Bah, I have three ideas that are piquing my interest.
1) A story based on characters I've concepted and such for picture. This would be following the characters in the pictures I posted a while back:
HERE, and
Basically it would be a story of the crew that stayed with their captain in the midst of a mutiny, and how they got their revenge against the mutineers.
2) The experiment where I get words submitted from other people and then I compile it as best I can into a 50k workable story (or group of stories).
3) I recently thought of an idea where there is a "superhero" based on ignorance. The person has superpowers as long as they don't know that it's abnormal. The plot would be that she wants to become normal, so she's actually slowly losing her superpowers per her desire (she doesn't want to be special if it means she has to be stupid). The overall theme would be not everyone has to be, or wants to be, a hero. Some examples:
The character is able to stand upside down (on cielings), but when her friend reveals that normal people can't do that, she falls down and can no longer defy gravity in that way.
She rescues someone by flying to get them away from somewhere, and when confronted about how she can fly, she asks why it's important. When it's revealed that no one else can fly, she loses the ability to fly.
A less dramatic example is when she's learning how to fall. Her friend is trying to explain how gravity works. This comes about with them dropping things and having to have her match the rates of other things falling. Like they'll both drop a pencil and hers will jus float there. They'll try again, and hers falls too fast. Then too slow etc.
I'm bringing this up now because, if I happened to do the same thing this year, that I did last year, which one would you guys be most interested in reading?