No Goblins Allowed

Communal Additive Writing Project
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Author:  YingLung [ Thu Nov 14, 2013 7:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Communal Additive Writing Project

The object of CAWP is to make a story that anyone can add to at any time.
In order to accomplish this, additions will be in this form:

position on timeline

{additional notes
such as elements of setting
or possible storylines from this point}

Regarding the timeline, the whole point is to allow for divergent narratives.
0 - the original post of the story. If you want to make your own narrative kernal, put an identifying word as the timeline position.
1a - The addition to position 0.
1b - A divergent position from 1. Additional divergent positions for the same number will cycle through the alphabet; ie 1c 1d 1e etc. If it gets to 1z, the next divergent position is 1A, then 1B, and so on.
a2a - The addition to position 1a.
b2a - The addition to position 1b.
b2b - The divergent position from b2a. It is an addition to 1b.

When four of the same letter are grouped to the left of the position number, it is acceptable to use ((number of consecutive same letters)*(the letter)) Thus aaaaaaabbcabddddd23a can be shortened to (7*a)bbcab(5*d)23a. (which is a clear improvement.) Mostly I expect this to be necessary one the alpha timeline; the one that only has 'a's to the left of the number.
Since this is all so self explanatory, I have prepared a beautiful diagram.

An example narrative kernal would be

{Think about nuitrition, wonder what's inside of it}

to which people could add things like


{grimdark Weird Al. Maybe mafia connections; probably some sort of food conspiracy}


{Did you guys get my subtle reference to Bill Cosby? Clearly, he is the final boss.}



Links to each addition post will be in the second post of this thread, organized by timeline position.
Feel free to comment on each addition, as well as anything else to do with the stories.

Author:  YingLung [ Thu Nov 14, 2013 7:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Communal Additive Writing Project

Original Poster’s Kernal


Author:  YingLung [ Thu Nov 14, 2013 7:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Communal Additive Writing Project


{There are several paths from here:
Follow Ordinos’s travels
Find out about Ordinos’s maker
Investigate the world of the ruins and blue sun
Expand on the greater codex-linked worlds and what kind of civilization uses the codex-rifts

Author:  Van [ Fri Nov 15, 2013 10:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Communal Additive Writing Project

I think this is really cool, hope i'm doing this right.


Author:  YingLung [ Fri Nov 15, 2013 7:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Communal Additive Writing Project

Yup, you are doing it right. And thanks!


{Each hebrew letter is an axis, providing one coordinate that identifies a given plane's position in the greater multiverse. As one gets closer to the origin, the greater the magical field of the plane. However, if the magical field is too strong, it has dangerous consequences for humans. Golems, however, contain the magical potency of their home plane, and ignore all else. Thus a low-potency golem can't do much magic, but can interact with humans without risk. As part of containing their own potency, Golems are unaffected by ambient magic fields. Golems can thus be used to obtain high potency items, though those items will lose potency in low potency planes much like a hot coal will expell heat until it reaches the ambient temperature.
Fun fact: Jews call themselves "People of the Book"}

Author:  miss_bun [ Sat Nov 16, 2013 3:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Communal Additive Writing Project

Once wiki is up we can make this into a tree of pages you can click through!

Author:  YingLung [ Mon Nov 18, 2013 4:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Communal Additive Writing Project



{The underwater lights do not have rift, but might know where one could be. or maybe not.}

Author:  YingLung [ Mon Dec 02, 2013 8:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Communal Additive Writing Project

Perhaps a narrative kernal for less serious additions:


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