I know, but it's so intimidating seeing everything that's already been accepted, that I'm hesitant to keep trying.
Normally I'd use this as an object lesson in the practical uses of Aloise's personal philosophy, but that would get me rambling so I'll refrain.
Instead, I will just say this - don't be intimidated. Honestly, we are just a bunch of people writing magic fanfiction. Sure, it's a large, self-contained, canon-compliant work of collaborative fanfiction, but it's fanfiction nonetheless. There's no pressure, my friend. I've had things rejected myself - the only reason so many things are being voted in without much nay-say is because it is being submitted by people who have been in this project for a while, taken the criticism, and heavily revised their original works!
Why, OL's first story, Small Magic, originally needed to be completely revised because it A) didn't feel like a magic story, and B) referenced problematic canon MTG objects. Now, Beryl is one of our favorite EM characters, and OL a respected and beloved member of the community. (It's definitely the cookies, though. He gets everyone with the cookies.)
We all start somewhere, my friend. If you don't think you can do it, think about this instead: This story deserves to be written, and it deserves to be written
well. Any of us could take a crack at it if we wanted, but no, we want
you to write this, because we believe you can.
Don't get discouraged! Just try again.
And yeah, Yoda's advice is totally bogus. There is totally a try.