No Goblins Allowed

In this thread - an old man grumbles about NuDuels and reminesces about OldDuels
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Author:  HenWen [ Mon Oct 23, 2017 10:18 am ]
Post subject:  In this thread - an old man grumbles about NuDuels and reminesces about OldDuels

Been playing the franchise since 2009 hit.

Played Duels and an expansion or two. I enjoyed it, but I ended up spending $50 for unlocks because I got tired of the grind. I asked Barney about the grind and he says he has spent approx 1000 hours grinding and 250ish hours with fully unlocked decks. I am not interested in that serious of a grind and I don't want to shell out that much cash either.

Does anyone still play the older games in the series? 2015 and 2014 were both awesome, I still love ancient wilds and auramancer from 2013. Of course I remember my attempt at "the deck" - 5 color control in 2015 designed to WIN. But I crafted all sorts of silly decklists to varying success.

I also remembered this deck:

Surging Jund Station (1)

A deck for Magic 2015.

60 Cards (24 :creature: , 12 :instant: , 24 :land:)

Creature24 cards
Goblin Arsonist1/1
Brain Maggot1/1
Elvish Visionary1/1
Goblin Rabblemaster2/2
Sprouting Thrinax3/3
Graveborn Muse3/3
Stormbreath Dragon4/4
Charmbreaker Devils4/4
Spell12 cards
Ground Assault
Act of Treason
Blasting Station
Hunter's Prowess
Land24 cards
Golgari Guildgate
Gruul Guildgate
Rakdos Guildgate
Savage Lands

I was scratching my head a little trying to remember why I titled the deck "surge," and then I remember, this started out as a deckbuilding challenge that included both Sheoldred and Warstorm Surge. The deck went through significant revisions and testing. Props to megabeast for recommending hunter's prowess, its an MVP even if it has to stay at one copy.

This was my far my favorite original list because it never plays the same. If you got blasting station you could just shut aggro decks down cold, but almost every card is "dual use" allowing for you to play as beatdown in many matchups. I systematically removed all the slower cards that took too long to generate advantage. So many hidden little tricks and interactions. Charmbreaker devils with 9 mana - cast haste the turn it comes into play to swing for the win. I also did my damndest to create synergy and functionality even if you don't draw blasting station. The deck could just win out of nowhere without committing much to the board which was a key advantage against wipe-heavy decks. And Mycoloth + Fling = BOOM!

In 2014 I loved the challenge of Dimir, and the elf deck was just awesome because generally I get bored with decks that flood the board with creatures. And obviously this was the first deck that let us go nearly creatureless in the Duels series - a simply delicious way of inducing frustrating in their opponents when they have a dead hand full of removal.

The 2013 Ancient Wilds deck is one of my favorites too - in many ways very similar to my Jund station deck because of combo-centric, non-linear playstyle.

Anyone else interested in the older games? Want to discuss what you like best?
I already have a bunch of friends on steam but if you are still interested look up HenWen on Steam, with exactly that spelling.

Oh and my 2009 bona-fides - the Vampire deck was the most broken thing in any duels game, ever. But I love playing the underdog! The U/R gelectrode deck did well here, but beating them with Mill or Mono U was such a challenge! The dreaded 2013 goblin deck was also a beating but it had plenty of competition.

Author:  sixty4half [ Mon Oct 23, 2017 3:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: In this thread - an old man grumbles about NuDuels and reminesces about OldDuels

Oh man, we're talking about favorite decks in here? I still want to IRL build a treefolk deck inspired by the Forest's Fury deck of DotP 2012. That deck could steamroll out of nowhere if not kept in check and it had so many ways to recover if you did find a way to stabilize against it.

Author:  HenWen [ Mon Oct 23, 2017 4:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: In this thread - an old man grumbles about NuDuels and reminesces about OldDuels

Are you on Xbawks or steam?

Author:  sixty4half [ Mon Oct 23, 2017 5:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: In this thread - an old man grumbles about NuDuels and reminesces about OldDuels

I think I own 2012 on Steam but I wouldn't trust my current rig to play a game for more than 1 hour. I don't even play Magic: Duels on it right now.

