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When a Plan Comes Together
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Author:  soupcannon [ Mon May 08, 2017 7:39 pm ]
Post subject:  When a Plan Comes Together

I love the big payoff. Like tonight, when I put my first charge counter on Brain in a Jar, Casting Essence Flux, flickering (one of) my Torrential Gearhulks, countering a creature with Broken Concentration, charging my 4 Dynavolt Towers. This brought me up to 37 energy.

My thanks to Saheeli's Artistry and Jace, Telepath Unbound for making this night possible.

Author:  zzmorg82 [ Mon May 08, 2017 9:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: When a Plan Comes Together

What were you playing against?

Author:  Sl33pHumper [ Tue May 09, 2017 2:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: When a Plan Comes Together

Trying to imagine this game like

Author:  soupcannon [ Tue May 09, 2017 6:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: When a Plan Comes Together

Playing against the AI with my pet blue deck. It is not a great deck for the ladder, but kicks ass on 2HG. I was just holding even against the AI, having drawn almost no creatures. At one point, I got Saheeli's Artistry and copied one of my 2 Dynavolt Towers and the opponent's 4/4 Trueheart Twins (which ended up being chumped to an 8/4 exerted Trueheart. I then got my bluehulk and blocked another Trueheart the following round, recasting Glimmer of Genius. Next turn I got baby Jace flipped, did his -3, cast Saheeli's from the GY, copying my bluehulk and another tower, with the bluehulk copying another Glimmer, I think.

Got me a Brain in a Jar, leaving me with one Aether Hub untapped, with Essence Flux in hand.
My opponent went to play a creatire on his turn,
I used the jar to cast the flux,
i used the flux to flicker the hulk,
I flickered the hulk to cast Broken Concentration, which charged my four towers, leaving the opponent with a 2/2 zombie token, me with two bluehulks, four towers, and 37 energy.

I did not durdle, but managed the swing in a short span of turns. (The AI was running a black/red minotaurs and zombies deck.)

How about you guys? What kind of ridiculous, improbable combos have you pulled off? (Like the time I had two Tireless trackers, three Erdwahl Illuminators, and two or three Reckless Fireweavers in play, so I could burn face just by playing land.)

Author:  Giocher [ Tue May 09, 2017 7:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: When a Plan Comes Together

Few days ago i cast Eldritch Evolution saccing Treasure Keeper, it reveals another Eldritch Evolution that i cast saccing Filigree Familiar.
So i draw a card, get Kalitas from second evolution, get black hulk from first evolution, exile his creature and get a zombie for 3 mana.

Author:  Psilocybin [ Tue May 09, 2017 9:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: When a Plan Comes Together

Today I had 3x Reckless Fireweaver , Saheeli Rai , Throne of the God-Pharaoh and Smuggler's Copter
played Maverick Thopterist and copied it, then tapped everything to crew copter (including itself) for a total of 25 damage

Author:  djAMPnz [ Tue May 09, 2017 4:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: When a Plan Comes Together

Opponent still on full life. Have 8/8 Green Gearhulk and Battlefront Krushok on the battlefield. Have a Heart-Flinger Manticore in hand. I draw a Giant Spectacle so I play a land and aura the Gearhulk. I attack with my now unblockable Gearhulk and then post-battle fling it at my opponent with the Manticore for lethal.

Author:  Hereward [ Wed May 10, 2017 1:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: When a Plan Comes Together

I once had a Niblis of Frost against an opponent that had quite an advanced board state and was threatening lethal next turn. In hand I had a Harnessed Lightning and two Dispel. After a bit of thinking, I cast the Harnessed Lightning on one of their creatures, then Displelled it, and then Dispelled the Dispel, tapping out three of their creatures and swinging in for 6 flying. They were on 6 life.
Fun. :D

Author:  Mwuanno [ Wed May 10, 2017 3:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: When a Plan Comes Together

Giocher wrote:
Few days ago i cast Eldritch Evolution saccing Treasure Keeper, it reveals another Eldritch Evolution that i cast saccing Filigree Familiar.
So i draw a card, get Kalitas from second evolution, get black hulk from first evolution, exile his creature and get a zombie for 3 mana.

Where did you get the zombie from ? You didn't kill any of your opponents creatures, you exiled one which doesn't trigger Khalitas ability.

Author:  Sjokwaave [ Wed May 10, 2017 3:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: When a Plan Comes Together

Mwuanno wrote:
Giocher wrote:
Few days ago i cast Eldritch Evolution saccing Treasure Keeper, it reveals another Eldritch Evolution that i cast saccing Filigree Familiar.
So i draw a card, get Kalitas from second evolution, get black hulk from first evolution, exile his creature and get a zombie for 3 mana.

Where did you get the zombie from ? You didn't kill any of your opponents creatures, you exiled one which doesn't trigger Khalitas ability.

Noxious Gearhulk. It destroys but Kalitas's ability sends it to exile.

Author:  Mwuanno [ Wed May 10, 2017 7:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: When a Plan Comes Together

Sjokwaave wrote:
Mwuanno wrote:
Giocher wrote:
Few days ago i cast Eldritch Evolution saccing Treasure Keeper, it reveals another Eldritch Evolution that i cast saccing Filigree Familiar.
So i draw a card, get Kalitas from second evolution, get black hulk from first evolution, exile his creature and get a zombie for 3 mana.

Where did you get the zombie from ? You didn't kill any of your opponents creatures, you exiled one which doesn't trigger Khalitas ability.

Noxious Gearhulk. It destroys but Kalitas's ability sends it to exile.

Ah, right - I haven't used the Gearhulk in a long while. More autocarding!

Author:  UselessCommon [ Thu May 11, 2017 10:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: When a Plan Comes Together

Trivial, but satisfying nonetheless - Turn 2: Mage Ring Bully. Turn 3: three copies of Titan's Strength.


Author:  The Secret of TIMH [ Thu May 11, 2017 11:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: When a Plan Comes Together

Playing Rakdos Hellbent vs a high quality Bant Midrange deck. Opp able to disrupt my tempo enough to take it to later game. I have a wide board and a land in hand. Discard land to make Bomat Courier unblockable with Key to the City and swing with the team. Opp down to 1 life. I'm dead on the backswing. Courier's got 6 cards under him, so I sac hoping for reach. 2 of the 6 cards are Alms of the Vein - cast one for lethal, with enough mana up for the 2nd if 1st gets eaten by a Spellqueller. GG.

Another game with Rakdos Hellbent. Playing an Orzhov Midrange deck. I have a Smuggler's Copter out, but had to cast my last spell in hand for a creature to crew the Copter. Opp at 6 life, but had just cast Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet who's lifelink would be turning the game around in opps favor. I attack with Copter and use filter ability and a prayer to the RNG gods - draw Fiery Temper, pay madness for 3 to the face, and Copter deals lethal.

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