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What is your experience with two headed giant since the amonkhet expansion?
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Author:  Zarvolt [ Wed May 03, 2017 5:54 am ]
Post subject:  What is your experience with two headed giant since the amonkhet expansion?

I play 2 headed giant with my wife on the same computer at once. Before the patch, we constantly had opponents drop from the match. I am not sure if it was connectivity or just people quitting the game. Since the patch/expansion, we seem to have less issues with staying connected and it seems like we can find a match in much less time. Have they finally fixed 2 headed giant?

Author:  TheGodAmongMen [ Wed May 03, 2017 2:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What is your experience with two headed giant since the amonkhet expansion?

I have tried to find a match a few times with no luck.
this counts for both
random ally-random opps
local ally-random opps

Would love to run some THG, but no luck

just end up farming bots with 2 mill decks for coins.

Author:  SquiderDragon [ Wed May 03, 2017 5:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What is your experience with two headed giant since the amonkhet expansion?

On iOS and matches do seem to be easier to find. As 2HG matches tend to be longer a few times either my partner or I lose connection but normally game won by then so coins earned. Although a few partners have D lists in general they play well.

Certainly seems better than last season.


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