No Goblins Allowed

Steam and XBox Tournament decklist submissions and updates
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Author:  Kryder [ Mon May 15, 2017 7:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Steam and XBox Tournament decklist submissions and updates


Time for submission of your tournament decks to begin!

As per the tournament timelines, everyone has until 1800 EST on 20 May to send in their decklist (and sideboards if you want to use them if you make it into top 8) to me at: [email protected].

The email to me needs to be in the following format:

Subject line should be "XXXXX tournament decklist for YYYYY", where XXXXX is the tournament you are entering and YYYYY is your the name you go by on your preferred system.
Your name (i.e., the name you want to go by in the tourney)
Your contact information (such as reddit info and/or NGA username, YouTube and/or account information...your opponent needs a way to contact you!)
Decklist Name (example: Gruul Aggro, Monsters Inc., etc…)

The deck you are using (example below)...

2x Aethersphere Harvester
1x Nichol Bolas, Ruler of Amonkhet
4x Swamp

Also, on the post for each tournament, I have updated the donation links, the rules (added the rules for Sideboards), updated tournament sponsors, current prize pool, tournament links, and current players who are signed up for the tournament.

I hope to see you all soon.

Kryder, servant of Bolas

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