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DLCR: Honored Hierarch
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Author:  Zenbitz [ Fri Sep 11, 2015 10:55 pm ]
Post subject:  DLCR: Honored Hierarch

|New Rating system (RIP Greven)|
Power | Flexibility | Synergy
3.0 - Total Bomb | 3.0 - Effectively Colorless | 3.0 - Best with others
2.0 - Play this card if you can | 2.0 - Splashable, 3 color | 2.0 - Better with some decks
1.0 - Filler | 1.0 - Playable in 2 color without problem | 1.0 - No special interactions
0.0 - Unplayable | 0.0- Needs 10+ colored sources | 0.0 - Sideboard

0.0/0.5/2.0. Pretty firm on this rating. If you wouldn't play bellows lizard, don't play this either.

Author:  TPmanW [ Sat Sep 12, 2015 12:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: DLCR: Honored Hierarch

I remember people being excited for this when it was first spoiled. I didn't understand why and now they don't either. It's not often that you'll get this renowned so it just ends up being llanowar elves without the ability. Nothing much to say about your rating.

Author:  Zlehtnoba [ Sat Sep 12, 2015 2:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: DLCR: Honored Hierarch

Even if it does get renowned (Scout?), it's nothing much to write home about. A bear can't really attack often in this format, so vigilance is mostly irrelevant, and so is acceleration in the late game. Just play Gilder, it's a much better card.

Author:  Zenbitz [ Sat Sep 12, 2015 10:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: DLCR: Honored Hierarch

If this became a vigilant mana dork if it just somehow got a +1/+1 counter, it might at least be playable in some other set.

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