I'm not normally a fan of mono decks as I find them a little vanilla, but seeing as online everyone is rocking at least a dual colour deck (apart from the all too common Goblin decks) I thought I'd give it a try.
So I did. In Blue. And I think I may have invented the Blue equivalent of the Goblin deck somehow...
Frequent Flier22 x
Island4 x
Cloudfin Raptor4 x
Triton Shorestalker3 x
Quickling3 x
Military Intelligence4 x
Think Twice4 x
Negate4 x
Nullify3 x
Niblis of the Breath3 x
Dissolve4 x
Pestermite2 x
Bident of ThassaBasically plays as many creatures as often as possible and tries to draw cards to keep this engine going with Intelligence and the Bident with unblockable Shorestalkers and tricky to block fliers. Holds mana open for counters, and flashes in Faeries or draws cards with Think Twice in the end step if mana is available.
Not much other than a board wipe or a Baneslayer seems able to stop this, and if you do encounter a road bock big enough, then the Nibilis or the Pestermite can temporarily deal with them. Otherwise you don't block - you just continually attack.
I've only been running this for a few hours, so it may need work, but I'm beating face online with it. Obvious changes would be to sub the non-enchantment draw for Hall of Triumph or a Paragon, or even Vapor Snags, which I may consider as I continue to playtest.
Very low margins for error, so you have to make you you choose wisely what to counter and what to let through if the alternative is flashing a Faerie, as this is an aggro deck at heart.