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DLCR: Archetype of Courage
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Author:  Zenbitz [ Fri Feb 07, 2014 12:56 am ]
Post subject:  DLCR: Archetype of Courage

Archetype of Courage

Since my rating system kinda flopped let's go back to Grevens:

I can't tell if this is slightly better or slightly worse than the red AoA. I am going to give it a 3, but obviously better in weenie decks (the opposite of the red one). I might be slightly underrating both of them.

Author:  Zlehtnoba [ Fri Feb 07, 2014 1:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: DLCR: Archetype of Courage


This goes extremely well with white power pumping spells. But you need to be careful, there are at least two new instant-speed removals that can really mess you up if you rely on this one too much.

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