So I ended up moving my main control pile over to Temur
The green is really just a splash, but the splash is totally worth it.
Ground Assault is a beautiful thing.
I did not just look at the Temur card pool and decide to make a Temur control deck, rather my quest for a control deck has meandered through several color combinations.
Just from looking at the cardpool, it was obvious that blue had the counterspells and card draw, while red had the burn and Anger to help stabilize. I wanted to add a third color. I started with white mostly for planar cleansing. Reprisal was a nice way of dealing with targets too big for burn, but it was useless for certain matchups. This deck does fine in most matchups, but I decided to play around with other combinations.
Next I tried the Monkeem build, named after forum posters Monk and Hakeem, who worked on the list together. It is a four color blackless build that dips into green for ground assault, white for baneslayer and angelic edict, and both green and white for
Rhox War Monk. I consider it to be a strong general control deck with an anti-aggro tilt. I think aggro with tokens is probably the most powerful deck archetype in 2015, and it is certainly played a lot on Xbox. But on Steam I wanted a deck built more against later game decks.
I have discussed a number of the card choices here in detail on the Jeskai and Ink Treader threads. Here is an overview of what has changed:
I initially thought Archaeomancer was too slow, but I usually cast her and then either hit a creature with ground assault or leave mana open for nullify.
Her primary use is to add flexibility to the type of answers. The game puts you on the mercy of the draw - maybe you keep on drawing burn when you need counters, or vice versa. Obviously she won't help you find the first anger, but once you do you can totally shut down spider spawning by repeated exiles.
Her secondary use is to provide a 1/2 body. 1/1 tokens are really the bane of this deck, usually I can kill lords but I often end up with one or two 1/1s on the board beating on me. Archaeomancer provides a big enough body to stop this, and opponents often prefer not to spend removal on her, since she is not a threat and they assume I will drop a conventional bomb.
Void snare was a late addition to the deck. It provides flexibility - the ability to deal with any target on the board cheaply. Technically speaking, it is card disadvantage to bounce a target just so you can counterspell it, but this deck has enough card advantage / draw baked in that I think it is worth it. Early on it helps to deal with bodies too big for ground assault - e.g.
Ajani's Pridemate,
Nemesis of Mortals - I had a 10/10 Nemesis swinging at me on turn four recently. I could use a 5 mana hard removal, but it is too slow and not flexible enough for my tastes. Later on it can be used as a tempo play or as a way of removing tricky non-creature permanents.
The last use for void snare is kinda cute - bouncing Archaeomancers so that you can replay them.
One card I tried with this deck as an alternative win condition was
Masked Admirers. In combination with Archaeomancer and Void Snare, I could trigger the "when you cast a creature" clause as often as I wanted. I consider this a resilient threat that will also draw you a ton of cards - but this is a huge mana sink, 11 mana per cycle will draw you a card and get you a 3/2 body. This will give you a persistent threat / draw engine that is immune to sorcery speed removal. Ultimately though I have the Obelisks for late game card advantage, by the time I could really get the admirers rolling I usually had already won the game via Obelisk red mana activations.
If I had to cut cards, the first cards I would cut would be Inspiration #4 and Nullify #3. The Archaeomancers make all the draw a bit less necessary, and Nullify can be annoying when your opponent casts a token spell that it can't hit. I have considered a number of cards for these slots but they are all pretty specialized - e.g.
Cunning Sparkmage to shoot down tokens,
Sylvan Bounty as a pseudo answer to banefire (I hate banefire). But these all seem pretty specialized. Interested in any feedback.
Edit - went -1 mountain +1 island to make turn 2 nullify easier.