I think Sphinx-Bone Wand is terrible in multiples and should be always be a singleton. I think Switcheroo is all kinds of terrible because it's both conditional and expensive. Resolute Archangel is a nice effect to have access to, but I still wouldn't play more than one. I won't even mention how bad Seance is (oh wait, I just did). Moving on.
You are admittedly a combo deck but eschew Think Twice? That's puzzling. Where is Dissolve to protect your win conditions once you've dropped them? What is Lone Missionary doing in this deck besides "comboing" with Seance? Instead of Cloudshifting it for a Meditation Puzzle, why not play a real card? Moving on.
Kor Cartographer? You realize this costs four mana, right? You can say you'll Cloudshift it repeatedly to thin your deck, but if all you are drawing is more Cartographers then what's the point?
Where is Planar Cleansing?
Where is Baneslayer?
Why are you not running four gates?
Please don't take this as me ragging on you, but I honestly think that playing too much 2HG/Planechase is detrimental to one's deck construction abilities. I'm sure you're a great player because I've read your posts so I know you're capable of winning at a high rate with this deck, but don't assume that a high win-rate is indicative of an optimal deck.
You've built a cute deck, I'll concede, but cute is all it is. Either build the best deck or give me a "this deck is cute" disclaimer so I don't have to respond.
Have you playtested this yet, or are you ragging on it based on theory here? I've extensively playtested this, and won consistently. All your criticisms show is you're judging it on theory.
Sphinx-Bone wand wins games, so I need two for frequency. They also stack.
Kor Cartographer is ramp, and crucially it ramps Plains. The more Plains I have, the more Cloudshifts I can do, and the easier the Wand is to afford.
I have 4 Negates to protect my wincons. Why would I use dissolves when a lot of my spells are already double Blue? That means I'd need quad blue to cast and protect.
Misionaries stall for me to ramp into the combo. They provide a ton of breathing room. As does the Resolute Archangel (again, two for frequency, and the Kor always gets me there) Baneslayer is just a big body without ETBs, and Planar Cleansing kills all my setup. Neither advance what I want to do.
Switcheroo is fantastic with Seance and the Archaeomancer. I can steal all your threats and give you useless tokens that exile. Again, Kor ramp gets me to this point quicker, and the missionaries help me survive until this point.
The only legit critique is the guildgates, and that has a mundane explanation - the Ravnica glitch took one away from me so I can't.
Seriously - play the deck a dozen times or so, then come back. It's clear to me you're judging it too harshly without really understanding how it works and just kicking out the old, orthodox tier lists of cards without bothering to think how or why they work
I honestly feel very little need to defend my decks. I win with them and that's enough. If you don't understand them, or lack the patience to play them first and try to, then you really shouldn't critique them.
My record in the game stands for itself, and I don't need or seek your validation. That you feel I do is the "cute" thing here.