|New Rating system (RIP Greven)|
Power | Flexibility | Synergy
3.0 - Total Bomb | 3.0 - Effectively Colorless | 3.0 - Best with others
2.0 - Play this card if you can | 2.0 - Splashable, 3 color | 2.0 - Better with some decks
1.0 - Filler | 1.0 - Playable in 2 color without problem | 1.0 - No special interactions
0.0 - Unplayable | 0.0- Needs 10+ colored sources | 0.0 - SideboardThis is a very strange card. It's basically 2 1/1 fliers for 6 mana that doesn't cost you a card, but does have a small cost to your mana base.
I will usually run 1 of these unless I have very heavy 2 color commitments (or god forbid 3 colors!), but it's hard to run 2. Another option is to run it as an 18th land which is reasonable if you have a few 6s, in that sense it's kinda like
meteorite. Of course, it doesn't technically ramp you but it doesn't cost 5 either!
1.5/2.0/1.5, but I don't usually pick it super highly. Note that if you have this AND
Rogue's passage you are taking a pretty big risk in most 2 color limited decks.