Packleader is NOT a threat. He's a goon that sits on the board and never attacks bc he's scared of a Necromancers Assistant and a Satyr Wayfinder tag teaming him. Talk about taking a turn off.
Then you are using Packleader wrong >.>
Also, just for poops and giggles:
Packleader onto an open board starts attacking for 4 the following turn.
Triumph onto an open board does literally nothing at all but waste mana and potentially your turn.
Open boards at 5+ mana? What game are you playing? Post Cleansing? I'd rather drop Triumph and a 3 drop and say "gimme your best shot.. so I can Ground Assault it." This will make the opponent drop their Ace they've been holding onto.. which plays right into your hands. Don't sit here and act like Packleader is some combat nightmare like Baneslayer Angel.. especially you Hakeem. I watched all your Naya vids.. that byatch just sits there as a card draw engine.. nothing more.
I also agree with DJ about comparing a 3 drop to a 5 drop.. and his land argument.. but I haven't had that happen very often.
That would be why I prefaced with "for poops and giggles" anyways, I would prefer having 2 creatures posts Cleansing. You play your Triumph and 3 drop, I play a single removal spell and you are potentially out of gas AND Triumph does nothing for you.
If I had 2 creatures in that scenarios I could cast one, the opponent removes it, and still have at least another threat in my grip to drop the following turn to continue progressing the clock.
I am not acting like Packleader is some super combat creature, but a 4/4 is still a significant body, it still can punch for 4 when it is able to, it can still block relatively effectively. The card isn't particularly GREAT as either a beater or an engine, but it serves both functions decently and as I said before, isn't a complete tempo sink.
As for DJ's arguments, I disagree, you most certainly can. As the point I had made before about
Fusion Elemental before we had decent mana. If you are dropping him on T5 then he is actually pretty good, but if you are unable to cast him (at the time it was due to mana) until T7 then the card may as well have been something like Pelakka Wurm, which for the most part outclasses Fusion Elemental in total value and is often just a better use of mana. Assuming the opponent is able to progress their mana at roughly the same rate you are, then that is certainly what it is going to be matched up against. If you aren't casting Fusion Elemental till T7, then it may as well be a 7 drop, because that is likely what it is going to be facing up against. If you have 7 mana there is a decent chance that your opponent has 7 mana, or close to it at least. Which means what you play on 7 is going to have to be compared to what they play on 7. If you are playing a 3 drop on 7 and your opponent is playing a 7 drop that same turn, you aren't likely to be in a good position.
This can be made up for by going wide, which is what lower curve decks tend to do but this directly goes against what Triumph is doing, since it isn't helping you to go wide, as a matter of fact, it is actively working against it because it isn't a threat itself.
As for mana, if I was stuck at 3 mana, I most certainly would not want to be trying to rely on Triumph to get me out of that hole, and as for something to just play out on T3 I would much have something that actually provides some board presence to either help keep me alive until I DO hit my mana, or keep the pressure on until I can hit another cheap threat to close things out.