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PostPosted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 10:00 am 

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Here's an attempt at a 5 color deck. Lots of card advantage, land fixing and the strongest cards in the format.

Lands 23
4xGruul Guildgate
4xSelesnya Guildgate
4xSimic Guildgate

Spells 37
1:(3) 3xShock

2:(14) 4xSatyr Wayfinder, 4xThink Twice, 3xGround Assault, 1xReprisal, 2xTreasured Find

3:(8) 4xDarksteel Ingot, 2xCultivate, 2xAnger of the Gods

4:(2) 2xInspiration

5:(2) 1xBaneslayer Angel, 1xMaelstrom Archangel

6:(3) 1xInferno Titan, 2xPlanar Cleansing

7+(5) 2xRune-Scarred Demon, 2xPelakka Wurm, 1xKozilek, Butcher of Truth

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 04, 2014 6:03 pm 

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:w::u::b::r::g: Rainbow Bombs :w::u::b::r::g:

This is deck that for sure is not optimized nor consistent, but still full of bombs and fun to play, i won quite a lot with it,
that main goal is to survive the early rounds and then start dropping your bombs of all colors (except blue, i cut Roil Elemental and put Counterlash, you can still call it a blue bomb)



3 x Plains
2 x Island
2 x Swamp
2 x Mountain
2 x Forest

3 x Selesnya Guildgate
3 x Gruul Guildgate
2 x Simic Guildgate
3 x Golgari Guildgate


2 x Wall of Omens
2 x Satyr wayfinder
1 x Garruk's Packleader
2 x Indulgent Tormentor
1 x Baneslayer Angel
1 x Maelstrom Archangel
1 x Inferno Titan
2 x Charmbreaker Devils
2 x Pelakka Wurm
2 x Rune-scarred Demon
1 x Kozilek, Butcher Of Truth


2 x Think Twice
2 x Reprisal
1 x Treasured Find
3 x Ground Assault
4 x Cultivate
2 x Anger of the Gods
2 x Tribute to Hunger
1 x Planar Cleansing
1 x Counterlash

3 x Darksteel Ingot
1 x Sphinx-Bone Wand

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 06, 2014 1:36 pm 

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Edit: I can't properly edit my list on my phone, so I will repost later.

Last edited by knar-gnar on Wed Aug 06, 2014 1:59 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 06, 2014 1:44 pm 

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:w::u::b::r::g: Mana Mastery :w::u::b::r::g:

3 x Island
3 x Plains
3 x Swamp
3 x Mountain
5 x Forest
1 x Azorious Guildgate
1 x Selesnya Guildgate
1 x Simic Guildgate
1 x Golgari Guilgate
1 x Orzhov Guildgate

4 x Elvish Visionary
3 x Wall of Omens
1 x Baneslayer Angel
1 x Maelstrom Archangel
1 x Mercuriel Pretender
1 x Stormbreath Dragon
1 x Inferno Titan
1 x Soul of Zendikar
1 x Resolute Archangel
2 x Rune-Scarred Demon
1 x Kozilek, Butcher of Truth

3 x Darksteel Ingot
3 x Meteorite

2 x Anger the Gods
3 x Angelic Edict
2 x Negate
4 x Inspiration
4 x Cultivate

:w::u::b::r::g: Mana Mastery :w::u::b::r::g:

This deck has been tested solely in 1 vs 1.

This deck has actually been extremely consistent for me, it focus's on thinning your deck out with Draw/Pseudo Draw Spells (Elvish Visionary, Wall of Omens, Inspiration and Cultivate ) and then overwhelming the opponent with your bombs.

Anger of the Gods and Angelic Edict are your removal cards, and they're extremely good at what they do, while Negate helps protect your bombs once they're out.

Resolute Archangel isn't so much a game winning bomb, but she's needed for when you've taken damage setting up, and Mercurial Pretender is a great addition with the stats and ETB effects of all your creatures, coupled with it's Bounce back to hand ability and the abundance of mana you usually have (with thanks to Meteorite and Darksteel Ingot) it's a real threat.

