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PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2017 11:49 am 
YMtC Champ '12
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This thread is just for gathering and cataloging information for the set. If you wish to talk about the set or make suggestions, please discuss it in the origin and idea thread

Name: (glass set)
Size: 250 cards (101 Commons, 80 Uncommons, 54 Rares, 15 Mythic)
Theme: A world made of glass, inhabited by creatures made of and related to glass.
Mechanical Focuses: CMCs, artifacts, multicolor and/or color matters

Creature Type synopsis

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2017 11:51 am 
YMtC Champ '12
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Commons (49/101)

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Last edited by Rush_Clasic on Wed Mar 22, 2017 9:44 am, edited 24 times in total.

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2017 11:52 am 
YMtC Champ '12
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Uncommons (6/80)

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Last edited by Rush_Clasic on Wed Feb 15, 2017 12:05 pm, edited 8 times in total.

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 02, 2017 11:56 am 
YMtC Champ '12
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Rares (1/54)

Mythics (0/15)

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Last edited by Rush_Clasic on Wed Feb 15, 2017 12:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 11, 2017 7:46 pm 
Conqueror of Eldangard
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Chemical Blaze should probably only deal damage = to highest cmc. Against control, or just any multiplayer deck (oh god commander) this can reasonably hit for half your opponent's life total.
Also, no recombinant ooze? You my friend do not know a gem when you see one.

Cato wrote:
CotW is a method for ranking cards in increasing order of printability.

*"To YMTC it up" means to design cards that have value mostly from a design perspective. i.e. you would put them in a case under glass in your living room and visitors could remark upon the wonderful design principles, with nobody ever worring if the cards are annoying/pointless/confusing in actual play


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PostPosted: Wed Feb 15, 2017 12:56 pm 
YMtC Champ '12
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TPmanW wrote:
Chemical Blaze should probably only deal damage = to highest cmc. Against control, or just any multiplayer deck (oh god commander) this can reasonably hit for half your opponent's life total.

It's honestly fine if it can hit for half damage. Hitting for full damage is the real difficult thing to balance. It's not hard to imagine how that works: just having Emrakul, the Aeons Torn and Through the Breach in your hand does it, and that's already another viable combo to have in the same deck! Not sure where exactly the balance for this one exists. It might be highest, like you suggested, or discarding the hand, or just costed at 6RR. But for now, I like it.

TPmanW wrote:
Also, no recombinant ooze? You my friend do not know a gem when you see one.

It might be fine. Might even be exactly what I need. I suspect I'll have some sort of p/t = cmc sort of card, but I'd like to not trample too much on the feet of Magic history in doing so. I'm not really focused on rares at the moment, despite having two in the file.

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 15, 2017 10:40 pm 
Conqueror of Eldangard
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TPmanW wrote:
Also, no recombinant ooze? You my friend do not know a gem when you see one.

It might be fine. Might even be exactly what I need. I suspect I'll have some sort of p/t = cmc sort of card, but I'd like to not trample too much on the feet of Magic history in doing so. I'm not really focused on rares at the moment, despite having two in the file.

Fair enough, no sense locking down the ability onto a particular card yet.
Not getting the historical reference.
I actually figured it could be an uncommon. Originally I submitted it as a rare, but feedback said uncommon could work.

Cato wrote:
CotW is a method for ranking cards in increasing order of printability.

*"To YMTC it up" means to design cards that have value mostly from a design perspective. i.e. you would put them in a case under glass in your living room and visitors could remark upon the wonderful design principles, with nobody ever worring if the cards are annoying/pointless/confusing in actual play


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