No Goblins Allowed

Be Kind to Yourselves and Others
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Author:  JV [ Thu Jul 07, 2016 8:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Be Kind to Yourselves and Others


put me in that car
or another like it; my
inherited Volkswagen
breaks its share of the laws
of the road, and were my
skin thirty shades darker
the police would know it
by sight. my labor is removed
from a child's mirth by
many layers of abstraction.
put me in that driver's seat,
i too have committed no true
crime but my recent good
deeds are spare, i am no
father to children, no role
model to the young, i take
more compassion than i dole
out. his blood more precious
than mine! and you spilled it,
we all saw, "tectonic" the force
between his world and your
own, i cannot forgive you as in
the way i cannot forgive the
earth for quaking, your fault
the maw the fault-line and i
know you will never
sleep well again
yet i cannot
help but think
to offer my-
self all the

Author:  Lunar Mystic [ Fri Jul 08, 2016 12:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Be Kind to Yourselves and Others


I'm gonna need to reflect on that... then read the spoiuler ' doof'!

Now, I'm really gonna need to reflect on that.

How do you say that 'out loud'?

What does it sound like?

What happened to you?

My life is rough too.

are you a hard worker?

no-one speaks
everyone listens-
to themselves

No more computers for me.

I actually liked your poem , Johnny.... just wondering about it. It's very filled with powewrful words.

Author:  Fuelheart [ Sat Nov 12, 2016 6:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Be Kind to Yourselves and Others

Compelling use of imagery. Also, cheer up. As long as you've got a heartbeat, you're no less a part of what we're all a part of. Despair is for chumps! Grow your dreams from the soil of hardship and then make a stirfry out of 'em!

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