The other bombs I'm fairly sure speak for themselves.

Last edited by Thead on Tue Aug 12, 2014 5:15 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 06, 2014 2:49 pm 

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PostPosted: Sun Aug 10, 2014 9:39 pm 
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I wish progenitus was the 5-colored card as maelstrom archangel just isn't very exciting. The cards arn't there for "mana mastery" 2015 but this was fun to play. I agree with thead, you need to draw a bunch to pull this off, but in particular I was just hoping to beat 2 out of 10 control and mid-range decks with this. I went 6-1 in casual games against a good u/w control build, red/black with blasting station, seance w/g junk, a goblin deck, and, suprisingly, another 5-color deck trying to do something similar. Rune-scarred Demon searching up a massive volcanic geyser won the mirror. I lost to boros because of a well-timed bushwhacker and cathar. I have the jade mage in for a different angle (it kept goblins from regaining board presence after anger of the gods) but could understand a pelakka wurm in it's place. Kozilek kept me from decking against u/w control. As has been said already, premiums are mostly required to attempt any 5-color decks right now.

1 x kozilek, butcher of truth
1 x inferno titan
1 x soul of zendikar
1 x jade mage
2 x rune-scarred demon
2 x resolute archangel
1 x soul of ravnica
2 x genesis hydra
4 x elvish visionary
3 x wall of omens

2 x swamp
2 x plains
2 x mountain
2 x island
5 x forest
12 guildgates, don't remember as the xbox isn't around right now but 7 of them had green and only 1 had black, red blue and white filled it out prettty evenly

1 x volcanic geyser
2 x anger of the gods
4 x cultivate
4 x think twice
2 x planar cleansing

2 x darksteel ingot
3 x meteorite

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 3:22 am 
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 11, 2014 10:24 pm 

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:smirk: I still think the most consistent Rainbow deck is any duo colour with Maelstorm Angel randomly splashed in! :cool:

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 12, 2014 2:04 am 
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Overmaster wrote:
:smirk: I still think the most consistent Rainbow deck is any duo colour with Maelstorm Angel randomly splashed in! :cool:

Thoughts are nice but got a decklist for proof?

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 14, 2014 12:48 pm 
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Joined: Jan 05, 2014
Posts: 1892 I notice a lot of folks aren't really successful with 5-color control as I am. I think my 5-color was the most consistent and powerful decks I've made thus far but I took it apart because I wasn't too happy with it as a whole. I here come to ask for help on mana fixing and some critics on my card selection.

A library for the Maelstrom deck (Maelstrom)
60 Cards. 34 nonlands (7 creatures, 27 spells). 26 Lands (?).

-- 3x Wall of Omens

-- 1x Baneslayer Angel
-- 1x Stormbreath Dragon
-- 1x Maelstrom Archangel

-- 1x Kozilek, Butcher of Truth

-- 3x Ulcerate
-- 4x Vapor Snag

-- 2x Nullify
-- 3x Negate
-- 4x Think Twice

-- 2x Anger of the Gods
-- 3x Darksteel Ingot
-- 3x Dissolve

-- 1x Time Warp
-- 2x Planar Cleansing

-- ?

I do not want to go above 9 cards in my 1 mana slot or 8 cards in my three mana slot. Not too much a fan of having 13-18 three drops and thinking its cute!

I was thinking of adding 2x Terra Stomper since I usually have little to no problems with mana fixing or perhaps it should be 2x Genesis Hydra to tutor for my other cards and Darksteel Ingot as well. I just feel like the deck should have a good mix of all the color with U being the main color next to W and then , , and as the secondary colors. What about taking out Darksteel Ingot for Cultivate??

Last edited by InFaMoUsGeMiNi on Thu Aug 14, 2014 12:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 14, 2014 12:57 pm 

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I recently got wrecked by a Conflux deck, which took me by surprise. The only cards I saw were Traveler's Amulet, Anger of the Gods, Cultivate, Vapor Snag, Archaeomancer, Wall of Omens - and then Warstorm Surge, then they cast Kozilek, and on the same turn cast Cloudshift to do 24 points of damage to me. Pretty cool.

