No Goblins Allowed

Dreamworld Block
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Author:  Ragrio [ Thu May 28, 2015 10:18 am ]
Post subject:  Dreamworld Block

I've recently finished the initial construction of a block I've been working on for about a year now, and I would like to post it for critiques and development, as well as adding it to the NGAconstructed when its deemed acceptable. I intend to play with the cards with friends, so it is probably on the higher level of power and complexity, and I haven't gotten the chance to do any playtesting, so cards might need to be scaled down.

The block is set on the plane of Dreamworld, a plane where the dreams (and nightmares) of populace can manifest themselves, generally only for a short while, and the invasion of the world by a ancient evil locked away in it long ago. (Represented by a new colorless creature type, currently named Darklings)

Dreamworld: 270 cards, introducing the setting
Nightmare: 185 cards, Showing the initial invasion of the Darklings, and their corruption of the black-aligned territory. (Half the black cards a colorless with )
Dark conflict: 185 cards, The resolution, with the completely assimilating the black territory and moving on to the red. (All the black, bar 1 legendary, are colorless with , and half the red are ) before being defeated.

The darkling Mechanic is Madness, representing their warped minds and is present throughout the block

Dreamworld Mechanics

Nightmare Mechanics

Dark conflict Mechanics

The overall themes
: Tribal Soldiers
: Draw cards and # of cards in hand
: Making things unable to block
: Artifacts
: Lands/lifegain
: Discarding cards and negative affects for all players
: charge counters

How should I post cards? I don't want to overwhelm people by just putting everything up at once.

Any and all feedback is appreciated, and thank you for your time.

Author:  Lilan [ Thu May 28, 2015 10:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Dreamworld Block

the best way to get the most community feedback is probably to post small selections of related cards at a time and talk about them to sort of market the block and draw people's interests. People here generally won't pay too much attention to anything more than a few cards at once.

You'll also get more hits if you post in the ymtc main forum I think.

Author:  Mown [ Thu May 28, 2015 11:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Dreamworld Block

I'd feel bad about telling you to scrap everything after making an entire block, but if you want my honest opinion, it probably involves reworking at least half the cards in your set.

Author:  Ragrio [ Thu May 28, 2015 5:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dreamworld Block

I figured that might have to happen, but I think that I'll keep a copy of the original, that way if the sets differ to much from my starting vision I can work finalizing that version in meatspace with my friends, while keeping a majority approved (and probably far more balanced) version here for NGA constructed.

Unless people just don't want to rework that many cards, which is understandable.

Author:  Shazzeh [ Thu May 28, 2015 5:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dreamworld Block

I like complaining about things. Do it in little chunks and we'll be fine. :)

Author:  Popular Pariah [ Tue Jun 02, 2015 2:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Dreamworld Block

Artifacts is a hard theme to make work.

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