Thanks guys. Always nice to get feedback. To answer a couple of questions;
Furor of the Bitten: Furor is my standard buff for other people - that is to say if I have one big guy with a couple of auras on already I'll usually use Furor to quickly boost other creatures. Prime targets are usually
Aura Gnarlid since that one card makes him a 5/5 quasi-unblockable. The card works fine for what it does though honestly I originally included it as, pre-expansion, I ran
Truefire Paladin and it worked great with his Vigilance. I'm probably give
Inferno Fist a go in it's place now I have a source of First Strike so the toughness boost doesn't matter quite as much - plus Inferno Fist's ability to become a shock could help out with my lack of removal.
Triumph of Ferocity: It's okay mostly because when things are going well I will almost always have the strongest creature around and the draw allows me to capitalize on that. Though honestly it's only hear because I need draw badly. I didn't consider
Hunter's Prowess but I certainly am now - I have like 11 or so sources of sorta-evasion and all hit hard. Plus removing things from the 3CMC slot is always a bonus. I will definitely be giving that a run for it's money.
Removal: Huh. Somehow I forgot I was running G/R.
Ground Assault could be a very welcome addition even if I'm only using it to deal 2 damage to pop and kill early game flyers (pretty much this decks bane). Not entirely sure what I'd remove for them though. Going to have space for 1 by swapping Triumph for Prowess and figure I'll go down to only three Inferno Fist to include a second copy. Makes 3 Fists, 2 Assaults and 2 Angers. Well it's more removal then I have right now so that's a positive.
Yeah think I'll try this;
Furor of the Bitten-3
Triumph of Ferocity+3
Inferno Fist+2
Hunter's Prowess+2
Ground Assault