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 15, 2014 10:49 am 

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Not enough love for Conflux! Here's my deck, I think it's a good example of a a ''real'' 5 color deck. :P

Supremacy (Contains Premium cards)
Creatures (16)
Other Stuff (19)

1x Baneslayer Angel
2x Planar Cleansing
2x Resolute Archangel

2x Chasm Skulker
1x Jalira, Master Polymorphist
1x Mercurial Pretender
1x Soul of Ravnica

2x Indulgent Tormentor
2x Rune-Scarred Demon

2x Anger of the Gods
2x Warstorm Surge
1x Siege Dragon

4x Cultivate
1x Phytotitan

4x Traveler's Amulet
2x Darksteel Ingot
3x Meteorite
1x Kozilek, Butcher of Truth

1x Maelstrom Archangel

Lands (25)
3x Plain
3x Island
3x Swamp
3x Mountain
3x Forest
1x Azorius Guildgate
1x Izzet Guildgate
1x Rakdos Guildgate
1x Selesnya Guildgate
1x Boros Guildgate
1x Dimir Guildgate
1x Gruul Guildgate
1x Simic Guildgate
1x Golgari Guildgate
1x Orzhov Guildgate

How it plays out.
Basically, you accelerate and drop big guys, eventually draw or search for Warstorm Surge and wreck everything.

Alternative cards to put in.
Replace 1x Meteorite with 1x Darksteel Ingot

The deck is faster than it looks and very consistent, you're guaranteed to be ahead in mana due to the acceleration cards.
You won't run into mana issues due to the mana fixing from the guildgates and the traveler's amulets, once you draw into a darksteel ingot or meteorite, you're gold.
The majority of the creatures have flying, making it difficult for your opponent to block.
The majority of creatures pack a punch so once you get them rolling, doesn't take long to kill your opponent.
The card draw is solid overall, you almost never get into a topdecking situation.
Immune to mill (sorta) due to Kosilek.
Lots of combos.

Can run into some issue vs specific combos since it has no hard removal or counterspells.
The original version without Anger of the Gods can potentially run into trouble vs really fast aggressive decks.
Has no healing but technically, the resolute archangels should do the job.

Enjoy! Feel free to criticize it as well. It was a personal challenge to create a deck with a balanced range of colors.

Edit: Revised the deck to face off weenies.

Last edited by Saboera on Mon Aug 18, 2014 8:11 am, edited 3 times in total.

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 15, 2014 11:51 am 
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Wow, I never even thought about Phytotitan + Warstorm Surge. That is brutal, lol.

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 15, 2014 11:58 am 
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Add Bloodflow Connoisseur and you have a combo deck!

Check me out on YouTube

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 15, 2014 12:03 pm 
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Or maybe Fling?

Cool looking deck though. Going to have to give it a try!

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 15, 2014 2:25 pm 
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Wow, not bad at all. Fling, Bloodflow, Phyto and Surge...Might be a fun Jund sac deck! Or Conflux. ;P

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 15, 2014 4:44 pm 
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Saboera wrote:
Not enough love for Conflux! Here's my deck, I think it's a good example of a a ''real'' 5 color deck. :P

Creatures (18)
Other Stuff (17)

2x Wall of Omens
1x Baneslayer Angel
2x Resolute Archangel

2x Chasm Skulker
1x Jalira, Master Polymorphist
1x Mercurial Pretender
1x Soul of Ravnica

2x Indulgent Tormentor
2x Rune-Scarred Demon

2x Burning Anger
2x Warstorm Surge
1x Siege Dragon

4x Cultivate
1x Phytotitan

4x Traveler's Amulet
2x Darksteel Ingot
3x Meteorite
1x Kozilek, Butcher of Truth

1x Maelstrom Archangel

Lands (25)
3x Plain
3x Island
3x Swamp
3x Mountain
3x Forest
1x Azorius Guildgate
1x Izzet Guildgate
1x Rakdos Guildgate
1x Selesnya Guildgate
1x Boros Guildgate
1x Dimir Guildgate
1x Gruul Guildgate
1x Simic Guildgate
1x Golgari Guildgate
1x Orzhov Guildgate

Possible card replacement if you face too much weenie fast decks.
2x Burning Anger for 2x Anger of the Gods

How it plays out.
Basically, you accelerate and drop big guys, eventually draw or search for Warstorm Surge and wreck everything.

