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 Post subject: 1k hero, sorry not sorry
PostPosted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 11:01 pm 
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Joined: Jul 27, 2014
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Location: 3rd rock from the Sun, Milky Way
Identity: BAMF
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1k hero...

You played me with your Zomboz deck. Black and white, lords a'plenty. You had a low, aggressive curve, with lots of tokens and sparse but excellent removal. You must have really, really wanted that win, constantly rebuilding after 2 sweepers and a timely Dispacement Wave. Was it my low land count that made you stay? Was it the worthless gold you would have collected from an "easy" win? I don't know, but the gods came to watch this fight and you made it worth their time!

15 turns in, you had me down to 2 life, and I used my last trick...a Pulse of Murasa to stay alive through your next attack, casting the Elvish Visionary to get my 6th land. Then I bounced your board again with Baral's Expertise and killed your only creature with Geistblast. Nevertheless, you carried on recasting the majority of your hand in anticipation of the kill.

When I cast Nissa's Renewal, you did not despair but continued on your quest to obliterate me. Even when I cast my second Nissa's Renewal and then doubled it with the Geistblast from the graveyard, you were unfazed, relentless in your mission of destruction.

Not even when Ulamog came down a turn after you completely rebuilt your board and, along with a Fall of the Titans, decimated your creatures, you did not quit. You kept on going, destroying the Eldrazi beast with an Anguished Unmaking.

No, you went on until the end, when, confronted with a 6/6 land and a 1/1 elf with a pointy stick, you had your last pair of 3/3 tokens stand in the way only to be undone by a well-timed Commit // Memory.

1k hero, you are the Planeswalker Duels deserves but not the Planeswalker Duels will ever need again.

Hats off to you good sir! It was a glorious match!

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