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Mechanised Production bug
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Author:  SquiderDragon [ Fri Mar 24, 2017 5:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Mechanised Production bug

I guess this may be old news but Mechanised Production seems bugged :thumbsdown:.

You can attach okay but at some point in the game it will lock up. Platform is iOS and had this twice. Seems to happen when you are near the total copies at 6 or 7.

It means a quirky or new wincon to play about with is not worth it as it locks the game. Hopefully fixed when the next release hits.

Author:  WrightJustice [ Fri Mar 24, 2017 6:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mechanised Production bug

Yeah, I quit one of my fave decks that I considered for the tourney on steam because of it being bugged. I seem to recall it happening with Alchemist's Vial for me, don't recall if it was only when I played a new one out when already having tokens made or not.

Author:  Eonblueapocalypse [ Sat Mar 25, 2017 5:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Mechanised Production bug

I am honestly not sure if this is an issue with Mechanized Production itself or not.

I have noticed (on Xbox for reference) that the game seems to start to slow down and have issues (sometimes crashing) when there are a large number of things on the board it has to display. For whatever reason, it seems like non-creature permanents are the worst for this.

I had a game lock up on me the other day while playing the Cowl deck I have been mucking around with. Apparently the game didn't like me having like 12 clue tokens, Cowl, and a ton of other enchantments on the board. It sort of made me upset because I was winning when the game crashed, I couldn't get too mad though, because it was hilarious seeing my entire side of the board full, but only having like 2 actual creatures on the table.

Author:  WrightJustice [ Sat Mar 25, 2017 9:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Mechanised Production bug

No, it's definitely just also production. It happens even if you not got much else but just the tokens you're copying out, like it gets stuck with opponent looking at the reveal from production and there's nothing you can do but quit (it starts revealing what is copied at like 6 copies or something like that, I guess as a warning that you're getting close to winning).

Author:  Magister-Ludorum [ Sat Mar 25, 2017 2:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mechanised Production bug

LegenVD's latest video shows the bug. He says it may happen, when you play a regular copy of the enchanted artifact after it has been copied by MP.

Author:  TheFlakyMage [ Sat Mar 25, 2017 8:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mechanised Production bug

LegenVD's latest video shows the bug. He says it may happen, when you play a regular copy of the enchanted artifact after it has been copied by MP.

I concur. I encountered it in a game vs AI in exactly that situation - I'd played a Vial a few turns after having enchanted one that was already on the table and the game froze.

Author:  WrightJustice [ Sun Mar 26, 2017 4:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Mechanised Production bug

I guess it gets confused about the number somehow and crashes the game if you play a new actual card of what you're copying.

Author:  SquiderDragon [ Sun Mar 26, 2017 4:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Mechanised Production bug

Think so too. It sucks as playing copies from your hand should be legit. A workaround would be only to play when at 7 copies. I assume it would correctly check win con. You may be right about the message as I have seen that. But it happens v AI so it should just pass over it.

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