No Goblins Allowed

DLCR: Rogue's Passage
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Author:  Zenbitz [ Fri Sep 04, 2015 2:33 pm ]
Post subject:  DLCR: Rogue's Passage

|New Rating system (RIP Greven)|
Power | Flexibility | Synergy
3.0 - Total Bomb | 3.0 - Effectively Colorless | 3.0 - Best with others
2.0 - Play this card if you can | 2.0 - Splashable, 3 color | 2.0 - Better with some decks
1.0 - Filler | 1.0 - Playable in 2 color without problem | 1.0 - No special interactions
0.0 - Unplayable | 0.0- Needs 10+ colored sources | 0.0 - Sideboard

Ends stalled out games at a very low cost in deck construction. Can be a little disappointing to take early though.

Author:  Zlehtnoba [ Fri Sep 04, 2015 3:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: DLCR: Rogue's Passage

So why give it a 2.0? I'm happy to get it pick 7 or so, and before that, it's as you say. Might be different in pack three, depends on how many playables I already have.

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