Have you ever submitted any form of essay or research paper? Would it be OK to quote works without citation? Or in your bibliography / works cited, just saying "I don't know who this quote is from, it would have been too much work to keep track of that, but I'll have you know it wasn't me, so that's cool, right? I think it was some 1800s dude from England, but if he doesn't complain, who does it harm that I used his passage?"
Music artists who sample other artists? Generally they acknowledge who they sampled from. Those that don't (like when Vanilla Ice insisted his "Ice Ice Baby" sample *wasn't* "Under Pressure") get rightfully called out on it, as you are here.
The very least any content creator (who provides content that serves as a major part of your derived work) is entitled to, is having the contribution to its derived works explicitly identified. The onus should never be on the original content creator to have to protest the unauthorized reuse of his/her work. That's an absurd attempt at an application of intellectual property rights.
You keep using the word 'political'. I do not think it means what you think it means.
Can you respond to my tineye suggestion? Or it it just "I refuse to do any attribution work whatsoever because I'm too busy devoting all my free time fighting for my right not to do attribution work" again?
Yes, I have studied at Varsity. Yes I know how to write papers.
But lets be honest, every time you type "Lifelink" on a card, do you reference to "Lifelink is a keyword ability introduced in Future Sight in MtG, created by..........", no you don't because it has become standardized. Even though it took the design team months to do the design.
I will look into the tineye thing, never seen it before
I will remove my name from the cards for this set just to keep the peace..... not sure how you will display my effort where you will all get design credit.