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Ajani Unyielding, Absurd
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Author:  Hannibal777 [ Thu Feb 09, 2017 3:16 am ]
Post subject:  Ajani Unyielding, Absurd

Any of you think Ajani Unyielding is absurd? Every time I cast it I win. Every time it is cast against me, I lose. The only thing that keeps it in check is the high mana cost and you can only have a singleton in the deck.

Author:  BounceBurnBuff [ Thu Feb 09, 2017 3:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ajani Unyielding, Absurd

Ajani Winmoreing? He's a 6 mana PW, kinda supposed to be insane if he hits. He's very narrow though, and TBH I'd rather have Sorin or Chandra as my 6 mana PW.

Author:  Modulo [ Thu Feb 09, 2017 4:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ajani Unyielding, Absurd

Ajani is good, but far from absurd.

First off: Ajani is not win-more. He can definitely catch you up when you're behind; either on card advantage thanks to his +2, or on board thanks to his -2. Unlike walkers that do nothing when you're behind (Kiora, Saheeli, Tezzeret in some cases), he does something no matter whether you're ahead or behind. He's not as versatile as the aforementioned Sorin or Chandra, but far from win-more IMO.

That being said, I agree he is the weakest 6-mana walker we have. Not by a huge margin, but the difference is notable.
Sorin in general is more reliable with Ajani being situationally more powerful; while Chandra trumps both because of her insane flexibility.

Also, Ajani needs the deck to be built around him while Sorin and Chandra can be slotted in just about any deck that can cast them.

Author:  -DarkShock- [ Thu Feb 09, 2017 4:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ajani Unyielding, Absurd

TBH I have not seen him played against me once and I don't have him in any of my decks so I would say... not absurd.

Author:  NightHawk233 [ Thu Feb 09, 2017 4:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ajani Unyielding, Absurd

He's one of the more annoying walkers to go up against, if you can't kill him the turn he comes down he takes over the game fast and he's such a pain in the arse to deal with as his + ability is 2 instead of one.

Author:  Hannibal777 [ Thu Feb 09, 2017 5:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ajani Unyielding, Absurd

Exactly. I had a game with 2 creatures on board vs his one and a bunch of cards in hand. He had no cards in hand. He top decked an Ajani, and removed one of my creatures. Next turn I attacked to trade with his creature and then dump as many creatures from hand onto the board. He +2 the Ajani with the new card he drew, he could match my creature count on board and the +2 loyalty a turn means he can hardly be killed by simply attacking. I was ahead by so much that game and yet I ended up getting run over. If he had a Sorin I don't think I would be in the same position.

Author:  megabeast37215 [ Thu Feb 09, 2017 7:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ajani Unyielding, Absurd

He's better than Sorin. Sorin doesn't drown your opponent in card advantage.. while EXILING key threats.. and it doesn't cost Ajani a ton of loyalty to do so. Sorin can hit walkers and gain life though.. but Ajani just takes over. I knew it was good the first time I played it.. but I didn't know how brutally good it was until it was played against me.

Bounce: I don't think you know what win-more means. It's the second time I've seen you misuse the term.

Author:  SquiderDragon [ Thu Feb 09, 2017 7:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ajani Unyielding, Absurd

Maybe we need to wait for Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker in HOD to see what absurd can be like. Not that I guess we will get the same version but a watered down version if we do.

Author:  Banedon [ Thu Feb 09, 2017 7:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ajani Unyielding, Absurd

Haven't played with or against it yet, but it does not look absurd to me. He is similar to Sorin. Maybe a little better than Sorin, but not absurd. Absurd is like Elspeth, Sun's Champion. You can hardly get through to touch her without Trample or Flying, and her 2nd ability catches up on the board better than Sorin and Ajani.

Author:  BounceBurnBuff [ Thu Feb 09, 2017 7:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ajani Unyielding, Absurd

Maybe we need to wait for Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker in HOD to see what absurd can be like. Not that I guess we will get the same version but a watered down version if we do.

Well in AKH we're likely to see Gideon again, being a Gatewatch member, and since he WOULD have rotated out by now in standard but...

I'm curious as to what other PWs we'll see. Maybe Ashiok, he looks suitably Egyptian?

Author:  -DarkShock- [ Thu Feb 09, 2017 10:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ajani Unyielding, Absurd

Banedon wrote:
Haven't played with or against it yet, but it does not look absurd to me. He is similar to Sorin. Maybe a little better than Sorin, but not absurd. Absurd is like Elspeth, Sun's Champion. You can hardly get through to touch her without Trample or Flying, and her 2nd ability catches up on the board better than Sorin and Ajani.

That is definitely absurd.

Author:  Super Twonky [ Thu Feb 09, 2017 12:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ajani Unyielding, Absurd

This thread made me think of this, in case any of you have seen A Very Potter Musical.

Author:  zzmorg82 [ Thu Feb 09, 2017 2:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ajani Unyielding, Absurd

6 cmc Planeswalkers are generally powerful in their own right. You'll probably be singing a different tune if we had more direct removal for them.

Author:  Black Barney [ Thu Feb 09, 2017 4:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ajani Unyielding, Absurd

you're gonna have to update that avatar soon, zzmorg. that chick is turning 18 in 3 days I think

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