixing, and a sweeper or two. But.. that deck is old, pre-dlc. I put a new version of it in the other decklist section.. called four-color walkers, with a mega twist.

Could you show me this other deck? And i couldnt find vine i have all the cards maybe it was replaced?

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PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2016 10:14 am 
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Ok Haven, I'll take over the mantle! I'll let you know how it does.

Between your deck and gamer's "perfected" superfriends deck, it's going to be a busy week.

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PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2016 1:00 pm 
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Gatecreeper vine became the sylvan ranger you're seeing everywhere. A tiny bit worse for pure mana fixing - it can't fetch duals - but much stronger otherwise. It's 1/1 instead of 0/2, doesn't have defender so you can pump it up, and has elf creature type synergies.

For those interested, a link to some of my better decks.

If I ever built an Esper Control deck, it would still somehow contain 2x Sylvan Advocate, 2x Tireless Tracker, 1x Nissa, Vastwood Seer, 1x Reclamation Sage, 1x Nissa, Vital Force, and 1x Woodland Bellower.

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PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2016 4:22 pm 
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Zerris wrote:
Gatecreeper vine became the sylvan ranger you're seeing everywhere. A tiny bit worse for pure mana fixing - it can't fetch duals - but much stronger otherwise. It's 1/1 instead of 0/2, doesn't have defender so you can pump it up, and has elf creature type synergies.

I figured that's what it was so thats what i put in there

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PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2016 7:32 pm 
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I think he was messing with the noob haha!

Quarterfinal Match

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PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2016 7:49 pm 
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Oops double post.

Quarterfinal Match

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PostPosted: Mon May 16, 2016 8:12 pm 
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I think he was messing with the noob haha!

Am i said noob? Lol

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