The deck is faster than it looks and very consistent, you're guaranteed to be ahead in mana due to the acceleration cards.
You won't run into mana issues due to the mana fixing from the guildgates and the traveler's amulets, once you draw into a darksteel ingot or meteorite, you're gold.
The majority of the creatures have flying, making it difficult for your opponent to block.
The majority of creatures pack a punch so once you get them rolling, doesn't take long to kill your opponent.
The card draw is solid overall, you almost never get into a topdecking situation.
Immune to mill (sorta) due to Kosilek.
Lots of combos.

Can run into some issue vs specific combos since it has no hard removal or counterspells.
The original version without Anger of the Gods can potentially run into trouble vs really fast aggressive decks.
Has no healing but technically, the resolute archangels should do the job.

Enjoy! Feel free to criticize it as well. It was a personal challenge to create a deck with a balanced range of colors.

I would think it would be wise to run the Angers since there is no early presence in the build. I'm going to play with it a little but I don't know how much it is going to hold my interest. :P



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PostPosted: Fri Aug 15, 2014 5:43 pm 

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2bestest wrote:
I would think it would be wise to run the Angers since there is no early presence in the build. I'm going to play with it a little but I don't know how much it is going to hold my interest. :P

If you plan on playing multiplayer vs random people and their dirty little goblins or G/W token decks, I agree 100%, it's why I put it as possible replacement for burning anger, there is a strong case for running both angers of the gods honestly. I do love my Indulgent Tormentor or Chasm Skulker snipers however, they make me happy. :cloud9:

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 15, 2014 6:27 pm 
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I've been tinkering with this for a little and it's a pretty fun setup. Here's some thoughts in no particular order
- I went ahead and pulled the Burning Angers for Anger of the Gods. I like to live dangerously but I'd be foolish thinking I'd see turn 5 without them
- The Meteorites seem to work fine so far though I hate them with vehement passion and immediately felt like replacing them. We'll see
- Love the inclusion of Warstorm Surge and the aforementioned combo with Phyto
- As you stated control matches are quite a challenge and were by far my toughest matches

If I have any major epiphanies I'll let you know. Otherwise nice contribution

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 15, 2014 7:35 pm 

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I've been tinkering with this for a little and it's a pretty fun setup. Here's some thoughts in no particular order
- I went ahead and pulled the Burning Angers for Anger of the Gods. I like to live dangerously but I'd be foolish thinking I'd see turn 5 without them
- The Meteorites seem to work fine so far though I hate them with vehement passion and immediately felt like replacing them. We'll see
- Love the inclusion of Warstorm Surge and the aforementioned combo with Phyto
- As you stated control matches are quite a challenge and were by far my toughest matches

If I have any major epiphanies I'll let you know. Otherwise nice contribution

Thanks for testing it out.

If you guys report that Anger of the Gods work a lot better, I'll edit the deck list to include them instead of burning anger.

If you don't like the meteorites you could toss 1 out and replace it with another darksteel ingot for a similar purpose. I do like the meteorites because it doesn't overlap with my turn 3 cultivates like darksteel ingot does, also it blows up an X/2 while I'm at it or can finish something that didn't quite die. On some occasions it can even be used on Phytotitan to trigger a warstorm surge and/or remove something like Arrest from it.

Another reason to use it, is to drop it straight on turn 4 as a followup from turn 3 cultivate/darksteel ingot, it's mana efficient since sometime you want to accelerate to 7 mana for turn 5. Doing that allows you to turn 5 Resolute Angel, Siege Dragon or Rune-Scarred Demon.

It's my reasoning for meteorite. I wouldn't completely remove it if that's what you had in mind.

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