Thanks for your testing rogue!
I'm with you on cutting Quagmire for Cemetery, and have recently done so myself. Don't forget that with 2x Unmaking, Nahiri, and 3x Call the Gatewatch, the base deck actually has five different cards to deal with enchantments. It's fairly good against tutelage for that reason (though it is admittedly a problem if they mill Nahiri away so you can't go get her), and because it's got a pretty quick clock when it needs to. When you aggro out it tends to win on turns 7-8. I once exiled all three tutelage with Nahiri - it was hilarious and awesome.
I don't mind Oblivion strike, but I think Angelic Purge might be even better if you want one more removal spell. It'd also let you feel a bit better about cutting the Rec Sages out of there. The deck has enough card advantage that there's usually a permanent you don't mind sacrificing late in the game.
Oath of Gideon has gone in and out of my deck, but currently they're both in my list. I've added Nissa Voice, so I've now got three Walkers that play nicely with 1/1 tokens, and they can be very handy as a chump screen for a t4 walker. If you can get a walker to stick on the board against aggressive decks, that's often when the game turns. The extra loyalty is a subtle gain, but it does make a real difference at times as well.
I've built and tested several variants recently, and am planning on posting my current iteration soon. Because I'm testing for the Steam Showdown and am most fearful of W(x) Aggro, I've dramatically lowered the curve and cut much of the top end, which is sort of a meta-game call rather than being strictly better or worse than the original deck.
I have been a huge fan of Oath of Chandra and they would be among the last cards I'd cut from the deck. There are so many early creatures that you absolutely must kill fast or they'll take over the game - Bygone Bishop, Relentless Tracker, Vryn's Prodigy, Lilliana, Consul's Lieutenant, Kytheon, Miltia Captain, etc. I'd run it if it were just a sorcery. But the enchantment trigger is quite helpful too in the mirror match especially. It can hit opposing walkers. Which can for instance deal with Ob, Nahiri, or Chandra if they come down and minus much of the time. That Oath has assassinated several walkers for me.
Did not know chandra oath hit walkers. Good upside. Is Languish too much of a change? I know mana base is shaky already. One thing I am also toying around with is Natural Connection instead of Explosive Vegetation. Mainly gets us to turn four Planar Outburst and also Explosive Veg gets in way of vital T4 Gideon, nahiri, or Arlinn plays from my playing. What did you "not" cut from top end? Im assuming you still have Bellower, but i was even thinking Avacyn, Hydra, Linvala, and even greenwarden (dont want to cut this guy since it gets us planeswalkers that get sniped) are what you're talking about? Kind of makes sense if we want to get sweep happy and win with manlands/planeswalkers. Is arlinn a possible cut? At times he is an all star for winning out of nowhere and other times he is bad especially if we cut top end fat. Ive actually had Hydra lose me plenty of games btw due to treason effects and his etb isnt' the greatest for us since we're not running super key land such as Abbey. I mean sometimes he's clutch for getting the lifelinking land I guess