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Is the Masquerade the event of the Season?
Poll ended at Mon Aug 03, 2015 4:19 pm
Truly Marvelous (Yea): 83%  83%  [ 5 ]
An Intolerable bore (Nay): 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
Needs a longer guest list (Not As Is): 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
Don't look at me... (Abstain): 17%  17%  [ 1 ]
Total votes : 6
Total voters : 6
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 24, 2015 4:19 pm 
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Joined: Sep 22, 2013
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Title: Unmasking at Midnight
Author: RavenoftheBlack
Status: Public
Word Count: 5200

This is for the voting week of 7/26-8/1.

I should point out that this story is the beginning of a story arc along with Orcish's "The Rule of Law" and my own "Unmasking at Midnight," so you may choose to take that into account while reading. The "suggested reading order," I think, would be "Unmasking at Midnight,"--->"The Rule of Law"--->"A Place at the Table."

Unmasking at Midnight

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 27, 2015 8:13 am 
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Clever, very clever... I think we finally have a protagonist who deserves pity at least almost as much as Beryl.

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 27, 2015 8:21 am 
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'Pity' Vocal Henri, just as your ilk has 'pitied' the rest of our miserable proleteriat underclass? I scorn your pity! For Vocal Henri! Death to the aristocracy!

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 27, 2015 7:14 pm 
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This line:
As he began to continue, the musicians changed their song,

I mean, I know that "continue" in this case means "continue making his way across the room", but "begin to continue" without saying specifically what is continuing, sounds really odd.


Having read A Place at the Table first, I was actually surprised at the way the events here turned out, but it was really well done. I especially liked getting Aurélie's perspective and plight at the end.

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 27, 2015 9:29 pm 
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It's been getting so hard, Raven, living with the things you do.

I mean, writing witty, clever stories like this? It just leaves me reaching out for something.


Yea for me.

"And remember, I'm pullin' for ya, 'cause we're all in this together." - Red Green

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PostPosted: Sat Aug 01, 2015 10:50 pm 

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I voted on this earlier in the week when I didn't have time/energy to comment but I wanted to mention that I REALLY like this piece. I read this out of order which was odd but honestly I think all three of the stories this week function interchangeably as part of a larger puzzle, and that's pretty impressive. This is a great little Raiker Venn story which really helps to differentiate him from some of our other major players... I think it really clearly shows that while the Duchess and the Shifter are playing a long game that has particular goals, for Raiker the ends and the means are the same thing. No matter what the actual OUTCOME is, everything comes to tragedy in the end. We see a bit of that in Breaking Form, this notion of Raiker kind of improvising on the fly in order to set up tragic scenarios, but we really get an explicit sense here more than anywhere else that what happens to this plane doesn't ultimately matter so much, because he's done everything he can to set up a lose-lose situation for the players.

There's something simultaneously weirdly familiar about Raiker Venn that at the same time is horrifyingly alien, in the way that really good, really nasty fairy stories tend to be. There's a line in Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell describing a theory that intelligent creatures have a capacity for reason and for magic--humans have a capacity for reason but struggle with magic, whereas faeries excel at magic but are all utterly insane by human standards. That's what Raiker makes me think of. And actually I'd say that Madame du Collette calls that to mind as well...

Anyway, I like Aurelie a lot too. It's clear that there IS a need for revolution, I think, but I appreciate that she doesn't take joy in what needs to be done. She's not, in the end, bloodthirsty, but I think it's clear that she hasn't exactly been given a lot of alternatives here. Maybe I'm reading into things, but I get the sense that she understands this not as revenge but as breaking the system that enabled her victimization, and that difference seems both crucial to me and a nuance that's seldom, if ever, explored when authors try to write about revolutionaries.

I like her and I hope that she hasn't damned herself and her world by her choice of company. I just keep holding onto the fact that Raiker's been beaten once, and NEARLY beaten once more. He's not infallible.

And that's the hope that you will use to keep stringing me along no doubt :P

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