As I promised, here's another of my friend's decks. And it's a weird one... Azorius Artifacts/Blue Tokens!
So, Raoh hasn't been on in a few days, so this is compiled from memory and there could be a few mistakes, but the general scope of things is accurate - a twist on Azorius Artifacts by including Chasm Skulkers and Paragons.
The deck shouldn't work, and occasionally doesn't work, but when it does (which is often) it's a sight to behold. There's not much worse than someone Reprising their own Skulker in the end step and it splitting into 3/3s... Likewise, the Sphinx is an even bigger bomb when it's generating 2/2s or higher, which makes up for not having critical mass of artifacts. What would you rather have? One more artifact creature to generate another 1/1, or a Paragon that gives you one less, but doubles the P/T of all the others?
Likewise, the Sculptor doesn't really suffer either. It can't cheapen the Paragon, but the Paragon gives the Sculptor more late-game relevance. A 2/3 blocker is pretty good, especially one that can fly and thus help trigger a Sphinx. Its only really the Skulker that doesn't do anything with the artifact creatures, but the fact it works so well on its own, and with the Paragons, gives it a slot.
Like his Dimir deck too, it has a Bident blowout trick. But this time with Safe Passage instead of Hysterical Blindness, which works just as well.
There's likely a few differences with his build, mainly in Amulet/Capsule/Land quantities (he likes subbing land for Amulets to strip it out...) but it's mostly the same I think, and the core is identical. Personally I'd take out the Time Warp and the Amulets and change them for lands to make it 24, but the rest is fine. That does make Esperzoa bounces tougher though, so maybe that's why he does it?