Author:  Black Barney [ Mon Oct 23, 2017 6:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: In this thread - an old man grumbles about NuDuels and reminesces about OldDuels

Just pr0n

Author:  soupcannon [ Mon Oct 23, 2017 7:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: In this thread - an old man grumbles about NuDuels and reminesces about OldDuels

Magic pr0n?
Yeah, I'd tap that.

Author:  sixty4half [ Mon Oct 23, 2017 8:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: In this thread - an old man grumbles about NuDuels and reminesces about OldDuels

soupcannon wrote:
Magic pr0n?
Yeah, I'd tap that.

You should see the Chandra/Nissa uhhhmmmmm..... "fan fic"

Just pr0n

That's what a smart phone is for. How am I gonna haul the desktop into the bathroom for 15 minutes every other day?

Author:  Black Barney [ Mon Oct 23, 2017 10:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: In this thread - an old man grumbles about NuDuels and reminesces about OldDuels

Bathroom?? Every OTHER day?!?!

Anyway smart phones are too small. Can’t see enough detail so I’d have to use my imagination like I’m a teenager again. No thanks

Author:  soupcannon [ Tue Oct 24, 2017 1:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: In this thread - an old man grumbles about NuDuels and reminesces about OldDuels

Imagining pr0n is easier if you've been trained watching scrambled Bleu Nuit late friday nights as a teenager.

Author:  Black Barney [ Tue Oct 24, 2017 4:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: In this thread - an old man grumbles about NuDuels and reminesces about OldDuels

Saturday nights you idiot

I had to keep the volume low to not wake up my mom. I think the seeds that grew into my healthy libido today were planted during those Saturday night ....sessions.

Author:  soupcannon [ Tue Oct 24, 2017 5:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: In this thread - an old man grumbles about NuDuels and reminesces about OldDuels

If there were ever any more logical reason to justify an anglo learning French, being able to understand what was being said on Bleu Nuit and Série Rose was it.

Author:  HenWen [ Wed Oct 25, 2017 10:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: In this thread - an old man grumbles about NuDuels and reminesces about OldDuels

New flavor text for Diabolic Tutor (Lili whispering to Chandra)
"I will find your magic pink button... and you will burn HOTTER than ever!"

Aftermath: Liliana succeeded! She found the clitoris, and indeed Chandra burned hotter than ever before. Unfortunately, the sudden "surge of energy" was completely uncontrollable by Chandra and she completely burned Liliana into a crispy critter.
Remember kids - use protection!

Author:  soupcannon [ Mon Oct 30, 2017 6:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: In this thread - an old man grumbles about NuDuels and reminesces about OldDuels

I feel like you should be talking with that guy who was posting his sexy Magic comics a while back. There may be a market for you.

Author:  sixty4half [ Mon Oct 30, 2017 3:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: In this thread - an old man grumbles about NuDuels and reminesces about OldDuels

soupcannon wrote:
I feel like you should be talking with that guy who was posting his sexy Magic comics a while back. There may be a market for you.

Best joke of the thread yet

Author:  Black Barney [ Mon Oct 30, 2017 4:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: In this thread - an old man grumbles about NuDuels and reminesces about OldDuels

Very impressive in an 11-post thread

« Best gymnast in the cul-de-sac »

Author:  soupcannon [ Tue Oct 31, 2017 5:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: In this thread - an old man grumbles about NuDuels and reminesces about OldDuels

I don’t want to brag, but I was easily the funniest kid on the short bus.

Author:  sixty4half [ Tue Oct 31, 2017 6:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: In this thread - an old man grumbles about NuDuels and reminesces about OldDuels

I thought you still were. Whats this "was" ****?

Author:  soupcannon [ Tue Oct 31, 2017 9:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: In this thread - an old man grumbles about NuDuels and reminesces about OldDuels

... they don't let me on the bus anymore. Not since the pecans.

Author:  sixty4half [ Tue Oct 31, 2017 11:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: In this thread - an old man grumbles about NuDuels and reminesces about OldDuels

please tell us about the Pecan Incident

Author:  Black Barney [ Wed Nov 01, 2017 7:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: In this thread - an old man grumbles about NuDuels and reminesces about OldDuels

Ugh I can’t believe I’m going to have to hear this again

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