I'll make sure to watch the vid later.
As for the draft picks; most of them seem solid to me, there are a few I don't argue with 100%. Mostly passing the two black bomb rares early pack 2 when you're admittedly only committed to Green, but your best card outside of Green is black (Lethal Sting).
In hindsight, I somewhat agree. Those 2 rares were just the 2 creatures I needed to really fill the hole in my already great deck. Instead, I filled it with 2 vanilla 3 mana fillers. I was also contemplating 1
Sifter Wurm & 1
Rampaging Hippo. The reason I guess I went with almost mono G was because I knew I'd also get 2 mana ramp dudes which would make my 4 mana dudes come online by turn 3.
I ended up playing my games last night and went 2-1 in matches. I couldn't record and play at the same time because it ate up too much memory but MTGO records your games permanently so I'll just record the recording and pause the video to comment.
My first opponent drafted the best GW exert deck I've ever seen, but due to some misplays on my part I lost both games to very small margins. My next two opponents were very easy pickings. If I'd went 3-0 I would have won 5 HOU boosters and 1 AHK booster plus an undefeated trophy and a qualifier point for the MOCS. This is how I could've went infinite. You sell 3 HOU packs for 12 TIX (dollars) and sign up again OR sign up by using 2 HOU packs and 1 AKH pack plus 2 Tix from good rares I would've sold. Funnily enough, Ammit Eternal was worth $1.40. Instead however, since I went 2-1 I got only 1 of each HOU and AKH, so now I need 1 HOU and 2 Tix ($6) to re-enter.
I regard myself as a bit above average player so my limited rating is about 1750-1780. I got 2-1 in matches 80% of the time and either win 3-0 or lose 1-2/0-3 the other 20%. Looking back at all my past games I easily could've went 3-0 a majority of the time if it wasn't for my lack of assertiveness.
This graph describes limited ratings accurately.
https://www.reddit.com/r/lrcast/comment ... per_queue/