Ran it through Ranked at Rank 40 for 5 matches. Tested 4-1, with the loss being against aggro and the wins being against midrange and control decks. The deck is strong against those sort of decks because they typically relied on 1 for 1 removal, and this deck tends to make enough tokens to eventually outgrind them. I see this deck struggling in match-ups that are also enchantment related, as the deck has no way to deal with opposing enchantments. The deck also doesn't have hard removal, which can be an issue when you Coils a creature (i.e, Kytheons Irregulars) that have a solid activated ability. Yes, you do have Suppression Bonds, but you struggle only having two answers to Planeswalkers, activated abilities on creatures, activated enchantments (particularly Evo Leap). Coils is a good card to be able to tutor for, but Abzanchantments is probably is stronger. In its current form, this deck has issues trying to close the game because it takes a while to build a critical mass of tokens, the Roils lets the opponent still chump block (and there are a surprising about of decently sized butts now, of x/3 variety). If you anticipate a meta where there is little aggro and a lack of Sphnix's Tutelage (as we have no answer to a resolved one), this deck would be a good choice. The weakest cards are the U retreat, the Eldrazi package (From Beyond, Ulamog). Kiora was mediocre, but she always required a relatively immediate answer. I would likely do these changes:
-1 U Retreat (weakest retreat)
-2 From Beyond (always felt mediocre)
-1 Ulamog (getting rid of From Beyond feels like getting rid of this)
-1 Zendikar's Roil (isn't a bad card, just has no affect once it hits the board; often feels win-more, but feels necessary to the game this deck is playing, could also be -1 Kiora)
+2 Angelic Retreat (gives you answers to cards you otherwise have no answer to)
+3 Jaddi Offshoot (gives us some early game defenders and incidental lifegain, also one of the best 1 drops in the current set)
Duel 1 [W], vs UW Tempo: Same UW tempo deck from last format. UW has always been relatively creature light, so was able to answer all of the creatures with Coils. Issue was that Kytheon's Irregulars could still tap cards, so it ended up being an extremely grindy game The lack of hard removal and enchantment removal was very obvious (ended up having Kiora and Gideon Suppression Bound, and several Angels Claustrophobia'ed). Eventually grinded it out by just making a lot of tokens, but it's clear from the start that this deck is going to struggle in the mirror and against evoleap decks.
Duel 2 [W], vs UB Mill: Ramped into a T3 Herald, T4 Gideon, T5 Roil+land, and made 2 dudes every turn. Nothing too interesting here to be honest. The mill deck was never able to play a Tutelage, so there wasn't much resistance to speak of.
Duel 3 [L], vs Mono-W Aggro: Curved Vanguard into Topan into Castigator, so he had a fairly strong curve. I mulliganed into a hand of Roil, Nissa, and Coils with 4 lands. Ended up drawing into a bunch of cards that didn't affect the board (Roil, Sigil, etc).
Duel 4 [W], vs BUG Control: Played an early Evo Leap, but I was able to tutor a Bonds for it. He flipped a Nissa, got good advantage off of it, and used Jace's looting several times. Eventually killed Nissa, and Jace flipped. His deck honestly had some issues as it was playing for the Eldrazi Sac flavor, which doesn't have enough support. Was able to do some strong players with G Retreat + Evolving Wilds for multiple triggers.
Duel 5 [W], vs WUBG Sac: Lots of clogging the ground with Heliod Pilgrims tutoring for Coils until you can get a token generator. They never got a good sac outlet until about turn 8 (which, even then, was only Voracious Thrall). You really feel the pain of having no early or midgame options of getting through x/3 butts, as Coils lets the creatures block. If they drew into Evo Leap, I would've been able to tutor for Bonds instead of Coils, so I feel like I would've done well in this match-up regardless of how it was played.