Yesterday I finally got all of the premiums, and I have to say Mono
Control is looking a lot better! Mainly thanks to
Vicious Hunger, which provides 4x removal for a lot of the game's creatures (under 3 toughness) and a way to balance your life total against
Graveborn Muse, and early aggro.
Lords of Death
2 x
Ulcerate4 x
Dead Weight4 x
Vicious Hunger3 x
Tribute to Hunger2 x
Assassinate4 x
Flesh to Dust1 x
Suffer the Past2 x
Graveborn muse3 x
Corpse Maggot2 x
Indulgent Tormentor1 x
Shadowborn Demon2 x
Nightmare2 x
Rune-Scarred Demon1 x
Griselbrand1 x
Kozilek, Butcher of Truth22 x
Swamp4 x
Radiant FountainThe goal is to kill their threats with a plethora of removal, gain life to offset lifeloss or survive early aggro, and finish them with big flyers and card advantage.
As you can see, there's a lot of removal. The Ulcerates are your way to 2-for-1 juicy Aura targets, but running 3 would diminish our life total too much.
The only removal I'm unsure about, is Assassinate. I currently run 2 just as extra killspells against ramp/big creatures.
Most creatures offer some form of card advantage. Nightmare is there simply as a big body. Even with the Radiant Fountains, Nightmare can and will grow quite big. Rotfeaster Maggot is there both as a durable (somewhat defensive) creature and to gain back some life. It's 3/5 stats make it very resilient to most forms of removal. There's only 3 due to limited room; 1 more could join in if an Assassinate were to be removed.
I included Kozilek as protection against milling and a way to outlast other control decks that carry a lot of removal.
This deck is a lot of fun and reasonably consistent at winning. It gives me a warm, fuzzy feeling in a similar way that 2014's LoD did.